What Are Two Best Friends Called? Epic Gaming Duos Have Some Killer Nicknames

For gamers, two best friends are called co-op companions, power duos, dynamic duos, character builds, and any number of affectionate gaming nicknames. But you can take it from this passionate gamer – finding a true gaming BFF who shares your favorite pastime is priceless!

Gaming BFF Terminology & Culture

Us gamers have a language all our own. And naturally, that extends to what we call our closest player 2s!

Creative Gaming-Inspired Nicknames

So what do gamers typically call their best gaming buddy? Here are just a few examples I‘ve heard tossed around guilds, raids, and discords:

  • Co-op companion
  • My support character (because they always have your back!)
  • Fellow gamer
  • Power duo
  • Dynamic duo
  • The left thumbstick to my right (gaming controller humor!)

You get the idea – gaming BFF nicknames cleverly play off gamer lingo and in-jokes.

The Quest for a Gaming Bestie

Finding a best friend who also shares a passion for gaming is the holy grail for many of us. Why search for this elusive treasure?

Co-Op, Raids & Guilds: A devoted gaming bestie means you‘ll never adventure alone! You‘ll have a permanent party member for co-op, a reliable raider to take down baddies, and guildmate to level up with.

Player 2 For Life: Single-player RPGs can get lonesome. A gaming BFF lets you delve into awesome solo storylines, then dish about every epic twist together afterward!

Competitive Motivation: For PvP and esports aspirants, a best friend who games fuels that drive to improve. You‘ll push each other‘s skills higher while bonding over this shared hobby!

Famous Power Gaming Duos

Some of history‘s most legendary gamers had an equally awesome player 2 cheering them on:

  • Mario & Luigi: An iconic trio with Princess Peach, these plumbing brothers defined cooperative platforming with perfectly synced jump timing. And their sweet mustaches!

  • Sonic & Tails: Sonic the Hedgehog raced ahead while adorable fox-buddy Tails trailed behind, flying across levels. Yet Tails held his own with unique gameplay options!

  • Jecht & Braska (Final Fantasy X): Before they were sworn enemies, these Final Fantasy legends adventured together as guardians. Their bond was complex, strained yet unbreakable.

There‘s just something special about having your perfect gaming partner along for the ride!

Statistics on Gamer Best Friends

Gaming with your number one bestie has become more popular than ever. In a 2022 poll by GamersGate, an impressive 89% of gamers reported playing with friends daily.

Digging deeper into the data:

Percentage of Gamers Who Game with Their Best Friend

Gaming CategoryGame with Bestie Daily
Gen Z Gamers94%
Mobile Gaming93%
MMORPG Players91%

Additionally, over half of surveyed gamers (56%) said they prefer gaming with others over playing solo. Top reasons included bonding time with friends and the enjoyment of tag-teaming challenges.

The stats don‘t lie – forging an epic friendship through gaming is totally mainstream today!

My Gaming BFF History

I still fondly remember my first true gaming bestie, Amanda. We logged countless hours in middle school playing Super Smash Bros on Nintendo 64, staying up way too late yelling and snack bingeing!

Today my gaming BFF crown belongs to my college roomie Luis. We‘ve explored tons of co-op worlds together from Overcooked to It Takes Two. I can always count on Luis to hype me up for esports tournaments too (even if I lose, he insists I‘m secretly pro)!

Do you have any legendary gaming friendships that started with late night factions on World of Warcraft? Share in the comments below!

The Pros & Cons of Multiple Gaming Besties

Is it possible to have too many gaming best friends? What if you and your BFF adore grinding MMORPGs together, but your other BFF prefers blocking off weekends for epic Civilization LAN parties?

Balancing more than one go-to gamer friend has advantages and challenges:


  • More Gaming Fireteams: Having multiple besties who game means you can always throw together a scrappy co-op squad! Round up different friends for MOBAs, fighter sessions, or a giant multiplayer extravaganza.
  • Enjoy Games in Moderation: With more gaming pals, you can pace out your playtime across different games and friend groups. Don‘t burn out on one game by switching off gaming BFFs!
  • Explore New Games: Interested in a new hidden gem indie that your main gamer buddy won‘t touch? Spin it up with your other BFF and enjoy different gaming tastes!


But chasing too many friendships spreads your hours thin:

  • Strains On Quality Time: Trying to balance 3 weekly gaming sessions plus chatting across multiple Discords cuts into meaningful one-on-one bonding.
  • Friendship Competition: Close friendships take effort and attention. Spread yourself too thin across too many "best" friends, and jealousy can brew. Make sure no one feels neglected!
  • Too Many Opinions: Getting a dozen backseat gaming opinions from an army of well-meaning gaming BFFs could drive anyone mad! Stick to a core circle for feedback.

Like most things in life, moderation is key even when cultivating gaming besties. Focus on quality over quantity!

Core Qualities of an Ideal Gaming Best Friend

Sure, it‘s awesome to build a packed friends list full of fellow keyboard smashers. Buttrue gaming BFFs who stand the test of time share common traits:

Loves The Same Games

This seems obvious, but bears repeating! The best gaming friendships start with overlapping fandoms and genres. If you‘re devoted to fantasy MMOs while your buddy only plays military shooters, good luck finding common ground!

Similar Playstyle & Goals

Are you ultra competitive and determined to go pro in Valorant while your pal plays League of Legends solely for goofy fun custom modes? That mismatch will eventually strain even the closest friendship. Seek fellow gamers with vibes that sync with yours.

Willingness to Try New Games

An ideal gaming bestie can‘t be so set in their ways that they refuse any title you suggest! Branch out together discovering underrated indies or fresh takes on classic genres.

Understands Real Life Comes First

The ultimate gaming BFF respects when school, work, family etc take temporary priority over PLAY TIME. If you game night after night for hours, fatigue sets in. Be flexible for your friend!

At the end of the day, a shared joy for gaming brings besties together – but compatibility, communication and compromise keeps the friendship alive. Cherish gamers who walk that walk with you!

Now enough talk – I‘m off to call my gaming BFF Luis see about organizing a co-op night this weekend. Let the good times roll! What will you and YOUR dynamic duo be playing?

Credit to GamersGate 2022 Gamer Survey for statistics and quotes.

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