All Swords in Roblox Bedwars – The Complete Guide

As a passionate BedWars player with over 800 hours in the game, I often get asked – what are ALL the different swords available?

In this ultimate guide, I‘ll be covering every sword in depth:

All Roblox Bedwars Sword Types

  • Wood Sword
  • Stone Sword
  • Iron Sword
  • Diamond Sword
  • Emerald Sword
  • Void Sword
  • Banana Sword
  • Rageblade
  • Yuzi‘s Dao
  • Big Wood Sword
  • Void Axe

Let‘s get into the abilities, stats, costs, and analysis of each sword:

Wood Sword

Damage: 8
Cost: 10 Iron

The basic starter sword. With only 8 damage and limited range, the wood sword struggles to take down enemies before they can react. Still, it only costs 10 iron making it usable for very early game and emergencies.

I only craft wood swords if I‘m rushing or desperately need any weapon before an enemy arrives. The damage is simply too low for extended fights. Prioritize saving for stone/iron swords instead.

Stone Sword

Damage: 10
Cost: 50 Iron

A worthwhile upgrade from wood that nearly doubles damage. Stone swords can skirmish better than wood swords, buying you time to land additional hits. Still, the short attack range remains an issue.

I recommend stone swords for early-mid game if you lack resources. The higher damage helps win fights to gain map control. Keep your distance and utilize environment blocks when dueling kit specialists.

Iron Sword

Damage: 12
Cost: 4 Gold

This mainstay sword boasts decent 12 damage on a balanced swing speed. While less powerful than late game swords, the 4 gold cost makes iron accessible before diamonds/emeralds.

Iron swords allow playing aggressively to apply pressure, especially in solos. Utilize bridges and tower upward to gain positioning advantage. Watch for knockback effects leaving you open after a swing.

Diamond Sword

Damage: 15
Cost: 4 Emeralds

Marking the late game transition point, diamond swords dish out an impactful 15 damage. The 4 emerald cost seems expensive early but becomes affordable following miners or generators.

I favor diamond swords when pushing beds for higher damage against layered defenses. Beware getting swarmed without support though. Carry balloons to evade and utilize vertical mobility.

Emerald Sword

Damage: 20
Cost: 150 Emeralds

The coveted emerald blade reigns as the undisputed non-ultimate king offering a wicked 20 damage. What it lacks in splashy effects it compensates through raw neutralization capability plus formidable range.

Emerald swords hard-carry team fights, allowing you to push aggressively into bases and ignite bed destructions. The 150 emerald price tag seems impossible early game but investing in generators unlocks this destructive force.

Void Sword

Damage: 42
Cost: Unlock via Dracula Kit

Exclusive to the Dracula kit, this vicious fang drains enemies‘ health to vampirically heal yourself. Each slash deals 42 damage while leeching strength with a 10% heal boost too. Few swords can duel this nightmare blade and win.

Activating the Dracula kit bestows improved regeneration from the void sword during melee combat. I leverage elevation and aim for critical plunging attacks to maximize damage and self-sustain. Just watch for knockback leaving you stranded.

Banana Sword

Damage: 25
Cost: Unlock via Monkey Kit

This slippery blade packs dual 25 damage slices infused with banana magic. The Monkey kit exclusive sword lacks extended range but makes up through sheer damage output plus valuable boosts.

The banana sword synergizes with the Monkey leap mobility, enabling you to skirt enemy blows after delivering painful slashes. Work with allies to corner lone enemies and hack away their health chunks.


Damage: 70
Cost: Unlock via Barbarian Kit (Max Rage)

Forged in fury, the mythic rageblade possesses monstrous 70 damage, dwarving nearly all other blades. Unleashed at peak rage by the Barbarian kit, this temperamental sword focuses wrath into pure virtuous brutality.

During team fights, I leverage damage absorbers like balloons to reach max rage. This procs the rageblade‘s emergence for assembling devastation. I then blitz the backlines to cripple squishier opponents and healers first.

Yuzi‘s Dao

Damage: 18
Cost: Unlock via Yuzi Kit

With extended 9 block range, Yuzi‘s dao sword leverages mobility for opportune surprise slaying. It only deals 18 damage but the teleportation ambush threat keeps enemies wary.

As Yuzi, I pepper foes with ranged attacks using a crossbow until they advance. If they approach unwisely, I punish with teleport backstabs for massive damage. This baits overextensions leaving them vulnerable to my teammates.

Big Wood Sword

Damage: 40 (AOE)
Cost: Lucky Block Drop

One of the luckiest block drops – the comedically oversized big wood sword crashes down dealing AOE damage to groups. Warning – expect plenty of awkward questions about overcompensation from this blunt force instrument.

Should fortune bless your chaotic lucky block, immediately seek groups of enemies to squash under this slab of lumber. The AOE damage outpaces nearly all swords, making it ideal to crush clustered teams. Bring spares!

Void Axe

Damage: 15 (AOE)
Cost: 150 Emeralds

More than a sword, this void-tainted greataxe unleashes ranged slicing vortexes assailing multiple foes simultaneously. Each spin attack blows back enemies while restoring health – allowing sustained assaults.

The void axe excels at shattering team formations. I use it to isolate vulnerable targets for my allies to safely dispatch while receiving continuous self-healing. Remember to retreat between spinning pursuits to regen stamina.

Sword Analysis Table

SwordDamageUtilityOverall Rating
Wood2/10Starting sword only1/10
Stone5/10Upgrade from wood4/10
Iron6/10Decent damage for cost6/10
Diamond7/10Good bridge to late game7/10
Emerald9/10Raw damage but expensive8/10
Void10/10Strong self-sustain9/10
Banana8/10Burst damage7/10
Rageblade10/10Extreme damage10/10
Yuzi‘s7/10Range and mobility over damage8/10
Big Wood8/10Situational AOE7/10
Void Axe8/10Decent AOE plus self-heal8/10

Sword Selection Tips

  • Play to your kit‘s strengths and sword synergies
  • Buff damage types you tend to inflict
  • Capitalize on range and AOE advantages
  • Utilize mobility combos
  • Upgrade generator for expensive swords
  • Analyze opponents‘ swords and tactics


Q: What is the best Roblox BedWars sword overall?

A: The rageblade is widely considered the highest DPS sword. However, the void axe provides excellent AOE damage and sustain for pushing. Honorable mentions to the emerald blade and void sword too for raw strength.

Q: Is the wooden sword useless?

A: No sword is completely useless, but the wood sword does fall off hard late game. It can serve as an initial weapon in a pinch or to save material farming other items first though.

Q: How much damage does the banana sword do?

A: The banana sword deals 25 damage on both the initial and secondary swing for 50 total damage per full strike.

And there you have it – everything you need to know about Roblox BedWars swords! Let me know which is your favorite and why in the comments. Happy slashing!

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