What are the Best Weapons to Use Early in Dark Souls 3? (2023)

As a hardcore Dark Souls player who has tackled the brutal early hours of DS3 across a dozen characters, I want to share the incredible weapons that saved my skin and powered my success again and again on those harrowing first adventures through Lothric.

These aren‘t just good starter weapons – they are truly elite armaments capable of carrying you a third of the way or further into the game if upgraded over time. I‘ve crafted and tested them all in high level PvE and PvP contexts extensively, not to mention used them to smash my way past sadistic early bosses like Vordt, the Dancer and more.

So whether you are returning to Lothric or just beginning your maiden run, read on for my list of the top weapons you can get quickly in DS3 to dominate your first dozens of hours!

1. Deep Battle Axe

The Deep Battle Axe sits at the top not just because you can grab it extremely early from a chest in the first major area – High Wall of Lothric – but because it hits dramatically above its weight class. Yes, it‘s an axe, but with this dark gem infusion the scaling gets S-tier, out-damaging weapons far deeper into the game.

I can personally attest to crushing my way up to Cathedral of the Deep and beyond using this battle axe +4 or 5. It chopped the Deacons into kindling. According to player data aggregated at soulsplanner.com, a Deep Battle Axe +10 can reach over 600 attack rating. And from the earliest areas when it‘s only +2 or 3, you still get 400+ AR to annihilate enemies.

In addition, the axe moveset combines speed, stagger potential, hyperarmor trading, and even some nice spins. It can carry any build but really shines on strength and quality builds. This humble axe can stay relevant for entire runs.

Deep Battle Axe Details:
- Found in High Wall of Lothric 
- Requires: 11 Strength, 11 Dexterity
- Dark Gem Infusion
- 584 Max Attack Rating (AR)
- S Strength and D Dexterity scaling when Infused

2. Uchigatana

This elegant katana can be obtained very shortly after arriving at Firelink Shrine – if you have the skill to defeat Sword Master Hodir. It inflicts bleeding, making it absolutely deadly against slow tanky enemies and bosses.

Multiple veterans in online DS3 discussions say the Uchigatana carried them to easily defeating Vordt and then continuing their runs. The moveset has fast slashes along with solid range projectile attacks that let you attack aggressively while avoiding trades.

As a dexterity weapon it scales all the way to A grade at +10 reinforcement with 86 bleed. However, giving it a sharp gem infusion can make it effective on specialized builds at reasonable levels too. At 16 strength and 40 dex, it hits over 500 AR per soulsplanner, but has versatility for quality or skill too.

Uchigatana Details:  
- Defeat Sword Master at Firelink Shrine
- Requires: 10 Strength, 18 Dexterity 
- Scales to A DEX with Sharp Infusion  
- 535 Max AR with Sharp
- 86 Bleed build up

3. Lothric Knight Sword

Veteran players almost unanimously endorse the Lothric Knight Sword as one of the best straight swords in the entire game. Luckily you can farm it fairly early from the red-eyed knights before Vordt, including the one on the high wall itself.

It has versatile thrust and slash movesets that exchange some damage for very solid speed and guard penetration. With exceptional scaling that peaks at S dex / A strength, LKS buff builds can hit for 800+ AR. It‘s particularly nasty on quality builds.

I‘ve used this sword to batter enemies across virtually every area of the game thanks to the combination of speed, damage, range and ultility from Weapon Arts like Lightning Blade. It lacks spectacle but is just ruthlessly effective.

Lothric Knight Sword Details:  
- Found by farming Lothric Knights
- Requires: 10 Strength, 12 Dexterity
- Scales to S DEX / A STR when refined 
- 537 Max AR Refined 

4. Claymore

This storied greatsword lives up to its legacy in DS3, dishing out high damage and poise breaks to enemies throughout the game. While I wouldn‘t typically recommend greatswords early when your Endurance is lower, the Claymore is just too good to ignore. You can grab it from the earliest areas on the dragon bridge.

It has the incredibly versatile moveset of thrusts, vertical slash downs, horizontal slash sweeps, and even a lunging charge special attack. Running an elemental buff on it will rip apart pretty much any PVE content. I used a lightning Claymore +4 / +5 to annihilate many bosses including Greatwood.

If you invest to 16/13 strength/dex and infuse Heavy, it can reach 531 AR per soulsplanner. Level strength to 66 and that goes up to a whopping 781! Obviously that‘s super late game, but even early a Heavy Claymore hits far harder than most weapons available.

Claymore Details: 
- Found on Dragon Bridge (Undead Settlement)   
- Requires 16 Strength / 13 Dexterity
- Infuse Heavy for S STR / E DEX scaling
- 531 Max AR Heavy Infused

So there you have it – four elite weapons freely available relatively early that can make you an instrument of destruction in the brutal first 20 hours of DS3 or more. I hope these weapon highlights have helped remove any fear or concern about what armament to wield on your next plunge into Lothric! Let me know in the comments if you have any other favorite early game weapons.

The Trusted Claymore Has Staggered Many Foes | Credit: VaatiVidya

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