What are Monster Hunters Called?

Monster hunters go by many names depending on the specific universe or lore, but some of the most common include:

  • Supernatural or demon hunters
  • Witchers or beast slayers
  • Vampire/monster slayers or killers
  • Demonologists or exorcists
  • Monster fighters, breakers, or eradicators

As long as humans have been telling stories, monster hunting heroes have existed to battle the forces of darkness. From ancient myths like Perseus to modern franchises like The Witcher, we are drawn to these warriors who selflessly take a stand against supernatural evils.

Click to expand table of major monster hunter archetypes
Hunter TypeDescription
Van HelsingThe vampire hunter from Bram Stoker‘s 1897 Gothic novel Dracula who pursues Count Dracula.
The WinchestersProtagonists Dean and Sam Winchester are brothers who hunt demons, vampires, werewolves and more in the TV show Supernatural (2005-2020).
Geralt of RiviaA witcher who slays deadly beasts for money in Andrzej Sapkowski‘s fantasy book series (adapted into the popular Netflix show in 2019).
Abraham SetrakianA Holocaust survivor turned vampire hunter seeking revenge in Guillermo del Toro‘s novel/FX TV series The Strain (2014-2017).
BladeHalf-human, half-vampire superhero comic book character featured in Marvel films who hunts vampires.

Most monster hunters in fiction are "called" to the duty due to tragedy. By having loved ones fall victim to vampires/demons, they gain a personal vendetta to eradicate such evil (Winchesters, Blade). Sometimes monster hunters inherit the mantle from a previous generation or are part of an ancient order (Hellsing Organization, The Slayer Prophecy of Buffy).

But what truly unites all monster hunters is their solitary nature and willingness to sacrifice normal lives to protect others. Their work requires extensive preparation through ancient texts, weapons training, and studying monster lore. But when powerful demons arise, only these gritty unconventional heroes have developed the skills to fight back against the encroaching darkness.

"They say there‘s no rest for the wicked. But what about those who hunt the wicked?" – Dean Winchester, Supernatural

The monster hunting genre has exploded in recent decades across games, film, and TV. According to Statista, 36.7 million Americans used Netflix to watch Supernatural in 2018. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt sold over 50 million copies across all platforms.

Clearly, monster hunting themes resonate strongly with modern audiences. Perhaps we long to see heroic individuals risk it all to stand up against unspeakable horrors. Or we all have inner darkness, and identifying monstrous "others" provides comfort. Regardless, stats show our appetite for demon/vampire/monster hunter content continues to grow.

Unlike common soldiers or mercenaries, monster hunters combine specialized knowledge of the supernatural with fighting prowess:

Occult Library – All legendary hunters accumulate arcane lore about vampire weaknesses, exorcism rites, magical texts, etc. This allows them to discover monstrous adversaries and formulate plans.

Arsenal of Holy Weaponry – Swords, axes, stakes, and guns will little affect a powerful vampire or demon. Monster hunters wield blessed relics, silver swords, holy water, enchanted projectile weapons, and more specifically designed to exploit weaknesses.

Solitary Wanderers – Many demon and vampire hunters travel alone refusing to endanger others or involve normies. Their quests consume their entire lives.

Nothing Left to Lose – With loved ones already claimed by darkness, many hunters pursue their crusades with zero regard for their own mortality. This kamikaze mindset ironically keeps them alive against steep odds.

Occult Tattoos/Wardings – Monster hunters adorn their bodies with magical sigils, runes, and iconography to protect themselves from curses, possession, influences, and hexes during battles.

While once rare in ancient myths, modern pop culture brims with vampire slayers, demonologists, beast eliminators, supernatural private eyes, occult bounty hunters, and saintly warrior priests. This speaks to an innate need for hero figures willing to sacrifice all to guard humanity from the dark forces that defy explanation.

We realize deep down that societal institutions can only do so much against otherworldly threats. Thus our salvation may one day come down to a defiant, machete-wielding vigilante waging holy war against the tide of evil from a basement armory stacked with crucifixes, spell books, and stakes. All while most of mankind sleeps soundly, unaware of looming supernatural doom.

So while they go by many names across many disturbing worlds, monster hunters ultimately represent the same primal hope: that when ultimate darkness rises to consume us, flinty-eyed protectors step forward to face the shadows alone.

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