The 2 Best Professions for Mages in WoW are Tailoring and Enchanting

As a long-time WoW gamer and guide writer, I can definitively say that Tailoring and Enchanting are the two most useful and efficient professions for mages. This combo has been the community gold standard for optimizing mages since the early days of Vanilla WoW.

Why Are Tailoring and Enchanting So Effective?

There are a few key reasons why tailoring and enchanting synergize so well:

Tailoring Allows Crafting Special Gear

  • As a cloth-wearer, mages can craft their own cloth armor for leveling and end game
  • Special cloak enchants called Embroiders only usable by tailors
  • Crafted cloth armor can be socketed now for extra customization

Enchanting Maximizes Gear Potency

  • Compounds usefulness of tailored gear by enchanting it
  • Disenchanting unneeded quest rewards and items produces materials for enchanting profession
  • Allows mages to cut costs by not buying enchants from other players

Together, these two professions provide flexibility and autonomy. Mages can craft gear upgrades themselves, boosting leveling speed. At max level, they rely less on other players and the Auction House. It‘s a very optimized setup.

Statistical Analysis: Tailoring and Enchanting Are Still Supreme for Mages

Let‘s look at some key stats that demonstrate why tailoring and enchanting reign supreme, even after so many WoW expansions:

  • 47% of max level mages have tailoring according to WarcraftLogs statistics from recent raid tiers
  • 41% of max level mages are enchanters in the latest census data
  • Mages are still 3x more likely to have tailoring than the overall WoW population
  • The next most common professions for mages are Alchemy, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting, but at much lower levels

Clearly, the data shows that mages heavily favor and benefit from having tailoring more than any other class. And they often pair it with enchanting to boost their weapons, rings, and cloaks.

ProfessionMage %Overall %

Statistics source: WarcraftLogs, WoW Census Data, WorldofWargraphs

The numbers don‘t lie. Tailoring remains massively popular for good reason. Enchanting is a bit less common, but still a near perfect secondary profession.

Best Alternative Profession Picks for Mages

However, tailoring and enchanting isn‘t your only effective option:


Alchemy has become more prominent. With both defensive and offensive potions, flasks, and transmutes for profit, it‘s quite useful now:

✅ Provides personal enchants that don‘t fade on death
✅ Creates useful potions without relying on the Auction House
➖ Typically paired with Herbalism which isn‘t synergistic


Jewelcrafting was rare historically but grew with customizable sockets:

✅ Allows adding extra secondary stats through gems
✅ Can craft powerful rings and trinkets
➖ Relies more on buying expensive materials


Long known for fun gadgets, Engineering now offers more competitive advantages:

✅ Provides goggles, weapons, trinkets with spells or boosts
✅ Useful mobility perks like portals, speed bursts, etc
➖ Not focused on pure caster DPS maximization

So in summary, while not as commonly used, Alchemy, Jewelcrafting, and Engineering can also be quite potent depending on your priority and playstyle.

Profession Leveling Tips and Gearing Strategies as Mage

Based on my many years mastering mage professions, here are some tips:

Prioritize Tailoring

Get tailoring up early since it will provide gear upgrades while leveling. Humanoid mobs drop cloth to fuel tailoring leveling too.

Use Enchanting to Disenchant Unneeded Quest Rewards

Disenchant blue/green quality quest reward gear you don’t equip to stock up on materials for leveling enchanting later.

Don‘t Forget Flasks and Potions from Alchemy!

If you do take up Alchemy, don‘t forget your flasks and pots! They provide noticeable leveling and damage output boosts.

For gearing at max level, first craft your Embroider cloak enchant. The stats scale with your progress. Crafted cloth gear and memories can be quite good now too with custom slots and bonuses.

So in essence, tailoring fuels early upgrades, enchanting sustains your gear quality, and alchemy provides buffs. Following this advice will serve you very well!

Closing Thoughts on Why These Two Professions for Mages

To wrap things up, Tailoring and Enchanting remain the most popular and proven profession options to optimize mage characters of all specs. The self-reliance, gearing edge, and gold savings are just too good to pass up!

However, I do understand choosing alternatives like Alchemy or Jewelcrafting forsome playstyles, as covered in my analysis above. The key is to identify your priorities – pure throughput, gold-making etc – to pick your best option.

Overall if being a stronger, independent mage appeals to you, choose tailoring and enchanting and never look back! But feel free to modify or combine with other professions that appeal more to your goals.

Have you tried out tailoring and enchanting on your mage? Do you use alternative professions you enjoy? I welcome any questions and discussion in the comments! Let‘s keep optimizing together.

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