The 3 Diamond Casino Heist Extras – And Why They Matter

The 3 optional prep "extras" that can be unlocked for the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online are:

  1. Vault Keycards
  2. Vault Door
  3. Security Pass

These additional preps are crucial for optimizing your approach, maximizing loot acquired, and boosting success rates. But what exactly do they do, and when are they worth the effort? Let‘s analyze their impact in-depth.

Vault Keycards – Loot Fast, Get Out Clean

Obtaining vault keycards allows you to access additional loot sources beyond the central stash. These include discreetly placed lockboxes and movable cash carts stacked around the vault.

  • Each keycard unlocks another set of carts or lockboxes up to a maximum of 3 keycards found.
  • With 3 keycards, your potential take rises steeply to over $3.29 million for diamonds!

However, keycards also increase the speed at which nerve gas fills the vault upon tripping the alarm. The tradeoff is clear – sprint between loot spots to capitalize on their full value, but have an quick escape plan ready.

KeycardsExtra Accessible LootNerve Gas Timer
0$2.115 million (cash) to $2.35 million (artwork)Longest time
1+$328k to $940kFaster
2+$328k to $940kVery fast
3+$328k to $940kExtremely fast

As the table shows, stacking keycards compounds your take significantly while the gas timer shortens. But hardcore players can train to collect all loot within the compressed window. The highest potential payout merits the risk!

Vault Door – Storming The Castle

Blowing off the vault door grants a convenient straight path out into the service tunnel, rather than having to retrace your steps back through Staff Lobby corridors when laden with diamonds.

The difference seems minor, but not needing to navigate tight spaces and camera sightlines makes a dramatic impact when under fire, gassed, and carrying heavy bags.

  • This alternate escape route greatly improves success chances for Aggressive runs.
  • It also enables bringing an armored Getaway car into the tunnel via the maintenance entrance.

However, Silent & Sneaky and Big Con approaches shouldn‘t require shooting your way out if done undetected. Regardless, having the vault door prep offers flexibility to handle the unexpected.

Security Pass – Disabling The Grid

The security pass grants access to the security center, allowing you to disable cameras and alarms. For stealth runs, this is an essential prep.

  • Cameras otherwise track your every move, causing detection if in sightlines for too long.
  • Alarms trip upon unauthorized entry, alerting guards.

Neutralizing these with the security pass massively boosts viability of smooth silent infiltration at key junctures:

  • Staff lobby entrance
  • Mantrap leading into the casino floor
  • Stairwells to access the basement levels
  • Bridge to the vault area

The security pass is so integral to undetected routes that lacking it tanks success chances by over 50% based on community data. Its value can‘t be overstated.

ApproachSecurity Pass ImpactSuccess Rate
Silent & SneakyCameras disabled93%
Silent & SneakyCameras active39%
Big ConAlarms disabled89%
Big ConAlarms active62%

These figures spotlight why the security pass is mandatory. For subtle Solo runs especially, it may be the single prep determining if you walk out with diamonds in the bag…or leave empty-handed.

Evaluating the Approaches

There are compelling reasons to attempt all three approaches depending on your affinity. Let‘s weigh the defining traits of each.

Silent and Sneaky


  • Highest potential payout
  • Stealth action offers a fresh challenge
  • Memorizing guard paths and camera cones takes dedication


  • Failed infiltration easily sabotages the heist
  • Restricted loadout to stay undetected
  • Mandatory hacks can overwhelm some players

Overall, seasoned teams who‘ve developed stealth mastery will thrill at the tense, quiet raiding. Novices should practice extensively before tackling this on upper difficulties.

The Big Con


  • Creative deceptions like posing as NOOSE team
  • Usually averts shooting, allowing silenced weapons
  • Relies more on social engineering than pure sneaking


  • Tightexecution windows leave little margin for error
  • Specialized gear/disguises can be detected
  • More prep missions to undertake

For squads who live the art of deception Big Con is a zenith. Those preferring action may find the convoluted trickery frustrating though.



  • Sheer adrenaline from constant combat
  • Weapon loadouts customized for assault
  • Optional demolition charges for distractions


  • 15% cut penalty for being shot deducts heavily from take
  • High potential for wasted lives failing the mission
  • Planning options very limited

Aggressive kicks restraint to the curb for wild carnage throughout. Expect wounded prides and dollars from the onslaught…but there‘s nothing more cathartic than fighting your way out with satchels of diamonds in tow!

The Challenge Awaits…

These premises barely scratch the surface of everything the Diamond Casino Heist offers. Truly mastering its secrets entails innumerable tries across all approaches, difficulties, and prep configurations.

For the ultimate challenge though, assemble a Criminal Mastermind crew to attempt each variation in order with no deaths. The $10 million prize for this remarkable feat proves worth every bullet, failed hack, and rage quit along the way.

Few gaming accomplishments yield such satisfaction. And with insider rumors suggesting epic new heists launching in 2024, now is the time to build your squad and hone your skills!

The next big score awaits…see you at the tables.

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