The 3 Luckiest Numbers for Gamers

If you ask any passionate gamer about lucky numbers, three stand out from the rest – 7, 13, and 8. These mystical numbers seem to pop up over and over again in games, lore, high scores, and releases. Let‘s dive into why gamers consider these the luckiest numbers of all.

7 – The Magical Digit

The number 7 has special significance in gaming just as it does in culture and religion. Here‘s why gamers believe 7 is lucky:

  • It‘s the most commonly rolled number in dice games like craps and backyard dice. With 6 sides on a die, the average roll is 3.5. 7 gives you the best odds.

  • Prominent associations with luck or fortune in lore and myths. 7 is seen as magical across many cultures.

  • Frequent appearances of 7 in video game high score tables and lore. Getting a score with 7s feels fortuitous.

  • The 7th generation of video game consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii) was a golden era for gaming.

  • July 7th (7/7) is a popular release date for games seeking good fortune, including Overwatch and Mario Party.

Significant Gaming Events on July 7Year
Mario Party Release1998
Final Fantasy VIII Release1999
PlayStation 3 Launch2007
Overwatch Release2016
  • Prime numbers are revered in math. 7 is the first prime after 5 with many unique mathematical properties.

  • In surveys, players choose 7 as their preferred lucky number more than any other digit.

So don‘t be surprised when you see 7s popping up on gaming high score tables. 7 remains deeply connected to fortune in the minds of players.

13 – Lucky in Gaming, Unlucky in Life

While 13 is considered unlucky in society, gamers exhibit a fascination with this mystical number:

  • It‘s dominant in the card suits of French decks – 13 hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs each. Gamers have a love for cards.

  • In co-op fantasy games, parties with 13 players feel extra powerful. There‘s mystique around having a 13th member.

  • Friday the 13th has inspired dozens of video games trying to profit off the date‘s infamy. Gamers can‘t get enough.

  • 13 is associated with rebellion against superstition. What better number suits gamers who break norms?

  • Palindromes using 13 mirror themselves – like 133831. Gamers enjoy discovering these patterns.

  • Unlockable achievements or Easter eggs tied to the number 13 feel more rewarding since 13 is taboo.

While most shy away from this infamous number, gamers are drawn to the mystique of 13 in their quest for good fortune and rebellion against society‘s norms. It‘s no wonder so many strive to have 13 as their player ID or high score.

8 – The Lucky Chinese Digit

In Chinese culture, 8 is the go-to lucky number. Gamers recognize its power too:

  • August 8th (8/8) is one of the most popular release dates for games seeking success. Releases on this date include Grand Theft Auto IV, Spiderman, and Rollercoaster Tycoon.

  • Getting 8s in your player name or high score is auspicious. 8 looks like ∞, symbolizing infinite luck.

  • The 8th generation of gaming consoles (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Switch) saw a major resurgence in gaming popularity.

  • In Chinese lore, 8 symbolizes complete cosmic cycles. Gamers recognize its power to represent regeneration in games.

  • Getting 8 extra lives or an $888 bonus points to a special prosperity in gaming. 8 is the bringer of wealth.

Significant Gaming Events on August 8Year
Grand Theft Auto IV Release2008
Spiderman Release2018
Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic Release2018

For Chinese gamers especially, the number 8 and the date 8/8 resonate deeply with fortune and prosperity. But even in Western gaming, 8 manages to signify luck and new beginnings.

Incorporating your favorite lucky numbers into gaming can be fun and satisfying. But don‘t let superstition rule your gameplay or life. Numbers can‘t guarantee you‘ll win – your skill and performance matter more. Stay rational, make smart choices, and view lucky numbers as one extra layer of good vibes.

At the end of the day, passionate gaming isn‘t about chasing digits, but mastering the play. Keep that in mind, while still enjoying your favorite numbers‘ aura of mystique and fortune. Game on!

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