What are the 3 Yellow Properties in Monopoly and Why They Matter

The 3 yellow properties on the Monopoly board are Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, and Marvin Gardens. These 3 spaces make up the crucial yellow color set.

I‘ve played countless Monopoly games over the past decade and can definitively say the yellows, while often overlooked, can provide excellent rental income potential. Carefully managing them is key to victory.

Let‘s analyze each yellow property in depth:

Atlantic Avenue – The Gateway Yellow

Atlantic Avenue is the first yellow property, coming after the oranges. Its position right after one of the most landed-on color groups makes it a frequent target.

Some key stats:

  • Purchase Cost: $260
  • 1 House Rent: $130
  • 2 Houses Rent: $390
  • 3 Houses Rent: $900
  • 4 Houses Rent: $1100
  • Hotel Rent: $1400

Atlantic Avenue‘s rental income can quickly multiply with just a few houses. And it only gets pricier for opponents to land on once a hotel is in place.

Ventnor Avenue – An Underrated Powerhouse

Nestled quietly between the other two yellows, Ventnor Avenue is often overlooked. But savvy Monopoly players know the immense income potential Ventnor possesses.

Vital Ventnor Avenue stats:

  • Purchase Cost: $260
  • Rents: Identical to Atlantic Avenue
  • Hotel Rent: $1400

Landing on Ventnor with 1-2 houses will produce healthy rent. Its hotel rent of $1400 is nothing to scoff at either – on par with Boardwalk itself!

Marvin Gardens – The Crown Jewel

As the final yellow, Marvin Gardens caps off the set. Securing Marvin solidifies your control over the yellows.

Here‘s what you need to know about majestic Marvin Gardens:

  • Purchase Cost: $280
  • Identical rents to Atlantic and Ventnor up to hotel level
  • Hotel Rent: $1450 (highest in yellows)

Marvin Gardens hotel rent is the highest of the 3 yellows. This peripheral property surprisingly generates huge income once fully developed.

Analyzing the Yellows – Should You Invest in Them?

The yellows have key strategic positions that boost their visitation frequency. They rank 6th out of the 10 property color groups for overall rental payout percentage:

Color% of Money From Rent
Dark Blues11.5%
Light Blues10.3%

So while not as landed on as the oranges and reds, the yellows produce over 3x as much rent as the Utilities and Stations.

Their strong location right after two frequently-hit color groups gives them an advantage. I always try securing the yellows in my games for this reason.

Final Thoughts – Leverage the Yellows Wisely!

In summary – should you buy the yellow Monopoly properties?

If the opportunity arises, absolutely. Their strategic board position leads to healthy visitor traffic. Developing houses and hotels early can generate major rental income.

Just don‘t break the bank acquiring them or over-invest too early before properties like the oranges/reds. Leverage the yellows wisely and they‘ll produce excellent returns.

I hope this deeper look into the ever-intriguing yellow Monopoly properties gave some new insights! Let me know if you have any other Monopoly strategy questions.

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