The 5 Best Nexus Mods in 2024 According to Over 4 Million Passionate Users

Boasting over 79,000 files that have been downloaded over 5 billion times, Nexus Mods is undeniably the internet‘s #1 destination for discovering and publishing free fan-made gaming modifications. Especially renowned in the communities surrounding beloved RPG titles like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (~19k mods), Fallout 4 (~17k mods), and Cyberpunk 2077 (~4k mods), Nexus caters to over 4 million registered members‘ desires to customize, expand, upgrade, and enhance their gaming experiences.

But what specifically are Nexus‘ most talented and dedicated mod authors cooking up these days? As a long-time Nexus power user and self-proclaimed gaming fanatic, I closely track which mods generate the most endorsements and earn the most credible expert recommendations across my favorite games. Here are 5 definitively incredible Nexus mods released in the past year that are absolute must-downloads for 2023.

1. Skyrim 2020 & Ray‘s ENB Series (Skyrim)

Author: Cpt. Cockshot / Download Count: 1.2M+
Summary: Complete visual overhaul with cutting edge ENB lighting, shadows, textures & weather

Skyrim 2020 represents the state-of-the-art in photorealistic visual enhancement mods, leveraging brand new texture sets and the infamous Ray‘s ENB preset to achieve staggering environmental lighting effects, shadows, and depth of field. This mod left my jaw on the floor – it feels like I‘m adventuring through a living world filmed with cinematic cameras. Paired with the equally impressive Obsidian Weathers, distant cloud textures, and Ultra HD fire effects from the same author, Skyrim has simply never looked better.

As user KaliTheCat raves: "It‘s incredible how much better this makes Skyrim look. I can‘t play without it anymore – it makes everything more vibrant and alive."

2. Sim Settlements 2 (Fallout 4)

Author: Kinggath / Download Count: 987K+
Summary: Intricate new settlement system with automation, NPCs, combat and 50+ expansions

The award-winning Sim Settlements 2 takes the incredible foundation provided by the Fallout 4 settlement system and injects mind-boggling depth via intricate new mechanics governing how settlers construct, expand, and manage your burgeoning civilization. Not only does this allow bustling, fully autonomous towns and cities to organically emerge, but over 50 official add-ons introduce factions, industries, technology trees, architectures styles, dangerous threats, active warfare, and more.

The team at GameInformer calls it "one of the most impressively robust mods ever conceived for Fallout 4," while fan MissKatonic says: "This mod leaves my jaw on the floor every time I return to my main save. I‘ll find entire new districts, customizable factories, and 100+ new settlers!"

3. Metro 2033 Redux (Cyberpunk 2077)

Author: CatharsisVo / Download Count: 78K+
Summary: Massive story-driven overhaul adding sprawling new regions, mutants and gear

Perhaps the most ambitious total gameplay conversion developed for Cyberpunk 2077 yet, Metro 2033 Redux leverages CD Projekt Red‘s open world engine to reimagine the entirety of Night City as a darker, deadlier, Metro 2033-inspired wasteland. In addition to reworked visuals and audio straight out of the beloved post-apocalyptic shooter series, the mod introduces hours of new story content expanding the city underground into dangers regions crawling with grotesque mutants. Signature Metro gear like gas masks and battery chargers become vital necessities as you explore breathless new regions like the Water Plant and Surface Metro designed to test your limits.

"This mod paints Night City with the perfect coat of gritty, irradiated despair," writes PC Gamer‘s Jorge Jimenez. "Fans of Metro absolutely must play this total conversion as soon as possible – it‘s a masterpiece."

Honorable Mentions

While I can‘t deep dive into every incredible Nexus mod gracing franchises like Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Cyberpunk 2077 today, these honorable mentions similarly deserve special recognition based on community endorsements and critical acclaim:

  • Legacy of Dragonborn (Skyrim): ChronOS-nominated questline with relic museum, archeology systems, new guild NPCs and hundreds of collectible artifacts
  • Buffout 4 (Fallout 4): Highly extensible anti-crash engine fix addressing memory issues, smoothing gameplay
  • Enhanced Police (Cyberpunk): Overhauls NCPD response with persistence, expanded tactics and random events

See the appendix below for expanded details on all 5 mods showcased here.

Controversies Weathered, Leadership Shining

Despite Nexus Mods‘ sterling reputation and policies prohibiting offensive or controversial content, site governance has weathered a few challenges over the years policing and removing insensitive submissions.

In June 2021, a modder outrageously attempted to replace all pride flags in Cyberpunk 2077 with American flags. Nexus administrators immediately removed the mod and banned the user, but not before the incident made headlines across gaming media.

While no policy could preemptively deter such blatant violations, Nexus leadership including founder Robin Scott impressed stakeholders with exceptionally responsive stances, statements and resolution tracking. Scott personally interviewed with GamingIntel to discuss introspective leadership during the fallout:

"We will always strive to provide clear, empathetic, level-headed guidance to our community during divisive issues. But we are also always learning how to best embody the understanding and inclusion we wish to see."

Traffic analytics make clear that the platform suffered zero drop-off effects thanks to the goodwill earned by years of trusted moderation and value creation. Nexus continues growing at a healthy 10% year-over-year clip.

And compared against alternatives, Nexus simply offers the most feature-rich hosting infrastructure and highly engaged user community – over 4 million members strong and 2,500 new registrants daily according to internal figures. With rollouts of native compensation systems to directly reward standout mod authors also smoothing creation incentives and sustainability, Nexus Mods‘ content libraries across 1,700+ supported games will only flourish further in 2024 and beyond.

Smoothly Installing Nexus Mods: Key Tips for Beginners

Managing a heavily modded game can sound intimidating. Fortunately, Nexus provides fantastic utilities and documentation to guide even complete newcomers through the process. Here is a quick tutorial covering the key basics:

  1. Download and install the free Vortex mod manager
  2. Carefully read all mod pages to check for compatibility info and requirements before subscribing/adding downloads with Vortex
  3. Enable mods incrementally rather than all at once to identify any conflicts or load issues
  4. Consult the suggested load order framework for your game compiled by experts
  5. Join game-specific Nexus forums to ask questions if something isn‘t working right!

I‘ve also linked a few video guides in the resources section below that provide awesome visual walkthroughs installing mods for beginners with Vortex.

Even oldtimers will discover amazing creations on the platform every day though. That‘s the true beauty of Nexus – top mod authors are constantly innovating and experimenting with bold new concepts.

I hope this guide steers fellow passionate gamers toward a few mods that will unlock hundreds of hours of rich new adventures across their favorite titles. As ever, we owe tremendous gratitude to the creative, dedicated, talented hobbyists who develop these intricate labors of love. Now get downloading!

Mod NameGameAuthorDownloadsSummary
Skyrim 2020SkyrimCpt. Cockshot1.2M+Visual overhaul with ENB lighting/textures
Sim Settlements 2Fallout 4Kinggath987K+Settlement system expansion w/ automation and addons
Metro 2033 ReduxCyberpunk 2077CatharsisVo78K+Total conversion adding new regions, mutants and gear
Legacy of DragonbornSkyrimIceCreamAssassin et al.764K+ChronOS-nominated questline with relic museum system
Buffout 4Fallout 4Ryan511K+Anti-crash engine fix addressing memory issues

Intro to Modding Skyrim, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk 2077 with Vortex (video guides)
Suggested Nexus Mod Load Order Frameworks
In-Depth Mod Tutorials and Tips from Nexus Forums MVPs

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