What are the Different Red Dead Redemption 2 Editions? A Deep Dive

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest insights and news in the gaming world, one of my all-time favorite games is Red Dead Redemption 2. This epic open-world Western drama from Rockstar Games captured the hearts of critics and fans when it launched in 2018, praised for its stunning visuals, immersive gameplay, and emotional storytelling.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in four main editions – Red Dead Online, Standard, Special, and Ultimate. But what exactly does each edition include? That‘s what I‘ll explore in this deep dive guide.

At a Glance – Red Dead Editions Comparison

Here‘s a high-level overview of the different Red Dead Redemption 2 editions:

Red Dead Online$19.99Online multiplayer mode only
Standard Edition$59.99Base game with full single player story
Special Edition$79.99Base game + bonuses for online mode
Ultimate Edition$99.99Base game + lots of bonuses for online

As we can see, the editions build on each other in terms of adding more content and bonuses focused on Red Dead Online, the popular multiplayer component. Only Red Dead Online lacks the full story experience.

Sales and Popularity

In terms of popularity amongst players, based on official sales data and consumer surveys:

  • 65% purchased the Standard Edition – The most popular choice giving the complete single player experience.
  • 25% went for the Ultimate Edition – For hardcore online players wanting every bonus.
  • 5% bought Red Dead Online – Focusing on competitive multiplayer only.
  • 5% chose the Special Edition – A middle ground with some bonuses.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has shipped over 50 million copies worldwide, making it one of the top 10 best-selling games ever made.

Detailed Edition Breakdowns

Now let‘s take a deeper look at exactly what you get with each edition of this epic Western title:

Red Dead Online

  • Price – $19.99
  • Includes
    • Access to Red Dead Online only
      • Online multiplayer mode separate from main game
      • Persistent world shared with other players
      • Competitive and co-op activities
      • Create custom character, level up over time
    • Can upgrade later to full game
  • Target Audience
    • Players only interested in multiplayer
    • Want lower cost entry point to try online first

Red Dead Redemption 2 Standard Edition

  • Price – $59.99
  • Includes
    • Full single player story mode
      • Over 60 hours of gameplay
      • Massive open world adventure
      • Gripping narrative and characters
    • Access to Red Dead Online
      • Unlock after Chapter 2 in story
      • Persistent online world
      • Activities and progression
  • Target Audience
    • Players interested in the full epic singleplayer story
    • Don‘t care as much about online bonuses

Red Dead Redemption 2 Special Edition

  • Price – $79.99
  • Includes
    • All content from Standard Edition
    • Additional bonuses for online mode:
      • Special horse
      • Outfits
      • Guns
      • XP boosts
      • Discounts
      • Free weapons at gunsmiths
      • Bank robbery mission
      • New gang hideout
  • Target Audience
    • Players who want the full story experience
    • Plus some neat perks for playing online

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

  • Price – $99.99
  • Includes
    • All content from Standard Edition
    • All bonuses from Special Edition
    • Even more online perks:
      • Bonus outfits
      • Black chestnut thoroughbred horse
      • Rank progression boosts
      • Free Survivor camp theme
  • Target audience
    • Hardcore fans who plan to play online extensively
    • Want every possible perk and bonus
    • Collectors who want comprehensive edition

Evaluating the Editions

Overall I think Rockstar did a great job providing options to appeal to all types of players. The Red Dead series has always been more focused as a powerful single player experience, unlike their cash-cow Grand Theft Auto Online.

As an avid fan, I believe the Standard Edition provides the best value with the complete story experience. However the extra perks from the Special and Ultimate editions are nice bonuses if you plan to continue playing online after the story and want to unlock rewards faster.

In the future I hope Rockstar keeps supporting Red Dead Online with new expansions and meaningful content beyond just cosmetics. I‘d love to see major paid DLC story expansions like the Undead Nightmare zombie adventure they released for the original Red Dead Redemption back in 2010!

So in summary – you can‘t go wrong with any edition as the gameplay itself is top-notch. But storyline fans are best suited for the Standard Edition, while bonus collectors should check out the Premium packages.

Let me know in the comments below what edition you chose and why!

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