The 3 Easiest Legendary Animals to Hunt in Red Dead Redemption 2

As an avid RDR2 player with over 200 hours of playtime, I‘ve hunted every legendary animal the game has to offer. And while many provide a thrilling challenge, there are a few that even novice hunters can tackle. In this guide, I‘ll share the easiest legendary animals to kickstart your hunting adventures in Rockstar‘s epic open-world western.

1. The Legendary Beaver – The Shoreline Giant

Legendary Beaver

Without a doubt, the Legendary Beaver is the easiest legendary animal to hunt in RDR2. Located just southwest of Butcher Creek, this giant rodent sticks close to the shoreline and is easily spotted from horseback.

Once tracked, the beaver will swim along predictably, allowing hunters to line up a clean headshot with a rifle or arrow. A powerful shotgun blast works too. Just be ready to wade into the water to collect your prize!

For such an easy hunt, the rewards are generous. The Legendary Beaver Pelts can be used to craft the Beaver Tooth Trinket at a Fence. This boosts Arthur’s Dead Eye XP bonus to 10%. Pair with a potent Miracle Tonic and you’ll be triggering Dead Eye continuously.

Legendary Beaver Stats

  • Size: Approximately 5 feet long
  • Weight: Over 100 lbs
  • Pelt Value: $18.75

So if you‘re just starting with legendary animals, the shoreline-loving Legendary Beaver is a perfect first target.

2. The Legendary Fox – Clever But Freeze-Prone

Legendary Fox

Next up is the Legendary Fox, found just north of Scarlett Meadows in Lemoyne. Unlike other predators that flee immediately, foxes tend to freeze in place first when threatened. This gives hunters some precious extra seconds to line up a kill shot before they bolt.

Early fox pelts also give access to extremely useful trinkets. Bring the Legendary Fox Pelt to a Fence to craft the Fox Claw Talisman. Equipping this boosts Eagle Eye duration by a whopping 30% for a full 60 seconds! That‘s an incredible edge for tracking clues and spotting targets during hunts.

And if you thought foxes were sly, think again – their footprints illuminate easily with Eagle Eye‘s enhanced perception. Just look for the glowing blue paw prints!

For the best chances, hunt the Legendary Fox at dawn or dusk near its spawn point at Mattock Pond. With the fox‘s freeze response and Eagle Eye tracking, it‘s arguably the easiest legendary animal to nab.

Legendary Fox Stats

  • Weight: Average
  • Pelt Value: $13.25
  • Unique Rewards: Fox Claw Talisman

3. The Legendary Elk – The White Forest Ghost

Legendary Elk

Finally, we have the ghostly Legendary Elk found east of Bacchus Station in the Cumberland Forest region. Once Rare Snow Bucks, these regal elk sport a bright white winter coat with formidable antlers.

Fortunately, their size and coloration makes them easy to spot among the trees and undergrowth. But you‘ll need to be quick and stealthy when going after the Legendary Elk. It will flee faster than a normal elk when alerted.

Use a powerful scoped rifle and aim for a broadside lung or heart shot. Chase it down for the Legendary Elk Pelt if your first shot doesn‘t make the kill. Visiting the Trapper allows you to craft the unique Elk Flop Hat, the perfect trophy headwear.

If you prefer chasing clues, the Legendary Elk leaves large tracks filled with Pearson-pleasing animal fat. Follow the glowing trails with Eagle Eye activated.

Legendary Elk Stats

  • Weight – Massive, over 1500 lbs
  • Antler Size – 4 x 4 points
  • Pelt Value – $18.75
  • Unique Rewards – Elk Flop Hat

While certain legendary creatures may be easier to best in battle, it never hurts to go in prepared when on the hunt. Keep these key tips in mind:

Use the Right Weapons – Bring a powerful scoped rifle and shotgun slugs. Added damage translates to quicker mercy kills. Bows can work too with some practice.

Aim For Weak Spots – Target the head, neck, and lungs for rapid takedowns. Explosive rifle rounds are extremely lethal as well.

Prepare With Provisions – Pack health cures, Horse Stimulants, and cooked meats. Don‘t let low stamina or health cut a hunt short.

Use Dead Eye Frequently – Both for tracking and landing perfect kill shots. Maximize Eagle Eye duration for even better legendary hunts.

Ride The Fastest Horse – Certain legendary animals can really move across the expansive countryside. Ride the fastest steed you own for the best chance of keeping up.

And if things go awry, don‘t despair! Visit the Trapper or Fence to purchase crafted legendary gear. Hide collection is automatic.

So there you have it – the easiest legendary animals to kickstart your hunting journey in Red Dead Redemption 2‘s massive open world frontier. With these beginner targets, you’ll quickly gain confidence taking on more dangerous creatures. Soon that Trapper will be brimming with legendary pelts from your ever-growing hauls. Happy hunting partners!

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