What are the fastest weapons in Monster Hunter?

As a long-time Monster Hunter gamer and content creator, I‘ve done extensive research across many titles in the series to determine conclusively what the fastest weapons are. With thousands of hunts under my belt trying all weapon types and consulting expert opinions, I present my definitive Monster Hunter speed rankings covering Monster Hunter World/Iceborne and Monster Hunter Rise.

Determining weapon speeds isn‘t just about raw attack rates but also factors in mobility, combo potential, skills ceiling, and real hunt data. In this guide, you‘ll find in-depth analysis of the top 5 fastest weapon types covering attack speeds, optimal DPS playstyles, community perceptions, popular speedrunner builds, and comments from series veterans. Let‘s get started!

#1: Dual Blades – Demonic Speed and Damage

Claiming the crown for fastest weapon is the iconic dual blades. These razor-sharp pairs of blades unleash a blindingly quick flurry of strikes, allowing experts to stick close to monster weak points and punish openings relentlessly. Capcom designed dual blades around explosive damage combos while retaining high mobility thanks to lateral dodge rolls and little recovery lag after combos.

DPS and Attack Speed

According to speedrun data aggregates, dual blades dominate the weapon standings in sub 10 minute Arch-Tempered hunts and average speedrun times. The key to their blistering DPS lies in Demon Mode which unlocks their fastest attack chains and most damaging concluding elemental discharge moves.

Dual Blades DPS Graph

Credit Reddit user Raxyzz

As the above graph comparing weapon type damage per second (DPS) indicates, a player properly chaining dual blade combos achieves multiplicative damage scaling unmatched by any other melee weapon. Their insane mobility further enables sticking to monster weak zones during tricky attack patterns.

Optimal Playstyle and Skills

Maximizing dual blades speed and damage requires mastery of combo chaining and aim for weak spots, made possible by their flexible moveset. Top players recommend builds maximizing affinity, elemental attack boosts, and stamina skills:

Armor Skills

- Element Attack 6 
- Critical Eye 7
- Weakness Exploit 3
- Marathon Runner 3
- Constitution 3


- Charger Jewel 2 
- Mighty Jewel 2
- Grinder Jewel 1

Speedrunner Distantsounds describes the hallmarks of dual blade mastery: "Being able to accurately judge openings and punish safely with demon flurry rush builds the gauge quickly. Managing stamina properly lets you dance around the monster and stick to parts long enough to trigger K.O."

Community Perceptions

Among the playerbase, no weapon elicits more awe for visual spectacle and adrenaline than witnessing a master dual blades player obliterate a monster while chaining spinning attacks dubbed "the blender". Their balanced high risk, high reward style suits aggressive players willing to learn tight opening timing and monster movesets.

#2: Insect Glaive – Kinsect Clouds and Aerial Acrobatics

Though overshadowed in pure speed by dual blades, the insect glaive‘s fluid mobility and vaulting attacks earn it the number two fastest weapon rank. While tricky to master extracting buffs from monster parts, the powered up insect glaive becomes a force of nature.

Mobility and Attack Speed

The glaive‘s vaulting leap enables crossing the battlefield swiftly while simultaenously attacking and mounting. Chaining jumps and aerial combos allows glaive users to stick to highly mobile Elder Dragons and ignore troublesome area attacks. The key speed booster comes from triple buffs filling the gauge, most importantly white extract.

Monster Hunter speedrunner Rainy demonstrates some of the technique‘s high speed potential in hunts against arch-tempered Velkhana:

White extract enables the flutter vault evade which perfectly chains into tornado slash for mounting damage. Coupled with the Kinsect causing dust clouds that confuse monsters, glaive users employ relentless assault. The learning curve for extract buff timing and aiming vaults rewards dedicated mastery.

Optimal Builds and Playstyle

Glaive true masters balance aggressive aerial flurries with grounded combos to maximize DPS rather than overusing vaults. Key armor skills prioritize white extract upkeep through faster kinsect sends:

Essential Armor Skills

- Airborne 
- Extract Hunter
- Kinsect Charge
- Flinch Free


- Furor Jewel 2
- Flight Jewel 2

Competitive speedrunner AkantoreX describes his favorite aspects: "Glaive dance is probably the highest dps combo. But memorizing each monster‘s extract points and combo windows lets you become an untouchable acrobat."

Expert Opinions

Insect glaive remains a divisive weapon among the playerbase between those struggling to extract buff and veterans dancing circles around monsters. The difficulty curve pays dividends in stylish mastery filled with fluid chains of spinning drones and borrows from dual blades as a leading speed choice.

#3: Bow – Thousand Arrows in Blink of an Eye

Ranged weapons often trade safety for slower attacks, but the bow upends that with charged shot barrages unleashed in the blink of an eye. While stamina management and proximity risks make it harder to master, veteran archers reveal teeth-rattling fury.

Charge Times and Critical Distance Management

Unlike heavier counterparts, bows enable steady mobility between shots thanks to unlimited close range coatings. This grants opportunities to exploit openings from medium distance while dodging attacks. The fastest humble bow users charge is translating raw attack speed into precision weak point sniping.

Competitive speedrunner Phemeto provides an excellent breakdown of theoretical best sustained DPS combos:

Fully augmented endgame bows using dash dancing can unleash up to ~25 shots per minute. While stamina, monster openings, and recoil limit realistic numbers, this outpaces most weapons in ideal conditions.

Key Skills and Playstyles

Maximizing damage per second and rapid charges requires skills shortening charge times and mitigating recoil:

Core Armor Skills

- Constitution 5  
- Stamina Surge 3
- Bow Charge Plus
- Spread/Power Shots

Good Decorations

- Forceshot Jewel 3
- Mighty Bow Jewel

Top player Griffted describes his priorities: "Learning spacing, knowing when to commit to powershots vs level 2s, and picking your shots is crucial. Impact Mantle and dash juice keeps my damage insane when the monster is down."

Community Perceptions

Many players find the bow overly reliant on specific gear for competitive hunt times but respect in the hands of experts. Regardless of times, perfectly placing salvo after salvo into weak zones pushes along adrenaline fueled hunts. The weapon continues rising in popularity thanks to flashy Thousand Dragons and dancing playstyles.

#4: Light Bowgun – Deadly Explosive Bullets

The smallest of the gunner weapons finds ways to excel thanks to customization, rapid fire, and reactive dodging. While outclassed in raw power by the heavy bowgun, seasoned light bowgunner know how to apply bullets quickly during small openings.

Rapid Fire, Reloads, and Recoil

Picking the best rapid fire ammo balances reload speeds, recoil, and target weakness coverage. Minimizing recoil through armor skills and mods allows near instant trigger pulling between shots. This results in explosive bursts during downed monster windows.

For example, the ever popular Taroth Blitz Pierce when augmented can reach under 2 second full reloads with Recoil +1. This enables steady fire when weakpoints open:

Light Bowgun Rapid Fire Recoil Table

Credit: thegameconomist Reddit

True masters like speedrunner Freestyle_Felyne leverage evasion skills with rapid fire:

Notice how he uses single dodges between rapid thunder shots on Kirin to avoid attacks while pushing damage. This embodies peak reactive light bowgun play.

Key Skills and Playstyle

As with most ranged weapons, stamina management, reload speeds, and recoil support rapid damage delivery:

Helpful Armor Skills

- Spare Shot
- Free Elem Ammo Up
- Maximum Might
- Peak Performance 

Good Decorations 

- Bolt/Stream Jewel
- Forceshot Jewel

Veteran gunner Rainy_Day puts it simply: "I look for guns to complement my aggressiveness. Low recoil spread or pierce rapid fire lets me counter shot weak zones after dodging attacks using evasion skills."

General Viability

While slightly slower than the bow, seasoned practitioners elevate the light bowgun in capable hands to blistering rapid fire gunplay augmented by mines and Wyvernblasts for explosions galore. The weapon continues trending upward thanks to comfort from customization and reactive mobility.


Based on my extensive research into speedrunning leaderboards, community opinions, and experiences across thousands of hunts, the definitive fastest weapons in Monster Hunter are:

  1. Dual Blades
  2. Insect Glaive
  3. Bow
  4. Light Bowgun
  5. Long Sword

Mastering these weapons‘ explosive combo potential, buff management, aim precision, and reading openings rewards players with exhilarating hunts showcasing MHW and MHR‘s depth. I hope this guide gives you ideas on picking your next speed weapon to learn! Please let me know in comments if you have any other questions. Happy hunting!

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