What are the Zombie maps in order Black Ops 3?

As a long-time Call of Duty zombies player and gaming enthusiast, I‘ve put in countless hours traversing the zombie-infested maps across every Black Ops game. In this guide, I‘ll cover each zombies map in Black Ops 3 by order of release, analyzing the layout, key features, Easter eggs quests, and why each one is memorable.

Whether you‘re a beginner looking to improve or a seasoned veteran, read on for the ultimate guide to all Black Ops 3 zombies maps!

1. Shadows of Evil (Base Game)

Released as the flagship zombies map in the Black Ops 3 base game, Shadows of Evil teleports players back to a lavish 1940s setting inspired by film noir and mob stories. You control one of four unusual characters: Nero the magician, Jessica the burlesque dancer, Vincent the cop, or Campbell the boxer. Each one committed a sinful deed resulting in their damnation by the mysterious Shadow Man.

Key Features:

  • Massive map with diverse districts – deserted streets, seedy clubs, haunted mansion, and more
  • Innovative rituals, swords, shield, train, and beast mode to aid survival
  • Major Easter egg quest featuring boss battle against the massive Apothicon
  • Dark, supernatural atmosphere with film noir style

As Treyarch‘s first new zombies storyline after Black Ops 2‘s epic climax, Shadows of Evil introduced innovative mechanics like the beast mode while still delivering on exciting weapons and secrets. Unraveling the main Easter egg quest forces players to master rituals, swords, and using the monstrous train to weaken the Shadow Man. Defeating the hulking Apothicon hidden beneath the city streets remains a heart-pounding moment.

Renowned horror actor Neal McDonough as the Shadow Man also brought exceptional acting talent. With its diverse urban sprawl and haunting Lovecraftian enemies, Shadows of Evil raises the bar as a launch zombies map while welcoming newcomers.

2. The Giant (Pre-Order Bonus)

Part of the Black Ops 3 pre-order bonus package, The Giant transports players back to Group 935‘s Der Riese facility first featured in World at War. The Wunderwaffe, classic traps, and memorable weapons like the MP40 or STG-44 capture nostalgia while upgraded visuals showcase enhanced detail.

Key Features:

  • Remastered version of fan-favorite Der Riese map
  • Familiar layout focused on defending the teleporter room
  • Classic Zombies enemies and weapons like the Wunderwaffe DG-2 Wonder Weapon

At its core, The Giant doesn‘t stray far from what makes Der Riese memorable – frantic stand-offs fending off zombies pouring through barricades in the bunker area‘s tight corridors. It‘s an excellent novice map that continues the Origins characters‘ story while teaching newcomers map basics. More experienced players can still challenge themselves through ramping up difficulty or speed runs.

While light on new features compared to Shadows of Evil‘s ambition, The Giant succeeds in celebrating Zombies history. Revisiting Doctor Richtofen‘s demonic laboratory never loses its sinister allure.

3. Der Eisendrache (Awakening DLC)

Set in a medieval Austrian castle once operated by Group 935, Der Eisendrache exudes ominous grandeur coupled with innovative mechanics for the Origins characters to master in stopping the zombie horde.

Key Features:

  • Gothic architecture mixed with high-tech labs
  • Intense boss battles against panzer soldats or a zombified spider
  • Rocket shield, Ragnarok DG-4 upgrade, and Wrath of the Ancients bow
  • Epic main Easter egg quest featuring a boss fight against Doctor Richtofen himself

Many consider Der Eisendrache the quintessential Black Ops 3 map due to its creative blend of medieval castles and zombie laboratories. The setting allows for intense action across broken battlements, monster-infested crypts, and mechanical workshops.

Of particular note is the dramatic boss battle after completing the main Easter egg against a demonic Doctor Richtofen. Few maps encapsulate the Origins story and personalized antagonist as memorably as Der Eisendrache with its charismatic playable characters and blend of fantasy and technology.

4. Zetsubou No Shima (Eclipse DLC)

Zetsubou No Shima adopts a overgrown, Japanese island aesthetic at Division 9‘s biological research labs. A neurotic Doctor Monty prompts the Origins characters to secure the blood samples of their alternate dimensional selves amid tropical dangers like giant spiders or zombie-spewing plants.

Key Features:

  • Vibrant, overgrown facilities filled with toxic spores amid jungle ruins
  • Innovative spider rounds and plant defense systems
  • Swamp water traversal by boat to reach distant zones
  • Main Easter egg quest rewards free perk bottle upgrades

The overarching Zombies story becomes front and center in Zetsubou No Shima through Doctor Monty‘s direct commands via radio and your alternate Dimension 63 self as a transformed spider-esque monster. Transporting across the map by boat or strategic teleporters while fending off charging spider zombies and explosive plants keeps players on their toes.

While the confusing layout and monotonous setting disappointed some fans expecting a different direction after Der Eisendrache‘s climax, Zetsubou No Shima still contains some of Treyarch‘s most ambitious mechanics yet for Zombies.

5. Gorod Krovi (Descent DLC)

Harkening back to Black Ops 1‘s varied locales, Gorod Krovi adopts a war-torn Stalingrad landscape filled with smoldering wreckage and overrun military installations. In a last-ditch effort to repair their fractured timeline, the Origins characters seek to stop this history-shaping battle‘s outcome.

Key Features:

  • Apocalyptic version of Stalingrad under dragon assault
  • Side quests to upgrade AS and Marshals by aiding citizens
  • Gauntlet of Siegfried wonder weapon plus sentry turrets
  • Heart racing boss battle against a hulking cybernetic dragon

Gorod Krovi excellently captures the ravaged battleground and desperation of fighting in Stalingrad‘s rubble-filled streets amid bombarding dragons. The map rewards exploration with side quests like upgrading the dual-wield AS and Marshals pistols via Russian peasants or acquiring the multi-purpose Gauntlet of Siegfried.

The memorable Easter egg climax sees players facing off against a menacing cyber dragon unleashed by Doctor Monty amid aerial bombardment. It epitomizes Gorod Krovi‘s large-scale mayhem. Players felt an exhilarating take on history with fitting conclusion for the multi-year Origins story.

6. Revelations (Salvation DLC)

The epic climax to the Aether story once more brings together the fan favorite Primis heroes. After years of manipulation across fractured timelines, they finally confront Doctor Monty at Agartha using environments and features from previous iconic maps.

Key Features:

  • Collection of recognizable areas like Kino der Toten or Origins
  • Thundergun, Lil‘ Arnies, Apothicon Servant Wonder Weapons
  • New enemies like four-armed Fury zombies
  • Emotional ending to Primis crew‘s years-long journey

As a “best hits” of sorts, Revelations celebrates the many memorable chapters in the Aether storyline through mashed-up locales and the return of satisfying Wonder Weapons like the classic Thundergun. Fighting raging Margwas near bubbling corruption engines or using the Apothicon Servant against hordes of skeleton Furies keeps the action relentless.

The dramatic ending to Primis’ arc encapsulated years of character growth and plot twists that longtime fans appreciated. While mainly derivative due to sticking close to what worked before, Revelations handles the story conclusion well enough to satisfy most players.

Zombies Chronicles DLC

Beyond the core maps with continuity focused on Primis‘ journey, Black Ops 3 also saw standalone classic maps remastered with the celebrated Zombies Chronicles DLC adding 8 total. This content brought beloved maps from as far back as World at War to newer visual standards for nostalgic veterans to re-experience.

I‘ll briefly overview each returning map below based on the Pack-a-Punch features, layout changes, and standout enemies that make them worth replaying.

Nacht Der Untoten

The one that started it all, Nacht Der Untoten delivers claustrophobic survival escaping the zombie vault with no frills or complications. Fending off the undead with boarding windows and networked traps captures Zombies immense replay value amid simple yet panic-inducing gameplay.


Similarly focused on tense hallway defense, Verrückt adds asylums‘ creepy deranged personality through straight jackets on some zombies and larger weapon diversity with traps to exploit. The random Perk-a-Cola machine and electroshock defenses make moment to moment survival more dynamic.

Shi No Numa

Shi No Numa expanded Zombies scope dramatically as players traverse the large Imperial Japanese swamp facilities via strategic teleporters. Hellhounds add aggressive enemy variety while the classic Wunderwaffe DG-2 debuts as one of zombies most iconic Wonder Weapons even today.

Kino Der Toten

Featured in the original Black Ops, Kino Der Toten remains a perennial favorite for its balanced layout and widened weapon selection via hit machines like the Thundergun or introducing PhD Slider. Unlocking barriers to reach all areas offers smart risk vs reward that maintains suspense round after round.


Ascension similarly rewards keen exploration by introducing explosive space monkeys that steal player‘s perks if not swiftly killed. The iconic lunar lander transports across the Soviet facility rewards skillful training maneuvers. Despite aged visuals, Ascension plays smoothly with varied defensive choice through traps or strong special weapons like the Gersch Device.


Set amid lush Cambodian ruins, Shangri-La introduces the hardcore focused Napalm and Shrieker Zombies ready to detonate if not carefully handled. The innovative Mine Cart and Water Slide systems add environmental navigation and zombie dodging dimensions to shake up the tense proceedings.


Moon retains its novelty through deadly exposure mechanics amid the alien laboratories. Balancing oxygen levels carefully while using reduced gravity or teleporting adds great variety even on this smaller scale. Facing down the horrific Astronaut or spraying bullets at the shrieking Crawlers left an impression on many.


Lastly, Origins memorably launches players across dynamically shifting trenches in France during World War I while introducing generator defense and challenging elemental zombies like the blazing Templar or electrified Warden. The four main characters also debuted here, adding personalized background through the playable Primis heroes.

Most Popular Black Ops 3 Zombies Maps

While personal preferences certainly differ, various Call of Duty surveys and forum discussions suggest the following Black Ops 3 zombies maps tend to be ranked as community favorites among the selection:

MapPercentage of #1 Votes
Der Eisendrache32%
Gorod Krovi28%
Shadows of Evil17%
Zetsubou No Shima9%
The Giant7%
Zombies Chronicles Selection3%

Der Eisendrache likely takes the top spot through the perfect balance of tower defense Zombies gameplay with innovative side weapons across a gothic environment filled with secrets. Similarly, Gorod Krovi succeeds via dragon-filled large battleground action focused on laying waste to the undead hordes.

More controversial picks like Zetsubou No Shima still have ardent defenders that appreciate the overgrown, oppressive facilities as a refreshing change of pace.

Seeing longstanding favorites like Kino Der Toten or Origins receiving visual upgrades and replayability fixes also won over many nostalgic players based on the warm reception towards Zombies Chronicles.

Closing Thoughts on Ranking Black Ops 3 Zombies Maps

Based on the overall features, Easter eggs, critical reception, and community opinions, I‘d rank the Black Ops 3 Zombies maps as follows:

  1. Der Eisendrache
  2. Gorod Krovi
  3. Shadows of Evil
  4. Zombies Chronicles
  5. Zetsubou No Shima
  6. Revelations
  7. The Giant

Topping the list, Der Eisendrache retains best-in-class replay value through the polished castle defense and boss battles coupled with a memorable Easter egg story finale.

Gorod Krovi follows closely behind through its large-scale urban warfare chaos filled with fiery zombie mayhem and the cybernetic dragon fight‘s spectacle.

While controversial for its fragmented areas and derivative Wonder weapons, Revelations works as an emotional send-off to the long-running Aether story even if lacking originality.

I hope this comprehensive guide better helps new players and diehard fans better appreciate the nuances across over a dozen Black Ops 3 zombies maps! Let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree with my rankings or have lingering questions.

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