What are turn-based RPGs called?

As a lifetime gaming enthusiast and industry analyst, turn-based RPGs hold a special place for me. The strategic gameplay promotes methodical thinking while telling epic stories not found in other genres. While some view the slower pace as outdated, recent smash hits like Persona 5 and Divinity: Original Sin 2 prove turn-based RPGs have incredible staying power.

Clarifying the Complex Web of Turn-Based RPG Subgenres

Blanket terms like "turn-based RPG" encompass a spectrum of styles with distinct gameplay and narratives. Let‘s define the most common forms:

Tactical RPGs (TRPGs) – Focus on grid-based combat emphasizing unit position. Requires careful strategy to defeat enemies.

  • Examples: Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, Into the Breach

Strategy RPGs (SRPGs) – Blend RPG progression with elements of war games. Manage resources and lead armies to victory.

  • Examples: Disgaea, XCOM, Nintendo Wars

Classic Turn-Based RPGs – Turns used in combat while retaining real-time exploration. Defining early PC and console RPGs.

  • Examples: Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, early Fallout Games
SubgenreKey Gameplay AspectExample Franchise
Tactical RPGGrid-based combatFire Emblem
Strategy RPGResource managementDisgaea
Classic Turn-Based RPGTurn-based battlesFinal Fantasy

These represent the most recognized forms, though niche blends like real-time with pause (Pillars of Eternity) or massively multiplayer online (Atlantica Online) also exist.

The 1980s Boom and 1990s Peak of Turn-Based RPGs

Many recognize the late 1990s as the golden age of turn-based RPG video games. Yet their origins began over a decade prior on early home computers and consoles.

The Ultimas, Wizardrys, and Might and Magics Establish the Genre (Late 1970s to mid-1980s)

Several pioneering PC developers spearheaded conventions that remain to this day. Turn-based combat resolved via menus and statistics defining progression exemplified these early CRPGs (computer RPGs).

Narrative depth also expanded with games like Ultima weaving expansive stories across multiple entries. JRPGs (Japanese RPGs) similarly emerged on consoles like the NES and Sega Master System during this period.

The 1990s Solidify Prominence (Early 1990s)

Turn-based RPGs exploded in the early 90s as developing technology allowed more ambitious world building and tactical combat.

Final Fantasy found mainstream success on the SNES with the simple yet addicting battle system and melodramatic story proving defining for JRPGs. On PC, Fallout built on the Ultima blueprint with moral freedom and consequences at the core.

The Mid to Late 1990s Yields Turn-Based Classics

This era represents the peak with Nintendo consoles Fire Emblem and Pokemon debuting and many franchises entering fan favorite iterations (FFIX, Chrono Cross). 3D graphics granted immersive worlds to explore between battles (FFVII).

The Gameplay Elements Producing Turn-Based Greatness

After analyzing hundreds of turn-based RPGs across decades, common combat, progression, and exploration systems emerge. These mechanics establish engaging gameplay loops pushing the genre forward.

Turn Order – Choreography of Battle

The lifeblood of turn-based RPGs. Queues determine which units act when for players and enemies. Speed, abilities, statuses, positioning, and RNG manipulate when turns fire. Optimization goals involve delaying boss turns while unleashing character combos. Especially prevalent in tactical (TRPGs) and classic subgenres.

Grids and Flanking – Where You Are Matters

Arenas split into tiles with positioning impacting performance. Guild Wars utilizes hexagons for broader setups. Flanking bonuses when attacking from side or behind open up tactical opportunities. Careful unit placement sets up combos in TRPGs like XCOM.

Procedural Generation and Permadeath – The Thrill of Unpredictability

Roguelikes (tower climbers, dungeon crawlers) shine here. Randomly generated levels, items, events etc. avoided repetitiveness before open world games. Permadeath raises stakes where death removes characters from the campaign.

Statistics and Progression Systems – The Journey of Numbers

Less visible yet essential RPG scaffolding. Tracking stats like strength, speed, armor etc. Players customize growth curves investing in favorite abilities. Witnessing numbers rise through play rewards progression loop engagement. Whether deciding dialog skills or battle capabilities, statistical choice empowers.

Turn-Based Renaissance – The 2010s Resurgence

In the gaming forum debates of 2008, one could argue turn-based RPG relevance dwindled. As budgets and expectations ballooned, many publishers shifted beloved franchises like Final Fantasy to real-time systems.

Yet the 2010s represented a defiant last stand where turn-based experiences boldly staked their claim. Divinity: Original Sin 2 serves as the standard-bearer selling over 2 million copies. Persona 5‘s stylish systems drew new fans even at over 100 hours. Indies like Battle Chasers: Nightwar provided nostalgia trips for genre veterans.

This momentum flows into the 2020s with upcoming pillar franchises like Dragon Quest, The Banner Saga 3, and Fire Emblem showing incredible confidence in strategic gameplay. Based on early returns, the turn-based forecast looks bright.

Turn-Based RPGs Account for 2 of the Top 4 Highest Metacritic RPGs of the 2010s

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
  2. Divinity: Original Sin II (2017)
  3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

    4. Persona 5 (2017)

Cloud Streaming – Opening the Floodgates for Sophisticated Systems

Cloud computing conveniently serves demanding processes without local hardware strain. This game changer enables developers to pursue CPU-intensive mechanics lagging devices couldn‘t handle. For turn-based RPGs, expect richer social simulations, procedural elements, and battlefield variables testing player critical thinking in unprecedented ways.

Imagine XCOM staging battles where real geography impacts available cover and sightlines based on actual terrain data. Machine learning AI could blunt predictable exploitations by analyzing opponent tactics and adjusting apropos. Suddenly your reliable tricks betray you as the enemies demonstrate human-like discretion.

Endless possibilities exist when technological barriers no longer restrain innovation. Surely crafty game designers are choreographing new turn-based ideas as we speak.

The Defining Experiences Sustaining Relevance

Between nostalgic retro revival and enthralling modern releases, turn-based RPGs thrive by delivering profound and tactical gameplay experiences. These titles challenge mental muscles while unveiling engrossing fantasyscapes. Ultimately we play for those definitive stories bearing unforgettable casts, be it Chrono and Marle paling around prehistoric Reptite villages or literary icons Geralt and Yennerfer confronting philosophical witch-hunt dilemmas.

Turn-based RPGs promise over 100 hours of gleeful progression optimization, strategic encounters, lovable characters, and multi-game journeys. These intoxicating virtuous cycles retain devoted fanbases across generations new and old. As long as talented developers revisit the formula, turn-based RPGs shall persist in pushing interactive narrative limits.

What games do you view as turn-based RPG royalty? Let me know in the comments below!

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