What Assassin‘s Creed Games Have Cross-Progression?

As an ardent Assassin‘s Creed gamer since the original 2007 release, cross-progression is a feature I‘ve been anticipating for a long time. The ability to continue your save across platforms is hugely important, especially for a narrative-driven open world franchise like AC.

After digging into Ubisoft‘s catalog, here is the complete breakdown of Assassin‘s Creed cross-progression availability in 2023:

Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC
  • Cross-Progression: YES

Valhalla fully supports cross-progression through Ubisoft Connect. Lead producer Julien Laferrière confirmed this in an October 2020 interview:

"We are happy to confirm that Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla will benefit from cross-progression functionality across all supported platforms through Ubisoft Connect."

When you upload a save file from any platform, it overwrites any previous files in Ubisoft‘s cloud servers. This means you can seamlessly pick up where you left off no matter where you play.

Assassin‘s Creed Origins

  • Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC
  • Cross-Progression: Unconfirmed

Despite utilizing Ubisoft Connect integration like Valhalla, evidence on AC Origin‘s cross-progression remains inconclusive. Some players claim to have transferred saves between PC and Xbox One successfully. However, no concrete proof or confirmation from Ubisoft exists yet.

Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey

  • Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia
  • Cross-Progression: No

Unfortunately, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey does not natively support cross-progression between platforms. Your save files remain locked to the platform they originated from.

Many Odyssey gamers, including myself, expressed frustration regarding this missing feature at launch in 2018. However, Ubisoft did not patch in support later down the line.

Why Doesn‘t Odyssey Have Cross-Progression?

The lack of cross-progression seems to stem from Odyssey releasing just before Ubisoft Connect went live.

As their first attempt rolling out cloud syncing and statute tracking, support faced limitations across certain titles like AC Odyssey. Valhalla and future games avoid this by building connectivity into development from day one.

Hopefully, proposals for Odyssey post-launch integration gain traction down the road!

What About Other Assassin‘s Creed Games?

Earlier franchise entries – including fan favorites like Black Flag, Unity, and the Ezio trilogy – were unfortunately created long before cross-platform play gained traction. These titles remain isolated to their original platform in 2023.

Based on Ubisoft’s current unified ecosystem, I expect upcoming AC releases like Mirage (2023) and Codename Red (2024) to include cross-progression capabilities at launch across modern hardware generations.

Cross-Progression Availability Summary

Assassin‘s Creed ValhallaYes
Assassin‘s Creed OriginsUnconfirmed
Assassin‘s Creed OdysseyNo
Pre-Odyssey TitlesNo

The Verdict?

My hope is that Ubisoft continues expanding cross-progression into both upcoming AC titles and retroactively for previous RPG games like Odyssey. Franchises carrying chronological save files across entries – like Mass Effect – set a strong precedent.

As a long-time series fan, I continue keeping an eye out for cross-platform announcements from Ubisoft at each new E3 and game reveal. Syncing progression unlocks gameplay opportunities that perfectly align with AC‘s expansive modern lore!

Let me know if this breakdown helped explain the current state of Assassin‘s Creed cross-progression! I‘m always happy to chat more game features or franchise speculation with fellow fans.

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