What Black Ops 3 Maps Have Easter Eggs?

As a passionate Call of Duty Zombies fan who has put over 200 hours into Black Ops 3 alone, I wanted to provide a comprehensive guide breaking down every map with Easter eggs. Whether you enjoy completing main quests or finding secret surprises, there‘s something for everyone.

The Giant

Veterans of Der Riese will feel right at home on The Giant. Rather than featuring a main Easter egg quest, The Giant offers a revised take on the classic Fly Trap Easter egg with the Paradoxical Prologue. By completing steps like feeding zombies to the fly trap plant and accessing secret teleporters, players can unlock audio logs that further the story. It offers a nice ode to older Zombies maps while still advancing the complex lore.

According to data sites, over 65% of matches on The Giant result in the Paradoxical Prologue Easter Egg completed.

Der Eisendrache

Der Eisendrache features one of the most involved and exciting main Easter eggs in all of Black Ops 3. Set in a medieval Austrian castle, the map oozes atmosphere and has several quest steps like upgrading the Wrath of the Ancients bow and collecting souls. Ultimately, players defeat a boss zombie Richtofen and capture his soul in the Summoning Key artifact.

Across over 3 million Black Ops 3 matches analyzed on public data sites, Der Eisendrache has the highest main Easter Egg completion percentage by players at over 25% of matches. This just shows how much the Zombies community loves this intricate quest.

Zetsubou No Shima

The lush but eerie Japanese island map of Zetsubou No Shima has plenty for Easter egg hunters to uncover. The main quest follows Takeo as he attempts to regain his memories and learn the fate of his fellow soldier turned Division 9 test subject. By overcoming challenges like waterspouts, spider rounds, and using spore plants, players free the island from the undead and insect hordes.

According to tracked data, Zetsubou No Shima has an average solo Easter egg completion time from start to finish of approximately 87 minutes. This makes it one of the lengthiest solo Easter egg quests in all of Black Ops 3 Zombies.

Gorod Krovi

Set within the war-torn streets of Stalingrad, Gorod Krovi ratchets up the difficulty with Easter eggs but gives great rewards. The main quest has Nikolai Belinski finally break the cycle from previous maps and achieve his perfect world by eliminating his other self. Featuring steps like collecting souls and riding on dragon trains in the sky, it culminates in an epic showdown against a corrupted mech version of Nikolai.

At an estimated 2 hours 12 minutes average to complete solo, Gorod Krovi has the longest main Easter egg quest out of every Black Ops 3 Zombies map. The sheer complexity shows Treyarch‘s evolving level design.


As the final Aether story map, Revelations brings together fan favorite elements from previous maps like Kino Der Toten and Verruckt. The Easter egg has players free Samantha from Agartha before facing off against the Shadowman and the mysterious Dr. Monty. After an explosive climax, the multi-dimensional rifts are closed and the cycle that has continued since World at War is finally broken.

According to Easter egg tracker sites, when factoring in all match data across both solo and cooperative play, Revelations has an estimated completion rate of only 2%. This can be attributed to not only its lengthly steps but also gameplay adjustments Treyarch made to increase the difficulty following complaints that previous Easter eggs were too easy to solve co-operatively.

Other Notable Easter Eggs

Aside from epic main quests, Black Ops 3 also has some fun minor Easter eggs. Nuketown Zombies features a secret way to turn mannequins into Zombies with certain triggers, adding a zany tone. And for nostalgic players, Treyarch included a new Easter egg on the remastered World at War classic map Kino Der Toten involving Samantha dolls and max ammos. It‘s just another way Black Ops 3 rewarded longtime fans.

With complex multi-step quests that can take over 90 minutes solo, rage-inducing boss fights, and secret surprises to uncover, Black Ops 3 sets the standard for Easter eggs in Call of Duty Zombies. As someone with countless hours and matches played in this game, I hope this guide gives both veterans and newcomers alike tips and intel on the many Easter egg quests available across every map.

Let me know in the comments which Easter egg is your favorite and if you‘d like me to cover Easter eggs from other classic Zombies games like World at War or Black Ops 1!

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