What branch is Ghost?

As an enthusiastic Call of Duty player and self-proclaimed lore expert, one of my favorite special forces operators has always been Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley. With his trademark skull mask and balaclava, Ghost has an instantly recognizable look that sets him apart. But what exactly is his background and which real-world elite military branch does this fictional character belong to?

Ghost Serves in JSOC‘s Covert Task Force 141

According to the established Call of Duty continuity across several titles, Simon Riley is a British special forces soldier who was recruited out of the UK‘s prestigious Special Air Service (SAS) regiment to join Task Force 141.

This secretive unit specializes in highly-sensitive counterterrorism operations and falls under the command of US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). So to definitively answer the question posed in the title – Ghost‘s branch is JSOC, by way of Task Force 141.

About Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)

JSOC is comprised of the US military‘s most elite special mission units like SEAL Team 6 and Delta Force. This umbrella organization synchronizes the special ops capabilities of all branches to rapidly execute classified operations across the globe.

Rather than being part of one singular branch, JSOC strategically draws operators from different branches and units based on mission requirements. JSOC elements are described as "tier one assets" – the best of the best when it comes to special warfare disciplines.

JSOC Tier One UnitsFocus
SEAL Team 6 (DEVGRU)Maritime / Counterterrorism
Delta Force (ACE)Land Warfare / Counterterrorism
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)Reconnaissance / Intelligence

As a JSOC Task Force, the fictional 141 unit that Ghost belongs to consolidates operators from other JSOC elements (like SAS and Delta Force) into one versatile team specializing in surgical strike operations.

Ghost‘s Recruitment from the British SAS

But Ghost wasn‘t always part of this multi-national JSOC task force. His roots stem from service in the British Special Air Service (SAS), one of the world‘s original special operations regiments formed in 1941.

The SAS pioneered stealthy small-squad combat tactics against German forces in North Africa during WW2. Today, the SAS remains the United Kingdom‘s premier special missions unit focusing on counterterrorism, overseas intervention, and classified warfare.

As one of the SAS’s most promising operatives, Ghost was approached by JSOC brass and offered a spot in Task Force 141. His skills made him the perfect recruit for coordinating with US JSOC units on dangerous cross-border missions requiring utmost secrecy.

Training That Prepared Ghost for Special Ops

The SAS is notorious for having one of the military‘s toughest and most grueling selection and training regimes. Ghost survived and thrived in this environment, developing the stamina, skills and mental tenacity expected of Tier One operators.

All SAS recruits undergo basic demolitions and weapons training, followed by advanced instruction in specialized mobility tactics tailored for covert operations. These areas likely formed the core of Ghost‘s early capabilities:

  • Marksmanship across all weapon types
  • Proficiency in stealth mobility – insertion/extraction methods via air, land and sea
  • Explosives expertise for sabotage missions
  • Survival skills for operating behind enemy lines
  • Techniques for gathering actionable battlefield intelligence

As a JSOC task force member, Ghost received additional training from affiliated US units to master capabilities like:

  • Close-quarters battle (CQB) room clearing
  • Hostage rescue protocols
  • Operating cutting-edge spec-ops hardware/gear
  • Experience adapting to different global environments

Ghost‘s Iconic Mask and Balaclava Explained

A big part of Ghost’s signature look is his intimidating skull-decorated mask and tactical headgear. But what’s the purpose and meaning behind the mask?

The menacing skull design projects fear into enemies on covert missions where stealthily eliminating threats is key. It also hides Ghost‘s face and identity – useful when carrying out legally ambiguous black operations.

Underneath the mask, Ghost wears a balaclava with his unit’s skull insignia. This is a nod to real-world British SAS troopers who don balaclavas to conceal identities and keep warm in harsh environments. The mask and balaclava combo make Ghost instantly recognizable while symbolizing his SAS background.

Ghost also wears tactical night vision goggles and a headset for communicating with command during missions. And he is never seen without his custom sunglasses – completing the iconic masked look that all Call of Duty fans associate with Ghost.

If Ghost Returns, He Would Make An Ideal Squad Leader

SPOILER WARNING for anyone who hasn‘t played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2!

Unfortunately, Ghost‘s story met an abrupt end in MW2 when he was killed by General Shepherd. As a diehard fan, I‘m still holding out hope that Ghost will make a return in a future MW sequel.

Presuming he survived or was resurrected in some plausible way, I think Ghost is primed to take on more of an elite squad leader role. He has the perfect mix of special ops skills developed from both US and UK forces to coordinate small team missions.

Building a story around Ghost commanding his own unit would give developers a chance to flesh out more backstory as well – like shedding light on his rescue from Shepherd’s treachery and subsequent recovery.

Here are some key stats that back why Ghost has pedigree to spearhead his own JSOC operations in potential future Call of Duty plots:

Simon "Ghost" Riley‘s ExperienceDetails
Total Years in Special Forces12 years (3 SAS + 9 Task Force)
Overseas DeploymentsClassified (30+ suspected)
Weapon Mastery QualificationsTier One rating in all categories
Stealth Operations Led18 raids / infiltrations
High Value Targets EliminatedCan‘t disclose (40+ estimate)
Successful Missions36 of 38 based on available records †

Mission records are classified – statistics are author presumptions based on background analysis

As those credentials show, Ghost has racked up an impressive service record that would put him in the top echelon of special warfare leadership.

Should the long-awaited Modern Warfare 4 ever materialize, I know myself and many other fans would love to see Simon “Ghost” Riley reprise his role as captain of his own special ops team – bringing his trademark mask back into action!

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