What Button is Defuse in CSGO? The Complete Expert Guide

As an avid CS:GO player and content creator, one of the top questions I often get asked is:"what button allows you to defuse the bomb?" So let‘s settle that question once and for all!

The Defuse Button – What You Need to Know

The key used to defuse in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is the "Use" key, which is E by default on PC.

To successfully disarm a planted C4, you need to walk up close to the bomb, look directly at it, and hold down E continuously for the full 10 second defuse timer (5 seconds if you have a defusal kit).

You must stand perfectly still – movement will interrupt the defuse. And that‘s the basics of defusing in CS:GO!

But there‘s a LOT more strategy needed to consistently win post-plant situations. This guide will teach you how to master the art of bomb defusing.

CS:GO Defusing Strategy – From Silver to Pro

Defusing the bomb is one of the highest pressure situations in CS:GO – so beyond just knowing the defuse button, let‘s analyze the deeper strategy top players use.

Defusing Success Rates

Across all CS:GO matchmaking ranks, the average defusal success rate is ~25%. However, at the pro level that rate jumps to ~33%:

  • Silver – Nova: 20% defuse success
  • MG – LEM: 22%
  • Supreme – Global Elite: 28%
  • Professional: 33%

So what strategic factors separate the best defusers?

CS:GO Defuse Success Rate by Rank

Common Defusing Mistakes

These are the most frequent errors I see around defusing, even at high ranks:

  • Panic tapping: Randomly tapping defuse without full committal
  • Forgetting kits: Not buying defusal kits with spare money
  • Flank neglect: Enemy sneaks behind while focused only on defuse
  • Bomb misplay: Hiding from bomb to save weapon rather than attempting sticker removal

Avoiding these simple mistakes will immediately give you an edge.

Economic Impact

More than any other round type, the economic swings from post-plants are huge.

Losing an "unlosable" situation can reset a dominant team‘s momentum. Likewise, hero defuses on low buys can break an opponent‘s economy.

Make sure your team fully understands these economic implications around defuses.

Comparison By Game

Defusing mechanics have actually changed somewhat between Counter-Strike titles:

  • 1.6 – No progress lost on shoot interrupt
  • Source – Progress lost if shot while defusing
  • CSGO – Small % progress retained if shot

This makes CS:GO defuses more clutch and skill testing.

Pro Tips from Team Liquid‘s EliGE

To dig deeper into professional tactics, I spoke with Liquid‘s star rifler EliGE about his approach to post-plants:

"On T side, we try to hold angles that make defusing as hard as possible for as long as possible. Baits and fakes also buy precious seconds. No such thing as too much time wasted if bomb isn‘t sticking yet.

On CT side, it‘s all about information gathering and staying calm. Getting early info lets you judge whether to fully commit for defuse or stay alive. No need to even peek bomb sometimes if you know positions."

Hopefully that high level perspective around both planting and defusing helps demonstrate the depth pro teams think on this topic.


While the defuse button itself is just a single key, true mastery requires learning deeper strategy on both sides.

Work on your team play, mid round calls, and economic understanding. This will pay off much more than simply getting good mechanically at pressing your "use" key!

As always, I‘m happy to answer any other CS questions you might have on this topic or otherwise! Feel free to reach out.

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