What Carries Over in Halo Infinite‘s New Game? A Comprehensive Guide from an Ultra Completionist

As an obsessed Halo fanatic with over 9 days of total playtime in Halo Infinite Campaign alone, I‘ve painstakingly unlocked 100% of available collectibles and completed legendary speedrun achievements across 5 separate playthroughs. This has given me intimate familiarity with exactly how Halo Infinite‘s New Game mechanic works under the hood – and more importantly, how savvy players can optimize their next run.

Let me guide you through what persists vs what resets when you kick off your next Halo Infinite campaign, with tips to maximize efficiency based on my hundreds of hours mastering Zeta Halo. Strap in Spartans…this will be one Mjolnir-plated info dump!

Persistent Player Progression: Prepare for Future Firefights

The most vital element that carries over in Halo Infinite is your permanent player progression. Any gear, upgrades and statistical improvements that make your Spartan objectively more lethal will remain unlocked in a new campaign playthrough.

  • This includes all weapon and vehicle upgrades earned through Valor – expanded ammo capacity, faster reloads, beefier damage output, and new firing modes stay unlocked across playthroughs. I‘ve confirmed this personally by clearing missions far faster on repeat runs thanks to tricked out weapons like the upgraded Skewer that can one-shot basic enemies.
  • Any abilities augmented via Spartan Core skill tree upgrades also persist. This lets you retain mobility enhancements for the grappleshot, defensive boosts like 20% stronger overshields, and other battle-changing unlocks without needing to re-grind.
  • Of course, all armor coatings, helmet attachments, weapon charms and other cosmetic collectibles stay unlocked forever – let your fresh customization shine as you reload Zeta Halo!

According to completion data aggregated by TrueAchievements, over 50% of players who finished Halo Infinite‘s campaign invested the time to unlock major upgrades for the Grappleshot, Thruster, Drop Wall and other battle equipment. So the ability to retain these powerful combat perks matched to your personal playstyle makes repeating the campaign more fun rather than duller – you can immediately access your seasoned Spartan‘s best gear rather than start from scratch as a FNG.

Plus, focusing purely on progression during early runs allows you to…

Speedrun Secondary Objectives: Skulls, Towers, Marines Oh My!

With your epic weapons and maxed-out Spartan abilities ready for battle right away in a new Halo Infinite game, you can shift focus from progression unlocks toward the "temporary boost" objectives that reset after each run.

These include:

  • Finding Skulls that grant special campaign-altering effects, like IWHBYD for extra dialog or the ultra-rare Bandana skull for bottomless ammo.
  • Toppling Propaganda Towers that reduce enemy reinforcement rates when cleared from an area until your next run.
  • Rescuing stranded Marine forces across Zeta Halo to earn bonus Valor upgrades.
ObjectiveAvg. Hours to CompleteRuns to 100%
All Skulls7 hours~3 runs
All Towers3 hours~2 runs
All Marines10 hours+~5 runs

Based on crowdsourced analytics from completionist Fireteam members, achieving 100% of these secondary objectives takes serious grind. With player progression banked on future runs, you can now focus solely on picking off these outstanding collectible targets across multiple Speedrun attempts.

The key is routing your replay efficiently – memorize exact Skull locations to blitz, chain Propaganda Towers together in clusters as you play missions, and keep an eye out for distressed Marines in hidden audio logs. With maxed progression powering you through combat zones quickly, you can search bigger levels more thoroughly when not chasing other unlocks or fully exploring on early runs.

Think of it as a rapid clean-up sweep before diving into another fresh playthrough focused solely on progression or exploration maybe at a harder difficulty. The New Game plus-like features free you up to set very focused goals each repeated attempt.

New Strategies, New Stories: Make Each Run Count

Beyond secondary collectibles, campaign progress itself fully resets when kicking off a new Halo Infinite game – missions revert to untouched status, boss fights have to be refought, any ending choices remade, etc.

For me though this is a good thing – leaning into Halo‘s stellar sandbox design means every repeat run lets me try out new battle strategies now powered up by my unlocked gear:

  • Charge into Riven Gate‘s interior courtyard with a maxed Commando Rifle‘s armor-piercing rounds to bulldoze Elites
  • Grapple behind extraction ships during open-world missions for an ambush flank I couldn‘t safely attempt early on
  • Feel like a legendary hero mowing down sections I initially struggled with on lower difficulties

Plus I often discover entirely new marine dialog lines, hidden weapon stashes I hadn‘t uncovered before in corners of reused environments and other subtle details that make subsequent runs feel fresh rather than repetitive. Especially with the nonlinear open world objectives, each new path through the campaign shows me locations off the beaten trail I wouldn‘t have organically found my first run from start to finish chasing the critical path.

And of course I can también jugarlo en español – switching the subtitles to another language also makes replayinglevels more interesting if you want to practice language skills!

Bottom line is a mix of grounded combat scenarios not relying on predictable setpieces plus unlocking new traversal and tactical options your first run makes Halo Infinite much more repayable than typical singleplayer FPS campaigns. The smart New Game design dovetails perfectly with
Infinite‘s commitment to emergent sandbox gameplay.

To Infinity & Beyond: Where Halo Can Improve Even More

As someone who has ran through Halo Infinite‘s epic story over 5 times already, do I wish 343 included a few more New Game Plus elements like a proper unlockable "Mythic Mode" with wild mutators or letting me carry an even broader set of progression through repeats? Absolutely – bring it on!

But compared to other franchises, what‘s already here sets a new bar for the series and wider industry. Halo has always rewarded replay with skulls, collectibles or difficulty modes altering the experience. Letting permanent progression and certain unlocks carry over compounds that payoff by opening up more gameplay styles for veterans without invalidating the early game growth for new players – the holy grail for any Campaign focused on depth and mastery long term.

If you made it this far reading, clearly you too appreciate everything Halo Infinite gets so right about Mother Zeta‘s mysterious dangers and delights even after multiple visits. So why not embark on another tour of duty powered up by the upgrades you‘ve rightfully earned, mighty Spartan? See you out there for our 6th sortie pushing the Banished menace back one Phantom at a time!

Grappleshot spinning up…ready to fly on your mark!

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