The Best Races for Conquering Skyrim Survival Mode

As a hardcore Skyrim player boasting over 500 hours across multiple character builds, I live for finding new ways to challenge myself in this dynamic fantasy world. And for expert gamers, no addition shakes things up quite like the ruthlessly immersive Survival Mode. With its hypothermia inducing blizzards, unrelenting hunger pangs and vampire NPCs lurking the night, survival demands careful planning and skill to prevail.

Through my many frigid, foodless journeys I’ve determined the Orc reigns supreme here. Their racial abilities give them a distinct edge at overcoming Survival’s brutal new obstacles. Let’s dig into why Orcs thrive along with capable alternatives like Nords and Redguards:

Why Orcs Dominate Survival Mode

While Orcs in normal mode lack unique skills, Survival reveals their innate toughness. Two key resistances make battling the elements and basic needs far less punishing:

Fatigue Resistance: Orcs grow tired 50% slower than other races. This enables longer travels and dungeon delves before exhaustion sets in. Given fast travel is disabled, fatigue management is essential.

Hunger Resistance: Hunger affects Orcs 30% less rapidly. This means food bars deplete slower, granting more flexibility on meals. Less worrying about starvation or carrying capacity wasted on food.

These passive effects alone provide major advantages. But we can’t overlook Berserker Rage – an activated power boosting damage 100% for 60 seconds. With Survival’s 6x damage modifier, enemies easily one-shot the unwary. Berserker Rage lets Orcs shred foes before suffering the same fate.

Here are key Orc survival stats compared to average races:

AttributeOrcAverage RaceAdvantage
Fatigue Degradation Rate50% SlowerNormalOrcs Last 50% Longer
Hunger Degradation Rate30% SlowerNormal30% Less Hunger Management
Damage Output (Berserker Rage)100% IncreaseNoneDouble Damage for 60 Seconds!

These numbers reveal why Orcs are built to endure Survival’s harsh new systems. Now let’s examine other formidable options:

Also Worthy: Nords, Redguards and Imperials

While Orcs may be the best pure survivors, Nords, Redguards and Imperials all warrant consideration depending on playstyle:

Nords: As Sons and Daughters of Skyrim, Nords gain 50% Frost Resistance allowing better exploration in icy climes. Shock spells also prove 50% weaker, extremely helpful against dangerous mages. Ideal for melee warriors and elemental sorcerers.

Redguards: Masters of the sword thanks to bonuses regenerating Stamina, Redguards shine wielding heavy weapons. Their defensive Adrenaline Rush power refills 100% Stamina, great for unleashing special attacks or escaping dire battles. Pick for weapon specialists.

Imperials: Boasting well rounded skills, Imperials make balanced survivalists. Voice of the Emperor calms nearby enemies up to level 25, helping evade violence. Train Speechcraft to improve odds and stretch effect to higher levels.

While the above analysis focuses on Survival Mode, these picks reflect the best races overall for thriving in Skyrim‘s frozen landscape.

Crafting Survival Builds Around Top Races

Optimizing starts with choosing a formidable race, but skill selections impact success as well. Here are the most viable builds for Survival:

Two-Handed Berserker Orcs – Meld Orc resistances with heavy weapons and watch foes fall before you! Rage then feast without cares.

Heavy Armored Nord Warriors – Max out frost/magic protection in thick dragonplate armor unhindered by weight.

Redguard Swordmasters – Adrenaline fueled combat, refilling stamina enables endless power attacks.

Of course alchemical and magic options exist too but lack room for coverage here. Each build leverages respective race‘s bonuses toward offense or defense. Learn more on my Skyrim builds blog!

While the above analysis focuses on Survival Mode, these picks reflect the best races overall for thriving in Skyrim‘s frozen landscape.

Final Tips for Conquering Survival Mode

Before concluding, I wanted to share general tips for succeeding at this more realistic way to play:

  • Choose sustenance focused gear – Prioritize enchantments restoring hunger/warmth over pure damage

  • Always carry ingredients – Especially salt piles to preserve hunted meat from spoiling

  • Revel in campfires – Craft tents for safe places to warm up, restore needs

  • Customize difficulty – Tweak damage settings up/down based on preference

With the right race, build and strategies you’ll be conquering Survival Mode’s lethal gauntlets in no time. For more of my Skyrim insights be sure to browse my other expert guides on My Blog. Stay warm wandering tamriel my friends!

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