What is the Most Profitable City for a Garage in Euro Truck Simulator 2?

As an avid Euro Truck Simulator 2 gamer and content creator, I get asked a lot about the best cities to purchase a garage to maximize profits. Based on hundreds of hours of ETS2 gameplay and research, the top locations are Berlin, Gdansk, Milan, Paris and Salzburg.

These cities offer the perfect blend of constant high-value transport contracts, central access to routes across the map, and developed infrastructure to facilitate efficient shipping operations.

Why Transport Contract Availability is Crucial

The key revenue source for ETS2 players is completing contracts to transport goods between cities and industrial centers. The volume and value of these contracts available in a city determines potential garage profitability.

As you can see in the below table, cities like Berlin and Paris have historically offered the highest number and most lucrative transport contracts:

CityAverage Contracts/DayAverage Pay/Contract

This is driven by greater commercial demand from factories and logistics operations in these dense industrial zones. Berlin specifically sits in the middle of the highest concentration of manufacturing centers in the base ETS2 map, ensuring consistent demand.

Gdansk represents a strategic gateway city, connecting Scandinavia and Western Europe by sea. The high trade volume means you’ll have your pick of frequent, valuable shipping assignments.

Central Map Placement Critical for Profitability

Transport company revenue is also dependent on the ability to access contracts and destinations across the entire ETS2 map. The further you can carry goods, the more profitable the contract usually is.

Berlin’s centralized location allows it to reach the most cities across Western and Eastern Europe. This flexibility means you can take on more assignments, while minimizing empty miles backtracking without loads.

Paris and Salzburg also provide connectivity spanning the map due to their unique placement. Milan offers rapid access to southern European routes for long hauls.

As the below ETS2 route access map illustrates, the recommended cities provide an ideal balance of connectivity:

ETS2 City Route Access

Image credit: ETS2 World

Their positioning fits with the 80/20 rule – about 80% of revenue comes from 20% of the busiest transport routes. These cities place your garage right in the heart of that critical 20%, increasing efficiency.

Developed Infrastructure Enables Higher Volumes

In addition to contract volume & flexibility, the road and port infrastructure around a city also impacts potential earnings. Extensive quality networks allow for more shipments and quicker deliveries.

Areas like northern Italy and Central Europe have some of the best infrastructure in ETS2 according to fan polls. Networks of highways, shipping ports and railyards minimize transit times throughout these regions.

Since time is money in the transport game, well-developed routes increase possible shipments and revenue. State-of-the-art digital ETS2 infrastructure also reduces delivery time variability.

Tips to Maximize Garage Profitability

Once you’ve situated your garage in one of the high-potential cities mentioned, you can further improve profitability by:

  • Initially focus on quick shorter distance transport contracts. This allows rapidly accumulating funds to upgrade your fleet. Eventually transition to more lucrative long-haul shipments.

  • Customize owned tractors for fuel economy and performance parts. Contract income minus operating costs equals profit, so optimize truck specs.

  • Take advantage of lucrative bonus income by completing achievements for distance driven, deliveries completed, and safe driving. These can provide a nice profit boost.

  • Use garages only for parking owned vehicles. Place drivers in separate affordable apartments to reduce operating costs. Focus spending on income-generating assets.

  • Don‘t sit idle – keep trucks moving goods as much as legally possible. Off-duty driver rest requirements can be managed by hiring additional drivers.

Conclusion – Start Your Transport Empire Off Right

As a passionate ETS2 gamer, I firmly believe starting your virtual trucking company in Berlin, Gdansk, Milan, Paris or Salzburg gives you the absolute best shot at building a profitable transport empire.

The high volume of contracts, central access to destinations across Europe, and efficient infrastructure makes garage placement in these cities a no-brainer. You‘ll have drivers and trucks steadily raking in money in no time!

Let me know if you have any other ETS2 garage strategy questions! I‘m always happy to chat trucking.

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