Choosing the Right Civilization in Rise of Kingdoms

Deciding which civilization to focus on as a new player in Rise of Kingdoms can feel overwhelming. But the good news is that you‘re able to change civilizations later as you progress. So don‘t worry about making a "forever" choice upfront.

China – The Flexible Starter

Many experts recommend China for beginners. With defense-oriented capabilities and the versatile Sun Tzu commander, China provides a solid foundation to build upon.

As your first civilization, China won‘t restrict your options. You can develop experience with multiple troop types before specializing later. The extra building speed also accelerates early development.

Tailoring to Your Playstyle

Rather than declaring singular "best" picks, focus on civilizations that enable your preferred playstyle and commanders.

For example, Germany and France boost infantry and cavalry respectively. Pair them with specialized commanders like Charles Martel or Minamoto no Yoshitsune.

Or Arabia‘s cavalry attack bonuses synergize perfectly with masters like Cao Cao.

Set long term goals based on how you most enjoy playing. Then choose civilizations and commanders that align with that vision.

Scouting the Meta

The Rise of Kingdoms meta evolves over time. Keep an eye on the latest tier lists and expert breakdowns to see what‘s working well.

For example, Egypt was recently introduced and quickly rose to prominence thanks to strong archer boosts.

Staying aware of the current landscape allows you to lean into civilizations that offer an edge until balances shift again.

Adaptability is Key

Treat your civilization choice as fluid, not permanent. Rise of Kingdoms introduces new options and tweaks existing civilizations over time.

What works today might not tomorrow. So continually reevaluate as game changes unfold, your roster expands, and you refine your playstyle preferences.

Final Tips

  • Don‘t obsess over defining absolute "best" picks. Focus instead on synergies with your goals and commanders.
  • China‘s flexibility makes it a recommended starting point for most.
  • Tailor civilizations and commanders to your preferred playstyle for maximum effectiveness.
  • Keep an eye on the meta so you can pivot when shifts happen.
  • Stay adaptable. Treating civilizations as permanent will limit your options.

Rise of Kingdoms is a complex, ever-evolving game. By embracing fluidity and aligning builds to your playstyle, you‘ll be equipped to unlock more fun and success as you progress.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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