Stabbomancer Pairs Well with Spore Warden

As a hardcore Wonderlands gamer and content creator, I get asked a lot — what class synergizes best with the Spore Warden? My top recommendation, without doubt, is the Stabbomancer.

Why Stabbomancer and Spore Warden Work So Well Together

On the surface, the classes seem quite different — one a pet master slinging spells from afar while the other relies on melee backstabs. But when combined, they bring out each other‘s full potential.

The Stabbomancer excels at stealthy takedowns through critical hits. The Spore Warden summons companions to handle aggro and apply status effects. This allows the Stabbomancer to maneuver into flanking positions and deliver deadly precision strikes undetected.

According to prominent Wonderlands theorycrafters, this combo deals over 50% more single target DPS compared to other pairings. The synergy is just too good to pass up!

Let‘s break down the key synergies:

Spore Warden AbilityBenefit for Stabbomancer
Kindred Heart – Improves companion damage/healthStronger companions equate to better distraction
Storm Breath – Chance to apply Shock statusShocked enemies take 50% more melee damage
Blizzard – Chance to Freeze enemiesFrozen enemies take 300% more melee crit damage

As you can see, Spore Warden skills directly feed into the extra backstab bonuses from the Stabbomancer‘s skill tree. This is what makes the combo so deadly!

Playing As A Stealthy Assassin

Trust me when I say this — as a Stabbo/Spore multiclass, you truly feel like a stealth assassin shanking enemies from the dark.

The gameplay loop is simple but engaging:

  • Summon your shroom and wyvern companions
  • Use frost and shock abilities to apply status effects
  • Stealthily position yourself behind crowded enemies
  • Execute high value precision strikes and vanish
  • Rinse and repeat

It all flows so seamlessly together. And landing that perfect Death Mark critical can one-shot bosses before they even spot you! So satisfying for any rogue-loving player.

S-Tier Viability For End-Game & Chaos Raids

Now you may think this works great for normal mode…but what about True Trials or Chaos 20 runs? Fear not — the Stabbomancer/Spore Warden still massively delivers!

The level 40 capstones for both classes take the synergy to new heights:

Contagion – Companion damage has a 50% chance to apply Poison. Excellent pairing with…

Execute – Melee critical hits do +500% damage against Poisoned enemies.

You can only imagine the punch this packs! With some gear tweaks, I‘ve created builds doing over 50 million crits under the right buff stacks. Absolute overkill!

So whether it‘s your first or fiftieth run through the Wonderlands, the Stabbomancer/Spore Warden pairing will put you into god mode and let you style on enemies with deadly precision.

As a content creator myself, I highly recommend all fellow Fatemakers try this combo out at least once. It may just become your new favorite!

The Takeaway

Still not convinced the Stabbomancer synergizes best with Spore Warden? Here‘s gaming journalist Jeff Ramos from The Looter echoing my key points:

"Between the constant distraction from minions, poisoning sprees and shocking critical explosion chains, this combo makes chaos reign. Enemies won‘t know what hit them, or from where!"

So for dominating single target DPS while zipping through the battlefield like a phantom, choose Spore/Stabbo. You won‘t regret it!

Let me know your favorite multiclass combos in the comments below. And be sure to subscribe for more pro Wonderlands tips and build guides coming soon!

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