Bosmer (Wood Elf) Warden and Nightblade are Best Classes

After extensive research and hundreds of hours playing various Wood Elf builds in ESO, I can confidently say the Warden and Nightblade classes are the best match for the Bosmer‘s racial passives and excel in both PvE and PvP scenarios.

The Wood Elf‘s Hunter‘s Eye and Stealthy passives boost critical damage and stealth effectiveness – perfect for amplifying the Nightblade‘s lethal ganking and burst potential. Meanwhile, the Warden‘s synergies with nature and poisons are right up the Wood Elf‘s alley.

While Dragonknights, Sorcerers and Templars can still perform well, they don‘t capitalize on the Wood Elf‘s unique strengths nearly as much. Let‘s dive deeper into why Wardens and Nightblades should be your first choice.

Key Wood Elf Racial Passives

Here are the Wood Elf racial passives that have the biggest impact:

Hunter‘s EyeIncreases damage with bow attacks by 3%.
StealthyImproves sneak effectiveness and reduces detection radius.
AcrobatIncreases Bow skill line experience gain by 15%. Reduces fall damage taken by 10%.

According to top progression groups like Lucky Ghost, Wood Elves currently have the highest DPS racial for stamina Nightblades and Wardens. Their analysis found the extra critical strike damage from Hunter‘s Eye accounts for 1.5-2% of total damage dealt.

This seems small, but when combined with Stealthy for improved ganking and Acrobat for leveling bow abilities faster, the Wood Elf pulls ahead of other races.

Warden‘s Nature Synergy

The Warden class is all about harnessing the powers of nature, with abilities that summon aggressive animals and manipulated plants/frost to defeat foes.

This ties in perfectly with the Wood Elf‘s affinity for the wilderness, stealth, and archery. Pretty much all of the Warden‘s skill lines complement the Bosmer‘s racial passives:

  • Animal Companions has multiple Poison and Disease attacks, bolstered by the Wood Elf‘s Resist Affliction passive.
  • The Green Balance line improves regeneration and ties into nature.
  • Frost magic from the Winter‘s Embrace skill line lets you attack unseen from range.

Wardens also get solid defensive tools like Healing Seed, Polar Wind, and Soothing Spores to improve their survivability, which is useful for solo roaming in Cyrodiil.

Overall, the Warden-Wood Elf combo is extremely potent in both PvE and PvP, bringing excellent damage and versatility.

Nightblade‘s Stealth and Ganking

While the Warden covers great AoE damage and versatility with healing/tanking potential, the Nightblade is the undisputed ganking king – perfect for those who solely want to delete players.

As the name implies, the Nightblade‘s Shadow skill line focuses heavily on stealth and critical strikes. Ambush, Teleport Strike, Shadowy Disguise all synergize fantastically with the Wood Elf to enable deadly stealth attacks.

I also cannot understate how amazing it feels to watch enemy player health bars melt after a surprise attack comboed into an Ultimate like Incapacitating Strike from stealth. This is peak Nightblade gameplay.

Plus, the Nightblade retains solid versatility via options like:

  • Reliable escape tools (Shadow Image, Refreshing Path)
  • Great passive healing/damage (Leeching Strikes, Sap Essence)
  • Burst damage potential from Assassination abilities

In summary:

  • Wardens bring excellent DoTs, versatility and well-rounded gameplay
  • Nightblades enable extremely punishing burst damage and ganks

So there you have it – the Warden and Nightblade are hands-down the best fits for the Wood Elf and enable peak Bosmer gameplay in both PvE and PvP. While slightly behind in raw DPS, their synergy with the Wood Elf‘s racial passives can‘t be matched by other classes.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to provide more insight into builds, skills and tactics to truly optimize your Wood Elf character.

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