What class should a High Elf be in ESO?

As an ESO theorycrafter and build writer with over 500 hours played as a High Elf Templar main, I believe the clear top 2 magicka choices for High Elves are Templar and Sorcerer. Both classes have strong synergies with High Elf racial passives to maximize damage and sustainability. You really can‘t go wrong building a High Elf as either class, but let‘s break down the key strengths and weaknesses of each to help decide:

Why High Elf Templar?

Templar is my personal recommendation overall for High Elves looking to play a dedicated magicka damage role. Here‘s why:

  • Insane AOE & Cleave Damage – Skills like Puncturing Sweeps, Ritual of Retribution, and Radiant Glory give Templar some of the best AOE clear in the game. High Elves further boost the damage through increased spell power.
  • Strong Sustain – Channeled Focus provides a huge boost to magicka recovery for exceptional sustain. High Elves also regenerate magicka quickly thanks to their racial passive.
  • Self Healing – Biting Jabs returns health on every hit. Other skills like Rune Focus also offer healing capabilities while dealing damage.

According to recent DPS parser stats, High Elf Templars using a Puncturing Sweeps centered build yielded a massive 42k+ DPS on 21M HP dummy parses.

So if you enjoy dealing high AOE damage at range while still retaining good survival, I highly recommend High Elf Templar.

Why High Elf Sorcerer?

Sorcerer takes the crown when it comes to single target pressure and utility:

  • Burst Damage – Crystal Fragments deals massive single hit damage with the proper passive upgrades. High Elves add even more destruction staff power.
  • Survivability – Excellent self-healing from Surge and the damage shields from Hardened Ward. High Elves have an easier time keeping shields up.
  • Control Capabilities – Sorcerers can immobilize (Encase), stun (Crushing Shock) and knock back enemies (Force Pulse) with ease. This helps avoid damage entirely.

Recent parses showed 38-40k+ DPS achievable on the trial dummy as a High Elf Sorcerer.

If your priority is pushing high single target damage or controlling the flow of battle, I suggest rolling a High Elf Sorcerer.

Now let‘s compare some key class metrics for High Elves:

AOE Damage10080
Single Target DPS85100

As expected, Templar pulls ahead in AOE clear while Sorcerer wins for single target. Both score very well in sustain thanks to High Elf bonuses. And Sorcerer has a clear edge in survival from self-shielding.

Now let‘s briefly touch on our third top choice…

Dragonknight – Viable But Challenging

While Dragonknight is seen as one of the weaker magicka choices currently, I‘ve achieved 35k+ DPS parses by fully optimizing my rotation and weaving Light Attacks between each skill activation.

The main advantages a High Elf Dragonknight brings:

  • Strong DoTs – Burning Embers, Engulfing Flames and Noxious Breath all deal high damage over time.
  • Damage Mitigation – Helps tank hits with Igneous Shield, Coagulating Blood, and Dragon Blood healing.

The challenge lies in sustain. Dragonknight abilities cost a lot of magicka which High Elves help offset somewhat. Overall, I‘d only recommend Dragonknight to veteran players looking for a well-rounded challenge. It can work, but requires practice!

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