What color are Zelda‘s eyes?

To directly answer the question "what color are Zelda‘s eyes"- the majority of her portrayals in the Legend of Zelda games have shown Princess Zelda with blue eyes. Blue eyes are her standard look, featured in titles like Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and A Link to the Past amongst others. However, the 2017 release Breath of the Wild broke from tradition by giving Zelda distinctly green eyes instead.

Blue Eyed Zelda Matches Her Regal Aesthetic

Across the Zelda franchise, Princess Zelda‘s blue eyes complement her royal persona. Her eyes reflect the cool tones of her elaborate gowns and jewelry. As a wise ruler empowered by the Triforce of Wisdom, blue is a fitting color – it evokes tranquility, trust, and truth.

Looking closely at reference material for games like Wind Waker HD, Zelda‘s blue iris contains minute lighter details, giving her gaze added depth and realism. As a passionate Zelda expert, I believe the crimson red juvenile Giant Horse in Breath of the Wild gives clues that blue is likely the natural eye color for the royal family bloodline.

Could Future Games Return to Blue?

Breath‘s green eyed Zelda was an unexpected change, leaving fans to wonder – will future releases stick with green, or go back to the classic blue? As a content creator following the latest gaming news, I speculate we could see more eye color experimentation. Crossing my fingers Eternal Princess Zelda sports fiery orange eyes like Din or sea green like Nayru!

GameEye Color
Ocarina of TimeBlue
Wind WakerBlue
Breath of the WildGreen

Linking Zelda‘s Green Eyes to Nature and Destiny

Shifting from regal blue to earthy green for her Breath incarnation seems an intentional choice by Nintendo developers. As Zelda prepares to battle Calamity Ganon, she studies ancient Sheikah technology and unlocks inner power through prayer at goddess statues.

I believe the vibrant green eyes reflect Zelda tapping into long dormant elemental abilities passed down in Hyrule‘s bloodline. Her emerald eyes also parallel how her destiny directly ties to Ganon‘s cycle of destruction across the wilderness. Breath‘s lush forests clearly inspired her new look.

How Green Eyes Set Breath‘s Zelda Apart

As a passionate gamer, I admire how the green eyes help further distinguish Breath‘s Zelda from prior princesses. While past Zeldas were certainly strong characters, they were damsels captured by Ganon. Breath of the Wild‘s princess displays enormous personal growth on her self-discovery adventure. The green eyes signal independence and tapping into her ancestral power without royal privilege.

Comparing Iconic Video Game Characters by Eye Color

Looking across other classic video game franchises, protagonists and their love interests often have signature eye colors:

  • Mario – blue
  • Peach – blue
  • Sonic – green
  • Amy – green
  • Fox McCloud – green
  • Master Chief (Halo) – brown

However, as shown in the examples of Zelda and Amy, eye color can help further differentiate alternate versions of characters across games. Aspects like outfit, personality, and goals may shift while core identifiers like hair color remain the same.


To conclude, while most Zelda games depict the titular princess with blue eyes, Breath of the Wild uniquely features her with green eyes instead. Zelda‘s eye color likely shifts to represent character growth, destiny, and connections to the wilderness. As a content creator, I had fun speculating about possible future eye colors and comparing Zelda to other iconic video game characters. Whether blue, green, or something new entirely, Zelda‘s eyes will continue captivating gamers.

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