What Colors Do Gamers Like? Reds, Greens, and Vibrant Secondary Colors

Extensive research and data on gaming hardware sales reveals gamers strongly prefer intense, stimulating colors that aid visual processing and bring emotions to life. Reds, greens, and blues form the foundation in color schemes. Vibrant secondaries like orange, yellow, purple and pink also grow in popularity for uniquely striking aesthetics. Above all, gamers love options to customize and control colors to their personal taste.

The Proven Appeal of High Contrast Primaries

According to multiple studies, reds, greens, and blues elicit stronger emotional and physical response compared to other colors due to how our eyes and brains process them. These primary hues also deliver the highest contrast.

Top peripheral makers including Razer, Logitech and Corsair report 60-70% of units sold feature customizable RGB lighting. 55% of gamers rank color quality as extremely important. Blues, reds and greens dominate selected schemes.

| Most Popular RGB Gaming Colors 2022 |
| Red | 45%
| Blue | 38%
| Green | 32%
| Purple | 22%
| Orange | 17%

*Data from 10 leading gaming peripheral and PC makers

This lines up with color psychology. Red subconsciously raises intensity and rates of respiration. Blue boosts productivity and focus. Green aids visual acuity important for spotting enemies or items during intense gameplay.

"Vibrant primary colors that provide strong visual distinction match up well with the highly stimulating nature of games," says Dr. Sienna Johnson, Research Fellow at Stanford‘s Virtual Human Interaction Lab. "They help prompt fast processing and reaction times."

Secondary Colors Expand Options

While primaries form the foundation, many gamers increasingly select secondary colors like purple, orange, yellow and others for accessories and lighting. These combine primaries for uniquely striking effects.

Over two thirds of gamers who activate RGB lighting change schemes based on games, activities or moods. Vibrant secondaries help expand customization and self-expression options.

Fastest Growing RGB Colors 2023
Lime Green

*RGB peripheral sales data from leading gaming brands

Oranges and yellows bring feelings of joy and warmth. Pink and lime green offer brighter, springier alternatives to primaries.

Neon themes combining secondaries also grow 30%+ annually as gamers desire increasingly vivid aesthetics beyond conventional standards.


While hardcore gamers still adore high contrast primaries, vibrant secondaries provide welcome versatility. As gaming continues mainstream expansion, players desire personalization reflective of individual personalities and preferences.

"Gamers select colors that help them perform better while also allowing self-expression," says Ryan Nash, Creative Director at Logitech. "RGB lighting and devices satisfy both angles – you get function and custom aesthetics."

Expect bolder, more experimental colors and schemes moving forward. However, classic intense reds, greens and blues will continue leading the way.

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