Green Shades Lure Spiders Most to Player Battlestations

For gamers decorated with RGB lighting and flashy gear, green wavelengths attract the most spiders based on their specialized vision. Before enemy arachnids ambush your battlestation, arm yourself with knowledge of their color preferences.

Spiders Are Drawn to Green More Than Any Other Color

Extensive pest control research shows spiders focus on green light above other shades. Their eyes contain photoreceptor cells optimally sensitive to 500-550 nm light – the spectrum we see as green.

This allows spiders to easily spot green prey and mates. Areas with foliage, algae growth, or just strong green lighting pull in higher spider traffic.

According to London pest control company Fantastic Services, spider sightings increase by 61% in urban gardens surrounded by green plants and lawn decor. Spider run-ins also rise by 84% in rooms painted predominantly green.

How Spider Vision Differs from Humans

Humans have three color photoreceptors – tuned to red, blue, and green light. Spiders have several more, expanding their color detection range.

Many spiders see into the ultraviolet spectrum invisible to us. Several jumping spider species also pick out an extra color channel in the orange/red 550-650 nm range.

This extends both ends of the rainbow for spiders – explaining their attraction to ultraviolet bug zappers in addition to green hues.

Color Detection Across Spider Families

Spectral sensitivity and color channels differ across spider groups. Jumping spiders have added red sensitivity.

Source: ResearchGate

Other Colors That Summon Spiders

Green universally grabs spider attention above all else. But other wavelengths can also draw spiders near by attracting swarms of insect prey.

Blue and Ultraviolet LEDs Attract the Most Bugs Overall

White LED bulbs emitting blue and UV rays pull in 31% more bugs than incandescent lighting on average, study data from pest specialist American Agriculture notes. These insects in turn attract predators like spiders.

UV wavelengths specifically stimulate tracking of pollen grains and flower nectar by bugs. This explains concentrated swarms around UV lighting.

Red LEDs Deter Spiders Alongside Most Insects

Compare this to red LED bulbs, attracting only half as many insects. Red night lighting on porches or patios helps avoid unwanted spider guests.

Research in the Journal of Pest Science confirms red light attracts the fewest spiders across studies of muliple visible wavelengths.

Spiders rely heavily on visual cues for sensing prey and mates. Minimal bug activity under red light provides few reasons for spiders to approach.

Preferred LED Colors By Spider Species

Jumping spiders move toward blue, green and ultraviolet light. Most spiders avoid red wavelengths.

Source: ResearchGate

Repelling Spiders with Scent and Cleaning

Spider attraction relies heavily on environmental sights and smells. Use these additional tips to overpower spider stimuli and keep them away long-term:

Spider-Repelling Essential Oils

  • Lavender
  • Citrus oils
  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Eucalyptus

London exterminator IPC Pest Control finds lavender and citrus scents reduce spider intrusions by 89%.

Vacuum and Sanitise Home Frequently

This removes odor trails and shelter opportunities for spiders. Focus on corners, floors, and gaps under appliances/furniture.

Install Door Sweeps

Sealing entry points forces wandering spiders to look elsewhere instead of sneaking inside.

With vigilance and integrated pest deterrents, we can stay one step ahead of invading spiders around our gaming sanctuaries. Apply these colors and scents strategically to keep arachnid enemies at bay!

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