So What Exactly is a "Second World" Country These Days?

As a gaming content creator, I‘m always interested in how technology, internet penetration, computer hardware access, and gaming culture varies across different countries. You often hear older terminology like "First World" and "Third World" countries thrown around, but there‘s also this vague "Second World" category as well. So what countries are considered Second World in 2023?

Originating as Communist Middle Ground During the Cold War

Back during the Cold War era (1947-1991), the predominant framework for classifying countries globally was based around ideological blocs and alignment with superpowers:

  • First World: U.S., Western Europe, Japan, and NATO allies
  • Second World: Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Eastern Europe – the communist countries
  • Third World: Neutral and Non-Aligned countries

So the Second World bloc essentially encompassed the communist countries sitting between the capitalist First World and the "rest" in the Third World.

Cold War Country Classification

In this era, Second World countries were fairly stable, had developed industrial economies, and were certainly not as impoverished as the typical Third World nation. But they still lagged behind their First World capitalist rivals in living standards, economic prosperity, and technological advancement.

Blurring Definitions in the Post-Cold War Era

Once the Soviet Union collapsed around 1991, these Cold War classifications became far less meaningful. Should newly capitalist Russia still be considered Second World? As former communist countries transitioned and China rapidly grew its economy, the lines blurred substantially.

Nevertheless, the "Second World" term persists in more casual usage even today, typically to indicate countries that are:

  • Not impoverished/developing like stereotypical Third World countries
  • Not as advanced or prosperous as First World countries

It has essentially become a subjective catch-all term for the middle ground – but there‘s no widely accepted or official list of Second World countries.

Comparing Key Development Indicators

To analyze the relative development levels, here is a comparison on some key economic, social, and technological indicators between three example countries:

CountryNorway (First World)Russia (Second World?)Ethiopia (Third World)
2022 GDP Per Capita$87,649$11,289$953
Internet Penetration98%81%20%
Mobile Phone Ownership96%84%56%
Game Industry Revenues$191 million$2.3 billionMinimal data available

(Source 1
Source 2
Source 3)

Per capita GDP and technology access figures show the stark contrast between an undisputed First World country like Norway, the world‘s poorest nations like Ethiopia, and Russia‘s position somewhere in the middle.

And for the gaming/tech industry in particular – while Russia lacks the mature gaming market of First World countries, it is still the world‘s #6 video game market – evidence it has likely moved beyond Third World status.

Subjective List of Second World Contenders

While definitions stay loose, some countries commonly considered as Second World in the 21st century based on their middle levels of development and prosperity include:

Former Communist Countries

  • Russia
  • China
  • Kazakhstan
  • Azerbaijan

Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)

  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • South Africa
  • Malaysia

Petrol States

  • Saudi Arabia
  • Iran
  • Venezuela

But again – without strict criteria, the list remains open to interpretation and revision. For example, an analyst could make a fair argument for including Argentina, Turkey, Thailand, Jamaica, Costa Rica, or Libya as Second World too.

Gaming Industry Growth Across Country Classifications

As a gaming industry observer, analyzing video game revenue data shows how markets clearly differ across loose country groupings:

Gaming Industry Revenue Comparisons

First World countries across North America, Europe, and East Asia dominate gaming industry revenues, while many Third World countries lack data due to minimal gaming activity or industry tracking. Russia, China, and Brazil demonstrate clear leadership among middle ground Second World states.

Hope this provides more insight on what people currently consider a Second World country! It‘s a fluid concept, but generally aims to fill the gap between the traditional First and Third Worlds. Let me know in comments what other countries you think belong on the Second World list!

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