What did Jackson turn into? A Journey of Self-Discovery

Jackson Whittemore was bitten by an Alpha hoping to build his pack. But rather than becoming a werewolf, Jackson turned into a reptilian Kanima that reflected his unresolved identity issues. Only by embracing his true self was Jackson finally able to assume his werewolf form.

The Bite That Changed Everything

As an adopted child of wealthy parents, Jackson struggled with abandonment issues that manifested as a ruthless quest for power and status. So when offered the werewolf bite, he saw it as a shortcut to rising above his peers.

But the bite triggered a different transformation entirely…

The Kanima Within

By rejecting Jackson‘s werewolf transition, his body instead morphed into a creature called a Kanima. The Kanima is a weapon of vengeance, often seeking out killers and other violent offenders as victims.

Jackson‘s Kanima reflected his inner turmoil – lacking a defined sense of self, he became dependent on an external "master" to dictate his actions. Unable to control his own choices, Jackson would black out only to awake bloodied from the Kanima‘s brutal attacks.

The Kanima‘s Special Gifts

As a Kanima, Jackson developed preternatural abilities including:

  • Paralysis Venom – The Kanima‘s claws and tails secrete a potent neurotoxin that can induce paralysis in victims for up to several hours.
  • Rapid Regeneration – Much like werewolves, Kanimas heal rapidly from injuries that would be fatal to humans. They awaken stronger after each rebirth.
  • Wall-Crawling – Kanimas can scale sheer surfaces with ease using the suction cups on hands and feet. They are expert climbers and cling to ceilings undetected.

These powerful traits made Jackson a formidable (yet unwilling) weapon under his master‘s control.

Finding His True Identity

Jackson remained trapped in Kanima form until confronted by his one anchor to humanity – Lydia. She appealed to Jackson‘s buried humanity, confessing she still loved him. This emotional breakthrough resolved Jackson‘s long-repressed identity issues.

Finally able to transition into werewolf form, Jackson gained the abilities common to Lycan shapeshifters:

  • Super Strength & Speed – Werewolves possess enhanced strength and speed in human and wolf form. They can overwhelm most mortal and supernatural opponents.
  • Heightened Senses – Hearing, sight and smell improve dramatically. Useful for tracking prey or enemies.
  • Accelerated Healing – Like Kanimas, werewolves heal rapidly from wounds that would kill normal humans.
  • Sharp Teeth & Claws – Razor sharp fangs and talons emerge useful for hunting prey or self defense.

With these new gifts, Jackson also seemed to find inner clarity about who he was – and who he wanted to be.

Jackson's Journey from Kanima to Werewolf

Jackson finally transforms into a werewolf. (Source: teenwolf.fandom.com)

How Jackson‘s Arc Compares

Jackson‘s transformation into a Kanima echoes emotional arcs for other key characters:

  • Scott McCall – Originally bitten against his will, Scott also struggled with his werewolf alter ego. But friends helped Scott accept himself.
  • Malia Tate – Repressed trauma caused Malia to fully transform into a coyote for years until reconnecting with her human side.
  • Liam Dunbar – Anger issues made Liam‘s early werewolf transitions violent. But his pack helped him find balance.

Like these characters, Jackson‘s journey was about accepting every part of himself – both human and supernatural. By finding an anchor in trusted allies, Jackson finally achieved harmony.

Looking to the Future

Jackson moved to London following the resolution of his Kanima arc, seeking a fresh start. But longtime fans speculate he could resurface in rumored Teen Wolf spinoffs or revival series to rejoin his high school friends.

Many loose ends remain around unresolved relationships between Jackson, Lydia, Scott and other main characters. And the Kanima mythos ripe for deeper exploration.

If brought back for future Teen Wolf stories, Jackson‘s unique history would allow rich character development fueling confrontations, alliances and redemption arcs galore in ever-escalating supernatural battles. The once-shallow teenage jock could become an unlikely hero rallying former rivals to face an even greater threat.

For a show about finding identity amidst chaos, a return of a fan-favorite seeking redemption could perfectly launch the Teen Wolf franchise into its next chapter.

The Takeaway

Jackson served as the living embodiment of painful transformation. His journey forced him to confront buried truths and choose the path toward fully realizing himself. By finally learning self-acceptance, Jackson gained powerful abilities and understanding that helped define his place in the world.

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