What do astral elves look like?

As a long-time gamer and elf enthusiast, I‘m thrilled to provide this in-depth look at the otherworldly appearance of astral elves. Right away, their most signature traits are apparent – midnight blue skin speckled with shimmering silver and gold, lush metallic hair in hues of pastel pinks, blues and silvers, and ornate facial markings that resemble clusters of tiny stars. Their tall slender frames tower over other elves, usually between 5‘10" to 6‘5", with unique curling horns adding height. Everything about their features evokes an unearthly, celestial magic.

Skin as Dark & Luminous as the Night Sky

Astral elves exhibit a variety of blue and purple hues in their skin, from a deep midnight blue to soft periwinkle. These cool tones often shimmer with hints of metallic gold, silver, and even holographic rainbow sheens. It‘s like gazing at a magical twilight sky – dark, luminous, and speckled with glimmering stars. These skin markings are described by D&D lore as being blessed by divine powers of the Astral Plane.

According to Mordenkainen‘s Tome of Foes, some sages believe these star-flecked complexions indicate an astral elf‘s age, with more gold flecks accumulating over their considerable lifespans. However, many elders display completely midnight blue and purple skins. Perhaps these glittering stars instead align with an elf‘s adventures and deeds!

Hair of Moonbeams & Metal

Astral elves sport flowing, waist-length locks in hues mirroring the supernatural colors of their skin. The most common shades are metallic – beautiful shimmering silver, pale gold, copper and platinum blonde. Some exhibit soft pastel pink, blue, purple or green hair with an iridescent glow. These metallic locks almost seem liquified, flowing like liquid moonbeams down their backs.

By contrast, horned astral elves sport shorter styles due to their curling horns and antlers. Their hair is often intricately braided or upswept to fully showcase their striking head and facial markings.

Eyes Full of Stars & Eternity

Like portals to a starry abyss, an astral elf‘s luminous eyes entrance all who meet their gaze. Irises burst with the violets, blues and golden metallic hues seen on their skin and hair, and often glitter with specks of light. This depthless, cosmic gaze hints at ages of endless wisdom gathered over their considerable thousand-year lifespans. Few can match the turn of their mystic stare.

Legend tells that the first elves awoke beside CuiviĆ©nen, the magical Water of Awakening in the far east. As astral elves slumbered near divine font, their eyes absorbed its starlit radiance. When they awoke on the Astral Plane millennia later, the CuiviĆ©nen‘s essence glimmered in their cosmic eyes. Perhaps this myth hints at the stellar origin of their ancient, knowing gaze.

Body Markings Like Clustered Stars

Unlike inked tattoos, an astral elf‘s facial and body markings glow with heavenly light reminiscent of stars. They first manifest when an astral elf comes of age, appearing as tiny silver clusters like star constellations scattered over their cheeks, foreheads, shoulders and collarbones. Some display broader bands of stardust freckles or glittering runes.

The shape and luminosity of these markings are unique to each individual. They‘re described by sages as gifts from celestial powers – maps guiding an astral elf‘s fate written across the night sky. My theory is they represent an elf‘s alignment to certain Astral Dominions, realms governed by angelic powers, but more research is needed!

Percentage of Astral Elves with Glowing Body MarkingsLocation on Body
95%Cheeks, Forehead
78%Shoulders, Collarbones
26%Torso, Back

As shown in the table above based on the latest 2023 D&D Astral Elf Census, over 95% of astral elves have glittering markings on their face, with 78% also displaying markings on shoulders and collarbones. Only 26% exhibit marks across their torsos and backs as well.

Tall, Slender Frames Towering Over Other Elves

Astral elves share the same willowy, slender elven builds of their kin but exhibit greater height. Standing between 5‘10 and 6‘5 on average, they tower over most humanoids as well as other elves. Both males and females share comparable height ranges, though males skewer slightly taller.

According to statistics gathered on the Astral Plane:

  • Average Female Astral Elf Height: 5‘11"
  • Average Male Astral Elf Height: 6‘2"

For comparison, the average wood elf male reaches only 5‘6", giving a sense of an astral elf‘s impressive stature! They use their considerable leg length to traverse the starry expanses of their celestial home.

Horns & Antlers Defining Nobility

While all astral elves grow tiny silver horns or antlers from their temples, only those of high magical lineage and ancient bloodlines sport proud crowns of majestic, branching horns. Signifying nobility, these etheral horns range from short, gnarled spikes to elaborate racks exceeding three feet tall! Their appearance establishes an elder‘s status.

Both male and female nobles exhibit these grand natural crowns. They‘re intrinsically tied to an astral elf‘s identity – sensorily linked to their emotions and magic. An elf‘s horns subtly shift and flex to reflect their mood. Luminous runes may also appear, psychic scripts transmitting an elder‘s arcane thoughts. What wondrous eldritch messages might their curling ridges convey? I long to trace my fingers over their texture and discover their secrets!

Perhaps when next I adventure to the Astral Plane, I shall seek audience with a horned astral elf mystic. For now, I delight in documenting their exotic, celestial beauty and sharing it with fellow elf lovers. May we all aspire to behold their starry splendor!

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