What do you call a horror fan?

In short, you call horror fans "adrenaline junkies", "white knucklers", "dark copers" and more depending on their level of dedication to scary movies. But let‘s explore these horror fan labels in more blood-curdling depth!

[Embed horrifying chart showing different types of horror fans]

As a life-long gaming and horror enthusiast myself, I live for analyzing fan motivations across entertainment genres. And horror fans make for a uniquely thrilling area of study!

Adrenaline Junkies

These folks are the most intense horror lovers around. To them, horror films are an addictive rush of excitement spiking their adrenaline levels.

Research shows [INSERT STAT] of fans fall into this high sensation-seeking category. Adrenaline junkies crave the physiological thrill from scary movies. They focus intently on every jump scare and tension-filled moment.

Some signs of an adrenaline junkie horror fan:

  • Actively seeks the most extreme horror for maximized fear like torture porn genres
  • Enjoys testing limits with super gory/disturbing movies most avoid
  • May scream, grab arms rests or audibly react to intense scenes
  • Often rewatches favorite chilling scenes to recreate the thrill

Adrenaline junkies don‘t just passively watch horror – they want to ride each movie like a nightmarish rollercoaster!

When the latest terrifying release like The Call hits theaters, you can bet these folks are first in line. The more suspense and shock value the better!

[Embed trailer showcasing intense new horror movie]

But why do adrenaline junkies crave being scared stiff by cinema? Research indicates [DISCUSS PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES AND DATA]

So in essence, horror transports high sensation-seekers to thrilling heights other genres can‘t match. Spine-tingling terror is their drug – and they‘re hooked hard!

White Knucklers

Next up on our horror fan spectrum…

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