What Do You Get for 100% Completing Super Mario Galaxy?

As a passionate Mario fan, I‘m thrilled to provide a detailed guide on the rewards awaiting those dedicated enough to 100% complete the magical Wii masterpiece Super Mario Galaxy!

The main reward for 242 stars is unlocking the special Grand Finale Galaxy – obtaining a final message, photo and Power Star to commemorate your triumph over the game‘s vast array of galaxies. But there’s far more to it than that, so let me break it all down:

The Prestigious Grand Finale Galaxy

This exclusive galaxy can only be accessed after collecting every single Power Star as both Mario and Luigi across the entirety of Super Mario Galaxy. We‘re talking 120 stars x2 here people – quite the accomplishment!

When you finally speak to Rosalina after this drained and battered, she transports you to a beautiful golden gateway. Here you‘ll meet Mailtoad, who offers heartfelt congratulations and the option to send a commemorative message and photo to your Wii Message Board or Nintendo Switch album.

After, you take control as Mario/Luigi ascend the mystical steps towards the beckoning Final Star. This last daring test has you evading meteor strikes as launch stars fling you between tiny planetoids. One last check of your nerves and platforming prowess! Then at last, you leap for that glorious Power Star and solidify your legendary status as the captain of the cosmos itself!

So in summary – the Grand Finale Galaxy offers:

  • A commemorative photo & message sent to your album/device
  • One last challenging Power Star run for both Mario & Luigi
  • The ultimate sense of accomplishment at mastering this platforming gem

But believe it or not, that‘s not everything for the 100% obsessed among us…

Unlocking Luigi Adds a Whole New Adventure

Collecting 120 stars with Mario to access this Final Galaxy also unlocks his slightly taller, lankier brother – the legendary Luigi!

And let me tell you, playing the entire game over again as Luigi changes the whole dynamic with his floaty physics, hilarious voice lines and a suite of unique power-ups! Skating on ice flowers, walking on water with green stars – only possible as Player 2!

And the stars don‘t stop at 120…why, you‘ve got another 121 Power Stars to collect all over again from his unique perspective! Not to mention all the Hungry Luma planets have new star bit costs, so more grinding all over again!

But honestly, I adore Luigi and playing Galaxy again from his point of view gave me a whole new appreciation for the game‘s sophistication. It‘s almost like a mastermode/NG+ situation for those who just can‘t get enough cosmo-capering!

The Sheer Lunacy of Gathering All 242 Stars

Let‘s break down everything you‘ll need to achieve if taking on the 242 star challenge:

Mario‘s 120 StarsComplete main game
Defeat Bowser 4xTwice with Mario & Luigi each
Luigi‘s 121 StarsComplete game again with Luigi
100-1000 Star Bits For Hungry Luma Planets
Green Power StarsExtra tough bonus stars

That‘s a whole lot of flipping, flying, bouncing and sling-starring across the cosmos! My trusty guidebook estimates 30-40 hours for 240 stars, but we all know how those guesstimates go…

For myself and many diehard fans, it was over 60 hours across multiple playthroughs! But it also depends how much you use guides/videos to locate stars and shortcuts. I wanted the authentic experience – fumbling around Comet Observatory piecing together where I hadn‘t been!

Either way – the pure dedication, skill and familiarity with Mario‘s suite of moves required is immense. Every tricky jump, every precise spin attack to stun bosses, and waggling the remote when your platforming reflexes fail you (which they will, often!) – all permanently etched into memory after 242 stars!

This is why the 100% completion rewards feel so rightfully earned, and so gloriously worth it!

Continued Play & Post Game Content

And for those still itching for more adventures after viewing the staff roll…you can of course go right back in to find any stars you missed! Since you‘ll likely be missing purple coins, hidden stars or hungry luma planet criteria even after "completing" the game.

There‘s also something wonderfully nostalgic about revisiting favourite galaxies now without the pressure of progress. Just soaking up the charm, music and creativity that made Galaxy such a masterpiece!

Some other elements that open up post-game:

  • Play as Luigi from the start
  • Return to past Boss Battles via galaxies
  • Minigames open up on certain planets
  • Achieve higher scores/ranks across galaxies
  • Locate any remaining Purple Coins

And given the HD remaster, many gamers are returning to Galaxy via the 3D All Stars collection on Switch! Suffice to say, the world‘s favourite mustachioed duo have never looked better, leaping around planet to planet in upscaled glory!

There are even rumours of a ‘Super Mario Galaxy 3‘ thanks to the resurgence of popularity…so renewed interest thanks to 100%‘ers helps show Nintendo the value of more Galaxy!!

Concluding Thoughts on 100%‘ing Super Mario Galaxy

I hope this extensive guide from a passionate Galaxy fan helps showcase everything on offer for those willing to take the 242 Star challenge! Let‘s summarise:

The Goodies: commemorative message/photo, prestigious Final Galaxy, play as Luigi with unique power-ups and continued adventure even post-game!

The Struggle: 30-60+ gruelling hours platforming, star bit grinding and retreading content to gather every star. Boss rematches aplenty!

Overall though, I wouldn‘t have it any other way. The thrill of 100% completing this masterpiece and knowing there‘s still nostalgic fun for years after is everything I want from Mario.

Bring on Galaxy 3 I say! But for now, time to fling through space as Luigi once again…after all, he has his own commemorative photo waiting after 121 more stars!

Let me know if you have any other questions about getting 100% completion in Super Mario Galaxy!

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