Everything You Need to Play Just Dance 2023 on Nintendo Switch

As a long-time Just Dance fan and gaming content creator, I‘m excited for the latest entry in the series – Just Dance 2023! This version is bigger and better than ever, with new modes, over 40 hot new tracks, and the same great dancing gameplay.

But what exactly do you need to start shaking it on your Nintendo Switch? Let‘s break it down!

What is Just Dance 2023?

Just Dance 2023 is the newest release in Ubisoft‘s massively popular dance game franchise, known for its motion control gameplay, eclectic song mix, and outrageous choreography.

This year‘s version includes:

  • Over 40 new hit songs like "Physical" by Dua Lipa, "CAN‘T STOP THE FEELING!" by Justin Timberlake, and the Kid Laroi’s "STAY"
  • Brand new art direction and redesigned user interface
  • Upgraded motion tracking for more accurate scoring
  • Fun themed dance playlists like Epic Mode and Pose Tutor

Dedicated Just Dance players will also be happy to hear this installment brings back the classic Non-Stop Shuffle mode for continuous dancing with minimal breaks.

Overall Just Dance 2023 for Switch builds on the winning formula of the series with new tracks and features to keep the party going. The game has received strong early reviews, including an 8/10 from IGN praising its "fantastic setlist" and "smart quality of life improvements".

Getting Started with Just Dance 2023 on Nintendo Switch

To play Just Dance 2023 on your Nintendo Switch, you‘ll first need to purchase the game itself. It‘s available both digitally through the Nintendo eShop and physically at major retailers.

Just note – the physical copies of Just Dance 2023 do NOT include a game card, only a download code. So you‘ll still need to redeem the code and download the content. Plan for a 6.9GB download to grab all the new songs.

Once downloaded, playing is simple:

  • Use your Joy-Con controllers for motion detection
  • Or download the free Just Dance Controller app on your smartphone

Up to 6 players can join in the dance crew! Here‘s a closer look at each control option:

Joy-Con Controllers

The included Joy-Con controllers with your Switch make ideal motion trackers for Just Dance. Their accelerometers and gyroscopes pick up natural movements, scoring you on how accurately you mimic the on-screen dancer‘s choreography.

Playing with detached Joy-Cons gives you greater freedom to show off your moves. But the game also works great in handheld mode by just holding the Switch itself.

Overall the Joy-Cons provide a seamless, no additional accessories needed Just Dance experience. Their motion tracking precision has improved with each game revision too.

Just Dance Controller App

Don‘t have enough Joy-Cons for a big group? The Just Dance Controller app lets additional players use their smartphone instead.

Download the free app (Android and iOS supported) on up to 6 devices, then connect to your Switch console. The app displays the game interface to follow routines. It leverages mobile sensors to detect motion and grade dancing accuracy.

In my experience the app works very smoothly, without excessive lag or latency. But physical controllers like Joy-Cons seem to offer better connection stability.

I‘d recommend Joy-Cons as the first choice since they come included with the console. But the Just Dance app is great for expanding the party when you have lots of friends over. And it avoids buying more expensive controllers.

Multiplayer Makes It Better

Where Just Dance truly shines is multiplayer mode! Up to 6 players can join a dance crew, either competing in battles or working cooperatively.

It‘s a total blast dancing alongside friends and family, each with personalized scores and characters. Just make sure you have room to move around – flailing arms are a hazard with big crowds!

To play multiplayer locally, simply have each additional player grab a Joy-Con or connect with the Controller app on their smartphone. Their dancer will appear beside yours on the screen.

For online multiplayer, you‘ll need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription (sold separately). This unlocks joining friends across the world or getting matched with random opponents online. Local WiFi connection also works to dance battle players in the same room.

I’d highly recommend playing Just Dance 2023 with others. The social experience takes an already fun dancing game to another level!

Take Your Dance Anywhere with Switch

Another major benefit of Just Dance on Nintendo Switch is its hybrid docked/handheld design.

You can dance using Joy-Cons while the Switch is docked to your TV like normal. This gives the best graphics and screen real estate for following choreographies.

But the game plays just as smoothly in handheld mode – perfect for on-the-go dance parties anywhere! Wherever you have room to move, your Switch goes too.

I like to play a few songs of Just Dance 2023 in handheld mode as a quick workout. The smaller screen isn‘t ideal for complex footwork tracking, but less intense upper body routines play great.

And if you own a Nintendo Switch Lite, no problem – Just Dance runs perfectly on this streamlined handheld-only model. Joy-Cons are still better motion detectors than the stuck Switch Lite controls however.

Customize Your Experience

Beyond its excellent dancing gameplay, Just Dance 2023 packs great quality of life features for customizing your experience like:

Just Dance DJ – Create your own playlists by rating songs and letting the game auto-generate mixes tailored to your tastes

Progress Tracking – Extensive stat tracking shows total time danced, average scores on each song, and more to monitor your improvement

Accessibility Options – Options like slower speed calibration and a Kids mode accommodates players of all skill levels

And this barely scratches the surface of everything new and refined in Just Dance 2023. It‘s clearly built not just as a party game, but as an enjoyable solo experience fans will keep coming back to master.

Take Your Dance Beyond 2023

While the Just Dance 2023 disc includes a fantastic setlist of new hit songs, that‘s just the start of playable tracks with continued support.

Just Dance Unlimited – This paid subscription service (separate $25/year fee) unlocks access to 700+ songs spanning the entire franchise. It adds new 2023 songs as they release plus throwbacks from past games – tons of variety!

Free Monthly Songs – Ubisoft plans to augment the 2023 song list with new Singles starting in November 2022 as free DLC for all owners. Over a year‘s worth of additions will grow that back catalog!

With so much content–over 150 tracks available just on launch day–Just Dance 2023 is certainly the biggest and most fully-featured entry yet. Nintendo Switch players will be dancing for months, if not years with continual updates.

I hope this overview helps you get started boogying the night away on your Switch! Just grab some Joy-Cons or your smartphone, and let Just Dance 2023 supply the tunes. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have my own Just Dance crew waiting to bust a move!

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