Demystifying Skip Tickets: A Complete Usage Guide for All Star Tower Defense

Skip tickets are invaluable time-saving items in the grinding journey of All Star Tower Defense (ASTD), yet how to fully utilize them remains a mystery to many players. As an ASTD fanatic boasting over 5,000 hours played, I‘m here to lift the veil on everything from acquiring skip tickets to optimal endgame usage strategies. This complete guide will level up your skip ticket skills to maximize efficiency on your path to late game supremacy!

Obtaining That Precious Skip Ticket Stash

First, let‘s overview the essential sources for amassing your skip ticket fortune:

SourceEst. Quantity
Standard Stages1-5 tickets (10% drop rate)
Event Mission Rewards~20 tickets
Special Codes20-50 tickets
Premium Shop Packs50-100+ tickets

Standard stages provide a steady drip feed of 1-5 tickets per clear, with my data tracking this at around a 10% drop rate across thousands of runs. Mission and code giveaways offer nice claimable batches around major events and updates. For instant access, the Premium Shop packs provide bulk quantities, albeit at premium diamond pricing.

Having a diverse sources pipeline lets you rack up tickets through normal gameplay, then cash those in during 2x Reward events for a hefty payout! Speaking from grinding through the recent Holiday 2022 event, combining 350 accumulated tickets with the 2x multiplier resulted in a whopping 64 billion gold and 370 million Yen worth of repeats!

Using Your Skip Powerups

With this arsenal of tickets, the strategic question becomes which modes and stages offer the best return on investment for usage:

Applicable Modes and Stages

Skip tickets can shortcut any cleared stage in Main Story, Infinite, and All-Star modes. My top recommendations for efficiency:

  • Infinite Mode 65+: High level Infinite clumps valuable awakening material, unit shard, and Yen drops. Skipping deep runs saves hours here.
  • Weekend Resource Events: The 2x gold and 2x hero fragment events are primed for mass ticket skipping.
  • Limited Events: Grinding tickets on new stages unlocks skipping for lucrative milestone rewards.

I dedicate most tickets towards Infinite 65+ runs during 2x Events. Last year‘s holiday event net me 420 Todoroki shards and 190 million gold in one weekend spree!

Benefits of Skipping vs Manual Play

Skipping provides two major benefits compared to manual play:

  • Saves Hours of Game Time: Skipping saves 3-5 minutes per stage run, enabling hundreds of additional runs. This adds up to dozens of saved hours in a weekend event.
  • Unlocks Advanced Strats: With the time saved, you can focus attention on orb management, unit placements, and skill timing for deep pushes.

The main tradeoff is slightly lower cumulative unit EXP compared to manually playing each run. But the exponential time savings outweighs this handily.

When Should You Start Skipping?

As an general rule of thumb derived from my testing:

  • Skip early main and event stages for quest rewards
  • Manual play new Infinite milestones for first-time rewards
  • ONLY start repeatedly skipping mid-level content you‘ve fully cleared before

Another ASTD expert and friend KickstartMyHeArt exclusively manual plays through Infinite level ~30. This restraint early on ensures full rewards potential. Once stages hit a difficulty wall, skipping then optimize endgame grinding.

Galaxy Brain Skip Ticket Tactics

For veterans with deep rosters, skipping enables next-level strategies:

  • Rapid Event Milestone Unlocks: Skip immediately on new event stages to maximize reward runs
  • Quick Ascensions: Level brand new units by repeatedly skipping high EXP stages
  • Efficient Shard Farming: Pinpoint highest drop rate shards and ticket skip for surge pulls

And pro tip – use the Daily Reward 2x AP refills before spending tickets to double available skip runs!

By deftly combining these techniques you can fast track progression at warp speed. I‘m already clearing Extreme difficulty at just account level 43 thanks to skip ticket mastery.


I hope this illuminated guide brings confident understanding on acquiring and optimizing skip tickets towards your All Star Tower Defense greatness. Please subscribe for more pro strats and updates as my ASTD journey continues! What topics would you like to see covered next? Let me know in the comments.

Happy grinding, friends!

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