What Does 100 Twitch Subs Pay in 2024? Expect $250 to $500 Per Month

As an aspiring streamer, one of the biggest questions is: how much money can I realistically make?

While Twitch fame might sound glamorous, the road to full-time streaming is challenging. But revenue from just 100 loyal subscribers can provide a nice benchmark for monetization success.

In this detailed guide, we’ll break down exactly how the Twitch sub money flow works, how much income 100 monthly subs can generate, and proven tips to increase your sub count…

How The Twitch Subscription Revenue Model Works

First, a quick primer on Twitch’s rev share structure.

When a viewer pays $4.99 per month for a Tier 1 sub to a Twitch channel, that money gets split:

  • Twitch takes 50% cut
  • The streamer receives around $2.50 per paid sub (the remaining 50%, minus taxes)

So with 100 subscribers at $4.99 per month, the streamer earns roughly $250 monthly.

Of course, there’s much more complexity:

Higher Subscription Tiers & Gifting

There are also Tier 2 ($9.99 / month) and Tier 3 ($24.99 / month) subscriptions possible. Plus, viewers can “gift” subs to other viewers.

According to StreamElements data, the sub revenue split across tiers is:
– Tier 1: 70% of subscribers
– Tier 2: 17% of subscribers
– Tier 3: 8% of subscribers
– Gifting: 5% of subscribers

More expensive tiers and gifted subs increase the earning potential significantly.

Revenue Sharing Explained

The 50/50 rev share with Twitch applies to streamers in the United States, Canada and Europe.

But due to banking and tax differences globally, streamers in some countries receive a 70% revenue share. This applies to emerging streaming markets like:

  • Australia
  • Mexico
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • More…

So while an American streamer earns $2.50 per Tier 1 sub, an Aussie receives $3.50 per sub – a 40% increase in earnings!

But 70/30 split only applies to Tier 1 subs priced $4.99 or $5.49 nation. Higher tier subs still provide 50/50 revenue.

[[insert image of Twitch tier sub prices globally]]

Now that we’ve covered how the baseline sub money flow works, let’s dig into real earnings numbers…

How Much Money Do You Make from 100 Twitch Subscribers?

Let’s calculate total monthly earnings from 100 Twitch subs based on:

  • Geographic revenue share
  • Distribution of viewers across sub tiers

Here’s potential sub money from 100 subs:

100 Subscribers in United States / Canada

  • 70 Tier 1 Subs (70% of 100)
    • 70 subs x $2.50 per sub = $175 per month
  • 17 Tier 2 Subs
    • 17 subs x $5 per sub = $85 per month
  • 8 Tier 3 Subs
    • 8 subs x $12.50 per sub = $100 per month
  • 5 Gifted Tier 1 Subs
    • 5 subs x $2.50 per sub = $12.50 per month

Total Monthly Earnings:
$175 + $85 + $100 + $12.50 = $372.50

100 Australian Viewers

As we covered, Aussie streamers get 70% revenue share from Tier 1 subs in their currency:

  • 70 Tier 1 Subs at $5 AUD:
    • 70 x $3.50 (70% of $5) = $245 per month
  • 17 Tier 2 Subs at $9.99 USD:
    • 17 x $5 USD = $85 per month
  • 8 Tier 3 Subs at $24.99 USD
    • 8 x $12.50 USD = $100 per month
  • 5 Gifted Tier 1 Subs at $5 AUD
    • 5 x $3.50 (70% of $5) = $17.5 per month

Total Monthly Earnings:
$245 + $85 + $100 + $17.50 = $447.50

And there you have it! Here’s the key takeaway:

With 100 paid Twitch subscribers, affiliate streamers earn roughly $250 to $500 USD per month. At the 100 sub milestone, Australian creators generate higher earnings.

Next, let’s compare that potential sub money to other platforms…

Twitch vs YouTube vs Facebook Sub Earnings

To benchmark that 100 sub income further, here’s how rival platforms stack up:


  • 100 Channel Members at $4.99 tier = $250 USD per month
  • Same rev share as Twitch at 50%


  • No monetized subscription feature
  • 100 subscriber milestone earns $0 directly

Advantage Twitch! For 2023 at least, Twitch clearly provides superior monetization from loyal fans versus other platforms.

But what does it take to reach that 100 sub goal as a small streamer?

Realistic Time Frames to Earn 100 Paid Subscribers

Let’s crunch some numbers on realistic timelines for obtaining 100 subs:

  • Per TwitchTracker data, the average subs-to-followers ratio is 5%
    across all channels

  • So to organically convert 100 paying subs, you likely need 2000+ followers as the audience pool

  • The median time to reach 2000 followers is 9 to 12 months of consistent streaming:

    • 3 times per week
    • 4+ hours per stream

So under a year of solid streaming, affiliate status activation, and community engagement is often sufficient to unlock the 100 sub milestone!

[[insert stat graphics on median follows over time]]

Of course, retaining subs is an ongoing effort. But let’s cover some proven tactics to encourage renewals before we wrap up…

7 Proven Tactics to Get & Retain Loyal Twitch Subscribers

Reaching 100 dedicated, recurring subscribers requires long-term channel building strategies.

Here are the most effective ways to earn viewer loyalty – and their hard-earned cash:

  • Reward gift subs with VIP perks: Special Discord access, priority chat badges and sub giveaways motivate more gifts.
  • Go in-depth on niche game guides: Viewers crave expertise and skill development around their favorite titles. Offer value!
  • Analyze stream stats to optimize: Use channel analytics to determine your most popular games, stream lengths for viewer retention and which days/times generate recurring fans. Then double down on what works!
  • Promote channel on social media: Expand your potential audience pool outside hardcore Twitch fans by engaging blog, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter users too. All Conversion paths matter.
  • Test emote ideas with polls: Leverage custom sub emotes as branding. Poll viewers on concepts to validate best options.
  • Tier rewards by longevity: Reward 3+ month and 1+ year resubs with incrementally higher Discord access, priority on collaborations and profile badges.
  • Collaborate with established streamers: Joint content expands your exposure to proven viewer bases.

Stick to the basics, analyze your data relentlessly, reward loyalty over the long-haul and 100 dedicated supporters is absolutely achievable!

Wrapping Up: Milestones Matter More Than Massive Scale

We’ve covered all the core elements around earnings from Twitch subscribers:

  • Exactly how the confusing sub revenue model works
  • Realistic monthly income projections from 100 loyal followers across geographies and sub tiers
  • Critical context around rival platforms like YouTube
  • Timelines and tactics to obtain your first 100 fans

While partnership contracts and huge viewer numbers might gain headlines, sustainable streaming success is built incrementally. Setting goals around subscriber milestones – like the coveted 100 subs mark – will reap financial gains and psychological momentum to push through leaner periods of growth.

The road to full-time professional streaming is long. But tangible indicators of audience commitment like recurring, paid subscribers serve as vital validation that you’re on the right track.

So grind wisely on the path to Twitch profitability in 2024! This is just the start of an exciting journey.

Leave any questions on the confusing world of streamer earnings in the comments below!

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