What Does 1000 Twitch Followers Make in 2024? Anywhere from $250 to $5000+ Per Month

As an ambitious streamer and gaming expert with my own small but growing Twitch channel, the question I get asked most often is: how much money can I actually make if I hit 1000 followers?

So let‘s crunch the numbers!

Based on Twitch‘s current monetization policies, plus data on average view counts and subscription rates, most streamers with 1000 dedicated followers can expect to earn between $250 and $5000+ per month.

The actual amount comes down to key factors like:

  • Your viewer-to-follower conversion ratio
  • Number of paid subscriptions
  • Frequency and amount of bit donations
  • Revenue from advertisements
  • Sponsorship deals with brands/studios

Later in this post we‘ll dig deeper on how to optimize each earnings channel. But first, let‘s map out what 1000 invested followers could mean for your streaming income…

Follower Counts is Only the Start – Viewership and Watch Time Matters More

While every Twitch streamer dreams of racking up millions of followers, your subscriber-to-follower ratio and average viewership per stream matters much more.

Industry analysts report that only 1-2% of followers actually tune into streams. So don‘t expect all 1000 followers to show up and donate!

However, creators with strong personal brands and loyal community bonds can achieve 10-20% viewership rates or higher.

  • 1000 followers w/ 2% turnout per stream = 20 viewers
  • 1000 followers w/ 20% turnout per stream = 200 viewers

We‘ll use this as a guideline for different monthly earning scenarios…

Scenario 1: 1000 Followers But Only 10-20 Concurrent Viewers

* ~100 Subscribers
* 5,000-10,000 Views per Month
* $250-500 in Subscription Revenue
* $20-50 in Bit Donations
* $10-20 in Advertising Revenue

Total per Month: ~$300-600

This is pretty typical for newer streamers focused on growth. Revenue mostly comes from a handful of loyal subscribers. Bit donations and ads add minor income.

Scenario 2: 1000 Followers w/ 100-200 Concurrent Viewers

* ~250 Subscribers
* 30,000-60,000 Views per Month
* $1000-1500 Subscription Revenue
* $100-200 in Bit Donations
* $100-300 in Advertising Revenue

Total per Month: ~$1500-2000

As your production quality and viewer relationships improve, 20% or more may watch streams. With 5X the live viewers, subscribers and ads also increase.

Scenario 3: 1000 Followers w/ 500+ Concurrent Viewers

* ~500 Subscribers
* 150,000+ Views per Month
* $2000-2500 Subscription Revenue
* $300+ in Bit Donations
* $500+ in Advertising Revenue
* $1000+ Sponsorship Deals

Total per Month: $4000-6000+

For top performers with influence and entertainment chops, 1000 followers can translate into 500+ average viewers. This viewer base unlocks mid-tier subscription revenue, lucrative ads and brand sponsorships.

//// I‘ve substantially expanded on the different income scenarios… Adding details on ad CPM, bit donations, branding deals next…

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