What does 900 words look like?

At nearly a full page single spaced or two pages double spaced, 900 words allows a writer to cover a topic in reasonable depth without overloading readers. It‘s long enough to lay out 3-5 key points and supplement them with multiple examples or data points.

Pages and Word Counts

To give more context:

  • A 150-word social media post is a short paragraph
  • A 500-word blog post equals one page single spaced
  • A 900-word article is 1.8 pages single spaced or 3.6 pages double spaced
  • A 2,000-word research paper is around 4 pages single spaced or 8 pages double spaced

So at nearly 2 full pages single spaced, 900 words lets you take a deeper dive than a standard blog post while still being digestible for web readers.

Comparing 900 Words to Other Mediums

MediumStandard Word Count
Tweet50-250 words
Gaming Article900-1,500 words
Newspaper Article800-1,200 words
Research Paper2,000-5,000 words

As you can see above, 900 words hits the sweet spot for articles in gaming and entertainment, news media, and some academic papers.

Reading Time for 900 Words

The average person reads around 200-250 words per minute. So 900 words should take:

  • 3-4 minutes for a fast, skimming read
  • Around 9 minutes for an engaged, thorough read

In my experience, gaming articles in the 900-1,000 word range take me about 10-15 minutes to read closely. This gives me time to process and appreciate all the key details. Anything longer can cause some readers to lose focus or interest.

How Many Paragraphs is 900 Words?

Most full-length articles formatted in paragraph style will contain around 5-7 paragraphs at 900 words. Assuming a 150 word introduction and 100 word conclusion, that leaves 650 words across 5 body paragraphs, or 130 words per paragraph.

I like to aim for:

  • 150 word intro
  • 130 words x 5 body paragraphs = 650 words
  • 100 word conclusion

This balances adequate length for key points with readability across sections. Too many giant blocks of text can be daunting!

When Readers See 900 Words

Based on analytics across my gaming blogs and social media, I‘ve noticed readers tend to engage the most with posts in the 750-1,000 word range. Short enough to digest quickly but long enough to satisfy their interest.

So in my experience, 900 words hits a nice sweet spot for gaming and entertainment. For covering breaking news or first impressions of a new game demo, it gives ample room. To analyze deeper topics like lore or competitive metas may demand longer form content.

I hope this gives you a better feel for what 900 words really equates to on the page! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

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