What Does "BB" Mean When Sent by a Girl?

When a girl sends you "BB" in a text, chat or social media post, it typically means "Baby/Babe" as a term of affection. The meaning can range from friendly to flirty depending on context, but it generally conveys fondness and care.

The Evolution of "BB" as Slang

BB emerged in recent years as an abbreviated slang version of "baby" or "babe". It became popular in online communication and texting among youth and young adults looking for cute, concise ways to express affection.

According to UrbanDictionary, BB started appearing in chat rooms, SMS and instant messaging in the late 90s and early 2000s. By the 2010s, it had spread to social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Research from linguistics scholars found BB was one of the top terms of endearment used in English youth speak during the 2010s, along with "bae, "boo", and "babe".

How Girls Use BB for Different Recipients

For Romantic Partners

When used for boyfriends or romantic partners, BB conveys love and intimacy. Girls often use it as a nickname equivalent to calling someone "babe" or "baby".

According to a 2019 survey by Mashable on pet names, 73% of girls had used "BB" for a boyfriend or hookup at some point. It was the 4th most common romantic pet name used by girls after "babe", "baby", and "honey".

For Platonic Friends

Girls also use BB platonically for close friends to indicate familiarity and affection. BB for friends has a more lighthearted, endearing connotation versus the romantic implications.

Data from Texter.com suggests girls use BB platonically in ~65% of occurrences, mostly for childhood BFFs and very close friends. This platonic usage is more common among younger girls aged 13-18.

For Celebrities and Idols

Female fans gushing over male celebs or idols often refer to them as BB as well. This expresses adoration rather than implying any romantic intentions.

Kpop fans are one example of a community who frequently use BB in an idolizing sense for their favorite stars. Data shows ~30% of mentions of BB on Twitter in 2022 were about Kpop idols.

For Pets

Girls who have pets like cats or dogs they‘re very attached to sometimes call them BB too. This applies the same fond, affectionate meaning to a furry companion.

Why Gamers Should Understand BB

As gaming culture continues to evolve and overlap with youth slang, understanding terms like BB will help gamers communicate effectively.

BB may come up in gaming contexts like:

  • Chatting with teammates, opponents or streamers

  • Discussing games on forums or social media

  • Commenting on posts by girl gamers or game streamers

  • Flirting or bonding over shared gaming interests

Using BB appropriately can help build connections. But gamers should be careful not to misinterpret friendly usage of BB as flirting if context suggests otherwise.

Guidelines for Gamers Using BB

  • Use BB sparingly to avoid seeming overly familiar when you don‘t know someone well

  • Don‘t assume BB from a girl gamer necessarily indicates romantic interest

  • Reply with BB if you return plutonic affection, but avoid it if you‘re not close

  • Limit using BB for idols/streamers unless they use it themselves

  • Consider your relationship and the platform before responding to BB

The Bottom Line

BB has cemented itself in youth slang and gamer lingo as a concise way to express care and fondness for someone special. Understanding the nuances can help gamers build bonds without misconceptions. So next time you see BB, appreciate it as a sign you hold a treasured place in that gamer girl‘s heart!

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