What does Bumpscosity mean?

As a long-time player and fan of the postmodern video game The Stanley Parable, I get asked often about some of the cryptic terms used in the game. One of the most intriguing and mysterious is "bumpscosity" – a setting that mysteriously appears in the menu after achieving a certain in-game feat. But what does bumpscosity actually mean? Well, strap in for an absurdist ride as I break it down in classic Stanley Parable style!

First, The Facts on This Fictional Setting

For those unfamiliar with this one-of-a-kind game, The Stanley Parable is an exploratory first-person experience focused on choice and narrative, with countless different endings based on player decisions. First appearing as a 2013 mod of Half-Life 2, it was later expanded into a landmark stand-alone release that has sold over 3 million copies to date.

The Stanley Parable Sales Data3+ million copies sold
Steam ReviewsOverwhelmingly Positive (97%)
Achievement Completion RateUnder 50% across all players

The game is well-regarded for its wry, witty commentary on video game tropes and the nature of choice in games. And "bumpscosity" ties directly into that self-referential commentary.

Specifically, bumpscosity arises after obtaining the "Settings World Champion" achievement by exhaustive tampering with the game display and system settings. This unlocks access to the super-secret "Settings World Champion Room" where players can find a hallway with a series of special doors. Behind one marked "Bumpscosity" lies the corresponding menu setting of the same name, which…doesn‘t seem to do anything discernible.

I‘ve toggled bumpscosity on and off during countless playthroughs and have yet to pin down any concrete effect on gameplay. And I‘m not alone – data-miners picking through the game‘s files have found no coding tied to this fictional feature.

The Meaning Behind the Madness

So what gives? Why include something so inexplicable even by the absurdist logic of The Stanley Parable? As both a veteran gamer and student of postmodernism, here‘s my take on the deeper meaning:

Bumpscosity and its associated achievement represent the game commenting on its own creation. The developers are the settings world champions – the gods of this universe constructing a meticulously-crafted piece of social commentary. And we players are like Stanley, tampering with elements beyond our understanding in hopes of ego gratification through achievements.

But just as Stanley can only traverse predetermined paths, we as players can only operate within the confines sculpted for us. The settings may be exposed through console access and files editable, but our agency remains firmly limited.

So what does bumpscosity actually do? Nothing but resonate thematically – it exists because the developers willed it into being. And we feverishly play along to feel the validation of discovery and purpose….even while trapped helplessly in a system with no intrinsic purpose whatsoever.

Bumpscosity is the ultimate emperor‘s new clothes, the consummate commentary on choice in games, and an absurdist masterstroke for this landmark title. In short, it means nothing except exactly what the creators wish it to mean in any given moment.

And isn‘t that true for all of us walking the paths of The Stanley Parable, unable to stray from the course set except where the Narrator allows? What an ingeniously postmodern sentiment solidified in such a simple menu setting!

Let me know your own thoughts on decoding bumpscosity in the comments below! And for more of my theories on tackling The Stanley Parable‘s deeper mysteries, be sure to subscribe!

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