What Does "Added You By Search" Mean on Snapchat?

If you‘re an active Snapchat user, you may have noticed a notification pop up that says "Added you by Search." This notification can be confusing if you don‘t know what it means or how Snapchat‘s search feature works.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explain everything you need to know about Snapchat‘s search tool and what it means when someone adds you by search.

An Overview of Snapchat‘s Search Feature

The search feature on Snapchat allows users to find and add new friends by searching for their username, name, or phone number. You can access the search bar by tapping the magnifying glass icon at the top of the Snapchat camera screen.

Once you tap into the search bar, you have a few different options:

  • Search for users: Type in a name, username, email, or phone number to find matching Snapchat accounts. This is the easiest way to find and add new friends.

  • Quick Add: Tap on contacts from your phone‘s address book to instantly add friends who already have Snapchat.

  • Add Nearby: View a grid of Snapchat users who recently shared their locations nearby. You can then tap to add new local friends.

  • Groups: Search for existing groups to join or create your own group chat.

  • lenses: Search Snapchat‘s vast library of augmented reality lenses.

  • Places: Explore photos and videos that were shared publicly at various locations.

  • Voice Scan: Use voice control to search for lenses, friends, etc.

So in summary, Snapchat‘s search feature gives you a quick and easy way to find and connect with new friends, discover popular content, and more.

What Does "Added You by Search" Mean?

When you get a notification saying someone "Added you by Search," it simply means they found your Snapchat account by searching for your username or name and sent you a friend request.

There are a few ways this can happen:

They Searched Your Exact Username

If someone knows your exact Snapchat username, they can type it directly into the search bar to find your account.

For example, if your username is "coolcat123", they would search for "coolcat123" and tap the add button next to your name.

They Searched Your Name

If someone doesn‘t know your exact username, they can also search for your first and last name. Snapchat will return all accounts with matching names to choose from.

So if you name is Lucy Smith, they may have searched "Lucy Smith" and selected you from the list of matches.

They Had Your Phone Number

In some cases, people can add you directly using your phone number if they‘ve synced their phone contacts with Snapchat.

So if someone already had your number saved in their phone and enabled contact syncing in Snapchat settings, your account may have automatically shown up when they tapped "Add Friends from Contacts."

They Scanned Your Snapcode

While less likely, it‘s also possible someone added you by scanning your Snapcode. Snapcodes allow you to instantly add friends by pointing your camera at their unique code.

However, when you get added via Snapcode it normally says "Added by Snapcode" instead of search. But sometimes the notifications seem to get mixed up.

Why Was I Added by Search on Snapchat?

There are a few possible reasons you may have been searched for and added by another Snapchat user:

They Know You in Real Life

The most common reason is likely that the person adding you knows who you are in real life. This may be a friend, family member, coworker, classmate, local acquaintance, etc.

If they know your name or username and want to connect on Snapchat, searching is the easiest way for them to find your account.

They Found You From a Mutual Friend

In some cases, you may have been added from search by a "mutual friend of a friend."

For example, if you appear in that mutual friend‘s Snapchat stories, the viewer may have searched your name to try to find and add you.

It Was Random or Accidental

It‘s also possible you were added purely by accident or at random. Sometimes people search common names out of boredom just to see who pops up.

And if you have a very unique name, you may get searched now and then by strangers simply because it caught their eye.

While random adds do happen, they are less common than being searched by someone you know mutually.

What Should I Do When Added by Search?

When you get notified about being added by search, you have a few options:

Accept the Friend Request

If you recognize the person or are comfortable accepting random adds, go ahead and accept their friend request! This will allow you to chat with them and view their public snaps.

Delete the Notification

If it was a random add and you don‘t know the person, you can simply delete the notification by swiping left or tapping and holding. This will remove the notification without taking any action.

Block the User

You can also block the user directly from the friend request notification. Simply tap the "Block" option next to their name. This will prevent them from viewing your profile or contacting you again.

Turn Off Search Ability

If random search adds bother you, you can disable your visibility in search within Snapchat‘s privacy settings. This will prevent people from finding your account by searching your name.

We‘ll cover how to tweak these settings later in this guide.

Who Can Search for and Add You on Snapchat

Snapchat allows you to control who can see and add your account through the search tool. You have 3 options:


By default, your Snapchat profile is visible to anyone (even people without an account) in search results when they look up your name or username.

This allows anyone to send you friend requests if they find you through search.

My Friends

This setting will hide your profile from people who aren‘t already friends with you on Snapchat.

So only users who are already connected to you as friends will see your account in search results.

Only Me

The strictest setting is "Only Me," which completely removes your profile from search results, even for existing friends.

Essentially this makes your account impossible to find through Snapchat‘s search tool.

We‘ll go over how to change these settings shortly. First let‘s look at…

The Pros and Cons of Being Searchable

Being discoverable through search comes with both potential benefits and drawbacks. Here are some to consider:


  • It allows existing friends to easily find and connect with you.
  • It enables new friendships and connections from real-life encounters.
  • It can help attract viewers to your public content and grow your following.


  • It opens you up to random, unwanted friend requests.
  • It gives up some privacy and makes your account public.
  • It puts you at a slightly higher risk of harassment, bullying, etc.

Ultimately it comes down to your personal comfort level with being visible versus remaining private on social platforms. There‘s no right or wrong choice.

How to Change Your Snapchat Search Settings

If you want to adjust whether your profile can be discovered through search, here are the steps:

  1. Open your Snapchat profile by tapping the bitmoji or profile icon in the top left corner.

  2. Tap the gear icon to access your Settings.

  3. Scroll down and tap "Who Can…"

  4. Tap "View Me in Quick Add"

  5. Choose between "Everyone", "My Friends", or "Only Me."

And that‘s it! The setting you choose will now determine who can find and add you through Snapchat‘s search feature.

Other Snapchat Privacy Settings

While we‘re on the topic of privacy, here are a few other settings you can tweak to control your Snapchat experience:

  • Who Can Contact Me: Choose who can send you chat requests.

  • See My Location: Decide who views your location on the Snap Map.

  • See Me in Quick Add: Same search setting covered above.

  • See My Story: Select who can view your public Stories.

Take some time to explore Snapchat‘s robust privacy options to tailor them to your needs. Your safety and comfort should always come first.

What Shows Up in Your Snapchat Search History

Wondering what Snapchat tracks in your search history? Any name, username, or term you enter into the search bar gets logged.

To view your complete search history:

  1. Tap your profile icon.
  2. Tap the gear icon to open Settings.
  3. Select "See My Search History"

This will display a list of all past search queries you‘ve entered. It can be useful to retrace your steps or delete embarrassing searches.

Pro tip: you can also clear your entire search history using the "Clear Search History" option.

Fun Things to Search for on Snapchat

When you‘re feeling bored or curious, try searching some of these fun topics:

  • Popular celebrities
  • Viral memes
  • Your favorite TV shows
  • Cool locations around the world
  • Trending stickers and lenses
  • Shared public stories and events
  • Quirky usernames like "tattoogirl" or "skaterdude93"

Searching random terms can surface all sorts of entertaining content. And you may even discover some new friends or accounts to follow in the process.

Common Snapchat Search Questions

Here are answers to some other commonly asked questions about Snapchat‘s search tool:

Can someone search for me if I deleted my account?

No, deleting your Snapchat account completely removes your profile from search results even if you later reactivate it.

Can I get notified if someone searches for me?

Unfortunately Snapchat does not notify you about search activity on your profile. The only way to tell if someone has searched your name is if they add you.

Does clearing my search history delete searches by other people?

No, clearing your personal search history only erases searches made from your account. It does not impact any searches of your name made by others.

Can someone who blocked me still search for and view my profile?

If someone blocks you, they can no longer search for or add your account. And vice versa – you won‘t see blocked profiles in search.

Snapchat Safety Tips

While Snapchat searching enables new connections, you should be mindful of safety:

  • Don‘t add strangers: Ignore random friend requests from people you don‘t know.
  • Use privacy settings: Limit your visibility in search and Quick Add.
  • Block creeps: Don‘t hesitate to block harassing or suspicious users.
  • Keep personal details private: Be cautious sharing your location, last name, etc.
  • Report abuse: Notify Snapchat if you experience bullying, stalking, threats etc.

Staying alert on social platforms helps prevent unwanted attention while allowing you to connect genuinely.

In Conclusion

So in summary, the "Added You by Search" notification simply means someone discovered your profile using Snapchat‘s search feature and sent a friend request.

While finds from search can lead to meaningful new connections, always trust your instincts. Don‘t accept just any random person.

Hopefully this guide gave you a better understanding of how Snapchat‘s search works and how to control your preferences.

Happy snapping!

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