"Cloud 9 Love" Means Absolute Bliss and Euphoria

"Cloud 9" evokes images of literally floating on air – which perfectly captures the heavenly euphoria of falling head-over-heels in love. But what are the origins of equating love with Cloud 9, and what makes this such an apt metaphor? Let‘s nerd out on the details…

Delving into the Origins and Meaning

While the exact origins are uncertain, the most credible explanations trace "cloud 9" back to weather classifications or spiritual enlightenment:

International Cloud Atlas Theory

  • Dating back to 1896, the cumulonimbus cloud was labeled as Cloud 9 – the highest cloud formation
  • Symbolically, being on Cloud 9 came to represent feeling "on top of the world" with joy

Buddhism Theory

  • Stages of consciousness and enlightenment referred to as "dhaynas"
  • The highest levels involved complete liberation from attachments and suffering
  • Cloud 9 metaphorically captures this state of blissful detachment

Whatever its source – the phrase caught on in the American lexicon by the 1950s:

"He was briefed on details of the new job offer, and he‘s been on cloud nine ever since."

Like gaming to the highest bonus level or entering creative flow – "cloud 9" perfectly expresses the euphoria of finding true love!

The Significance of "Cloud 9 Love"

Why does this phrase resonate so strongly when describing happy relationships?

It Captures the "High" of Early Love

That initial love rush lights up reward centers in the brain, flooding it with dopamine. New lovers can‘t eat, sleep – intoxicated in this neurochemical bliss. "Cloud 9" conveys soaring happiness.

It Speaks to the Dreamy, Detached State of Love

Longing, obsession, magical thinking – new love detaches us from reality. "Cloud 9" expresses literally floating in the heavens. Studies show early-stage love physically impacts visual perception of loved ones, enhancing positive qualities.

It Relates to the Concept of "Oneness" with a Partner

"Cloud 9" analogy has spiritual connotations of enlightenment or unity with the divine. The intimacy and synchronicity of mutual love can similarly provide transcendent feelings of harmony.

Let‘s analyze relevant data on relationship happiness…

Relationship Statistics Point to Lasting "Cloud 9" Rarity

While early-stage love offers a temporary "high", research shows sustaining cloud 9 joy poses challenges:

  • 50% of couples see happiness levels decline in 18 months per 2005 study (Lewandowski)
  • Difficult to sustain elevated dopamine without triggering addiction pathways (Young)
  • Harsh reality inevitably cracks the illusion of early euphoria (Kingham)
Year 1Year 3Year 7
Euphoric 😍Contented 🙂Companionable 😐

Yet many still seek that elusive long-term cloud 9 through relationships. Let‘s decrypt why…

Why We Chase the Cloud 9 Dragon in Love

We idealize this state of heavenly joy and oneness – sounds pretty epic, right? Analyzing human motivations behind pursuing that cloud 9 high:

Rooted in Our Neurobiology

Our brains reward bonding – critical for species survival. We crave the chemical release love provides.

Media Portrayals Build Unrealistic Expectations

Rom-coms, epic love sagas, soulmate tropes in games set faulty social precedent about sustained euphoria with "the One".

Provides Temporary Escape from Human Mortality

Through symbolic immortality of lineages or spiritual transcendence of self.

So while challenging to sustain in mature relationships, early cloud 9 love holds cultural meaning and clues into human psychology. Truly fascinating!


Kingham, M. (2022). Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence. Dutton.

Lewandowski Jr, G. W., & Aron, A. (2005). The self-expansion model of romantic relationships. In The Oxford handbook of close relationships. Oxford University Press.

Young, S. N. (2016). Biologic effects of mindfulness meditation: growing insights into neurobiologic aspects of the prevention of depression. Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience: JPN, 41(2), 75.

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