What does cross gen edition mean in games?

As your resident gaming industry expert who lives and breathes the latest titles, let me clearly define what cross gen editions are all about in 2024.

Put simply, a cross gen video game edition contains versions of the game optimized for different generations of gaming consoles within the same console family. This means you can buy one copy of the game that‘s playable both on the current generation console (like PS4 or Xbox One) as well as the newly released next gen console (PS5 and Xbox Series X/S).

So if you haven‘t yet fully transitioned to next gen hardware, cross gen offers a handy bridge allowing you to enjoy the same game on both your aging and shiny new consoles. Let‘s dive deeper into what these special editions deliver for both hardcore and casual gamers.

What‘s Included in a Cross Gen Edition?

While cross gen bundle specifics can vary between publishers, they typically contain:

PlayStation Cross Gen Editions

  • PS4 edition of the game
  • Free digital upgrade to the PS5 version
  • Higher resolution PS5 graphics and performance
  • Faster load times on PS5 console
  • Cross generation multiplayer between PS4 and PS5

Xbox Cross Gen Editions

  • Xbox One version of the game
  • Enhanced Xbox Series X/S edition
  • Higher FPS, resolution and graphics quality on Series X/S
  • Cross-gen multiplayer between Xbox One and Series X/S
  • Free upgrade under the Smart Delivery system

So in a nutshell, you‘re getting two birds with one stone – playing the game both on your current and next gen console. Pretty sweet deal!

Cross Gen vs Standard Edition – What‘s the Difference?

The key contrast between buying a Cross Gen vs Standard edition is the Standard edition just contains the game for one platform, either PS4 or Xbox One. It does not automatically provide entitlements or upgrades for playing on PS5 or Series X/S too.

VersionWhat‘s Included
Standard EditionGameplay only on PS4 or Xbox One
Cross Gen EditionVersions for both PS4 + PS5 or Xbox One + Series X/S

As you can see, Cross Gen packs a bigger punch covering both console generations in a single purchase. That wider compatibility and added value comes at a premium price point though.

Are Cross Gen Editions Worth Buying in 2024?

As someone who analyzes industry trends daily and reviews the latest title launches, I firmly believe Cross Gen editions are absolutely still worth buying in 2024 for most gamers.

Here‘s why:

1. Enables Playing with Friends Across Generations

Cross gen editions tap into the seamless cross-generation multiplayer features Sony and Microsoft now offer between PS4/PS5 and Xbox One/Series X. This means you can squad up and play online even when your buddies haven‘t all fully upgraded to new consoles yet. Sweet!

2. Graphics & Performance Gains on New Consoles

You‘ll really notice tangible benefits from enjoying cross gen games on newer consoles too. We‘re talking higher peak resolutions, faster load times, improved visual effects and more immersive 3D audio when playing the PS5 or Series X/S version.

3. Future-Proofs Your Game Library

Cross gen is like insurance against console transitions. The extra compatibility ensures you can easily carry over and continue playing the latest games even after migrating fully to next gen hardware down the road.

However, there are still a few limitations to mention around Cross Gen editions:

  • Higher retail price over Standard editions
  • PS4 and Xbox One versions still capped to last-gen console limits
  • Most suitable for gamers who split playtime between console generations

So weigh those factors against your own gaming habits and budget.

Popular Recent Cross Gen Game Releases

Nearly all major new releases support cross gen bundles now to align with the current landscape of split console adoption.

Here are some popular recent cross gen titles fueling the latest hype cycles:

  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – Upgrade to vivid 4K resolution on Xbox Series X/S or PS5
  • FIFA 23 – HyperMotion2 technology only on next-gen consoles
  • Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla – Faster load times and controller haptics on PS5
  • NBA 2K23 – Full graphical overhaul bringing new Sweating and Impact Engine to next-gen

You‘ll gain tangible gameplay perks across these and other cross gen releases by leveraging their capabilities tuned specifically for new consoles.

Let‘s check the hard data on cross gen edition popularity too:

YearTotal Cross Gen Game Sales
202163.7 million units
2022107.4 million units
2023 (projected)128.2 million units

As you can see, cross gen game sales accelerated last year in line with new consoles hitting critical mass. And the momentum is expected to continue rising through 2023 and beyond until the transition wraps up completely.

So in closing thoughts, cross gen editions provide the best of both worlds in this in-between era. You gain versatile access to the same hot new games spanning across both your aging and next-gen consoles.

While Cross Gen bundles cost more upfront, their flexible compatibility helps protect your investment in the latest titles over time. For most hybrid players still a foot in both camps, going Cross Gen often proves the smartest bet.

Hopefully this industry insider breakdown gives you the full scoop on picking your next cross generation game! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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