What Does D.Va Say When She Uses Her Ult?

D.Va‘s overpowered self-destruct ultimate ability is one of the deadliest attacks in Overwatch. But what voice line does she call out when launching her mech as a bomb? Here‘s an in-depth guide to everything D.Va shouts when activating this devastating special move.

Classic Callouts: "Nerf This!" vs "Self-Destruct Sequence"

Enemies will hear D.Va‘s signature, overconfident challenge:

"Nerf this!" (English) / "게임 끝!" (Korean)

This bold taunting dares rivals to try surviving her explosive ultimate. However, allies instead hear an urgent alert to take cover:

"Activating self-destruct sequence!" (English) / "자폭 시동!" (Korean)

D.Va signals friends to evacuate while trash talking foes – alerts tuned precisely for each team. This voice line dichotomy cleverly cues the in-game awareness of both squads.

Behind D.Va‘s Epic "Nerf This!" Trash Talk

Table: D.Va‘s Iconic Ult Voice Lines

LanguageEnemy Ult LineTranslationAlly Ult Line
English"Nerf this!""Nerf this!""Activating self-destruct sequence!"
Korean"게임 끝!""Game over!""자폭 시동!"
  • The legendary "Nerf this!" taunt exemplifies D.Va‘s feisty, competitive personality.
  • She daringly calls for her mech‘s power to be reduced – knowing it unleashes devastating damage.
  • The line is now iconic – proudly displayed wherever D.Va merch is sold to fans.
  • However, allies just hear sober warnings about the imminent explosion.

As a pro gamer, D.Va naturally trash talks rivals while cooperating with her team. Her voice lines are precision-tuned to each side‘s needs during her ultimate attack.

Audio Tells: Reacting Fast to D.Va‘s Callouts

The enemy cry of "Nerf this!" warns you‘re in mortal peril. When facing an advancing Self-Destruct mech, quickly:

  • Seek cover behind shields, walls, or terrain. Her mech‘s explosion has huge range!
  • If no cover exists, use movement abilities to flee the blast zone.
  • Tanks like Rein or Sigma can block it using shielding abilities.

However, allies must also respond quickly when D.Va warns "Activating self-destruct sequence!" by:

  • Rush to safety behind cover immediately.
  • Group up to combine shield powers if exposed.
  • Healers ready healing beams on the most vulnerable.

D.Va‘s voice lines for allies vs foes contain vital survival cues – ignore them at your own peril!

Countering Pro D.Va Players: More Ult Tips!

When facing top D.Va mains, additional strategies help counter her Self-Destruct:

  • Sombra can hack/EMP D.Va to stop or delay her ultimate activation.
  • Ana can sleep the ejected D.Va mid-air, securing kills.
  • Zarya‘s barriers grant temporary immunity to damage/CC.
  • Timing defense matrixes (Sigma/D.Va) can eat the explosion.

D.Va‘s ult remains notoriously deadly, even after nerfs and hero reworks. But using these advanced tactics lets skilled players stand a fighting chance!

Beyond Her Ultimate: Other Core D.Va Voice Lines

While D.Va‘s confident, spirited "Nerf this!" remains her most iconic callout, she shouts other memorable voice lines when using basic abilities or eliminations:

Micro Missiles: "Say Ahhh!" – Fires barrage of small rockets.
Boosters: "Boosters engaged!" – Jet booster mobility skill.
Call Mech (Respawn): "Time to raise my APM!" – Reference to gaming Actions Per Minute.
Eject! (From Mech): "Ejecting!" Out of mech panic line.

Plus many snarky elimination quips like "LOL, owned!" when defeating enemies.

So while the notorious "Nerf this!" understandably hogs the spotlight, D.Va‘s full voice over kit contains multiple gamer expressions fitting her feisty pro-gamer personality!

In Summary: D.Va Ult Voice Line Cheat Sheet

  • Enemies: "Nerf this!" Warns rival players of incoming epic explosion.
  • Allies: "Activating self-destruct sequence!" Urges teammates to immediately seek cover!
  • D.Va Ult Stats: Up to 1000 damage, 10 meter explosion radius when charged fully.
  • "Nerf this!" captures D.Va‘s taunting, competitive spirit as an elite gamer.
  • Hearing either ult line is the signal to react quickly before getting blown up!

So whether you main D.Va or desperately counter her ult, understanding these iconic voice lines gives a gameplay edge. Time the right survival response as soon as you hear either her trash talk or self-destruct sequence warning shouted!

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