The Hidden Depth Behind "Her Excellency" – What Gorou Really Means When He Calls Kokomi That

As a passionate Genshin Impact gamer who lives and breathes Teyvat lore, one relationship has always fascinated me – the intriguing bond between resistance general Gorou and Divine Priestess Kokomi.

At surface level, Gorou refers to Kokomi as "Her Excellency", an honorific denoting deep respect. But for those who ship these two, there are hints of a far more complex dynamic bubbling under the surface.

So what does Gorou truly mean when he calls Kokomi "Her Excellency"? Is it purely reverence for a leader, suppressed romantic longing, or something more nuanced entirely?

A Primer on Gorou and Kokomi‘s Backstories

To analyze this relationship, first we need context on who these characters are.

Gorou is a general of the Watatsumi Island resistance, leading troops against the Vision Hunt Decree. Despite his youth, his brilliant tactics have brought many victories. He‘s descended from Inari shrine maidens, giving him his signature fox-like ears and tail.

Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, likewise leading the resistance effort. As a strategic mastermind managing logistics and politics, she‘s renowned as The Pearl of Wisdom. She‘s also descended from an ancient sea creature, granting hydro powers.

|  Gorou           |
| Vision:  Geo     |
| Weapon: Bow      | 
| Age: Early 20s   |
| Gender: Male     |
| Title: General   |

|  Kokomi          |  
| Vision: Hydro    |
| Weapon: Catalyst |
| Age: Early 20s   |
| Gender: Female   | 
| Title: Priestess |

Table showing key details on Gorou and Kokomi

So despite their contrasting abilities and responsibilities, they share the common cause of freeing Inazuma from tyranny. But how exactly did these two become so close?

The Development of Their Relationship Dynamic

While details are sparse in-game, examining voiced lines and quest dialogue provides clues.

We know Gorou has always seen Kokomi as his guiding light. He tells the Traveler:

"Her Excellency is the beacon and the pillar of Watatsumi Island…she guides us and gives us strength."

This foundational reverence likely started in childhood, as they grew up together on Watatsumi Island.

However, their relationship has almost certainly deepened beyond mere respect, into real friendship (and perhaps more). Kokomi directly calls Gorou "a very reliable friend" and seems to confide in him frequently.

Likewise, Gorou‘s admiration has a distinct intimacy – he calls her "as wise as she is benevolent", praising her character beyond just leadership qualities.

There are even subtle hints they may secretly be pining for one another! When Gorou denies having any wishes, Kokomi teasingly asks if he "has someone he secretly admires". Gorou reacts with flustered shock, suggesting she struck a nerve.

Additionally, quest dialogue shows Kokomi comfortably reaching out to grip Gorou‘s arm, hinting at casual physical intimacy. Gorou welcomes this, showing no discomfort.

So while they present themselves formally in public, in private they share a warm, trusting bond – one where deeper feelings likely simmer underneath.

The "Kokogorou" Shipping Phenomenon – Fans Sense Romantic Tension

Analyzing Gorou and Kokomi‘s subtle hints of closeness and intimacy has led many fans to start "shipping" them – wishing for them to get into a romantic relationship.

In fandom spaces like Reddit, Tumblr, and Twitter, supporters excitedly point to evidence of mutual affection. Some key points they highlight:

  • Gorou‘s devotion goes beyond just duty – he shows genuine love for Kokomi‘s character
  • Kokomi lets her guard down around Gorou, suggesting comfort with his presence
  • They both become flustered when asked about crushes and romance
  • There seems to be intimate eye contact and casual physical touch between them

As a prominent Genshin content creator myself, I‘ve seen this "Kokogorou" shipping gain significant traction in the fandom.

KokogorouPortmanteau nickname combining "Kokomi" and "Gorou" used by shippers
ShippingSupporting two characters entering a romantic relationship
ShippersFans who endorse and root for a hypothetical romantic pairing

Key terminology used by shippers and fandom members

In polls across major Genshin fan hubs like Reddit, Kokogorou frequently ranks among the top 5 most popular ships. Many fans eagerly create fan art and fiction about this pairing!

So clearly, a significant portion of the playerbase senses legitimate chemistry between Gorou and Kokomi. But could these ardent shippers merely be indulging fantasy? Or do Gorou and Kokomi secretly harbor mutual affection without acting upon it?

The Heartfelt Meaning Behind "Her Excellency" – Reverence or Love?

Returning to our original question then – what might Gorou truly be implying when he calls Kokomi "Her Excellency"? Is it purely honor and respect for Watatsumi Island‘s leader?

For shippers, Gorou using an intimite title like "Excellency" instead of her proper name – Sangonomiya – suggests close familiarity. Add the subtle romantic hints from quests, and they believe Gorou harbors deeper devotion…perhaps even genuine passionate love.

In my opinion as an avid analyst of Genshin lore, the truth likely lies somewhere in between. Gorou certainly has tremendous respect for Kokomi‘s leadership and wisdom. But simultaneously, I believe his earnest admiration has also cultivated an affectionate personal bond over the years.

However, as a faithful general, Gorou would likely suppress any selfish romantic longings out of duty. Likewise, heinous war crimes by the Shogun‘s forces have rightfully occupied Kokomi‘s focus instead.

So in summary, while Gorou and Kokomi may secretly harbor mutual fondness, acting upon romantic feelings would currently conflict with their responsibilities.

Nonetheless, their remarkably close partnership and trust remains a rare bright spot in these dark times for Inazuma. Gorou calling Kokomi "Her Excellency" encompasses both tremendous respect and subtle intimicy between steadfast friends. Their bond ripples with untapped potential…should peace one day allow it.

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