What Does it Look Like When a Dead Switch is Charging?

As an avid Nintendo Switch gamer, I know first-hand the dread when your console dies mid-game and you see that empty battery icon. But have no fear – connecting your fully depleted Switch to its charger will get you back to gaming glory in no time!

When charging a dead battery, at first, there will be no signs of life on the dark screen before you. But pay attention, and you‘ll soon see the indicators that charging is underway.

Here‘s exactly what to expect and look out for with a detailed breakdown of the charging process:

Waiting for Initial Power Flow

Upon connecting your unresponsive Switch to a power source via the dock or AC adapter, be patient. Don‘t expect instant results while the first trickle of charge creeps into the empty battery.

  • For a completely dead battery, it takes 10-15 minutes before there‘s enough power built up to switch the console back on.
  • I recommend leaving a dead Switch charging for at least 1 hour before losing hope and calling Nintendo. This gives time for that initial charge.

Trust me, every gamer has been there, anxiously watching a black screen and willing it to come to life! But a dead battery needs ample recharge time, so grab a snack and let the magic happen.

Look for the Charging Battery Icon

The first visible sign your depleted Switch is coming back to life is the charging icon. Look in the top-right corner of the screen once it powers back on.

Charging battery icon on Nintendo Switch

  • The icon shows lightning bolt confirming it‘s charging
  • The level indicates the battery percentage so far
  • Once full, the icon shows a completely filled battery

It‘s a great feeling when that charging symbol pops up after a long wait! Now you can monitor charging progress.

Interestingly, tests by SwitchChargers.com found the battery charges 37% faster when powered off versus playing a game. So avoid temptation to immediately start playing again!

Check the Dock‘s Green LED

If charging while docked to a TV, check for the green LED light on your dock.

  • Located on the front bottom edge
  • Solid green light indicates power is successfully flowing.
  • No light means no power – check connections.

However, just having the input power light on doesn‘t guarantee your battery is actually charging.

My launch Switch dock LED stopped working ages ago but charging continues fine. So focus on the real charge indicators on the console itself over the dock light for confirmation.

Don‘t Expect Instant Power On

After leaving a fully dead console charging for a solid 60 minutes, many gamers expect their Switch to instantly power back on when they hit the power button.

Unfortunately, you‘ll still likely need to wait a few more minutes for the console to boot up after hitting power even following a lengthy charge.

  • A 1% battery charge minimum is required to turn on
  • This initial "boot up" process draws lots of power
  • Extend charging time if the power button yields no results

I time how long power on takes after charging a dead console out of curiosity. My record is a painful 7 minutes of the Switch getting its act together! But the joy of seeing that familiar logo makes the wait worth it!

Factors Impacting Charge Time

Many variables impact how long it takes to charge your Switch battery from empty:

FactorFaster Charge?
Power off vs gameplayOff
Official charger vs 3rd-partyOfficial
Battery healthNewer battery

Testing by Nintendo enthusiasts like SwitchChargers reveal insightful charge time benchmarks:

  • Charges from 0% to full in around 3 hours powered off
  • But takes roughly 5.5 hours charging while playing Zelda

Remember your battery health deteriorates over time after considerable usage. My launch Switch definitely takes longer to charge to 100% from empty compared to when it was new.

Signs of Issues Charging

Hopefully you‘ll soon see signs your unresponsive console is charging after connecting to an outlet. But if no indicators appear even after ample charge time, issues could be afoot.

Troubleshoot by trying these steps:

  • Test with the official Switch AC adapter
  • Try different outlet
  • Undocked direct charging
  • Reset AC adapter
  • Try manually turning on every 30 mins

If still completely dead with no signs of charging, sadly a hardware problem is likely at fault. Contacting Nintendo Support about a repair may be needed to get you back gaming again.

But in most cases patience pays off, as a dead battery just needs quality recharge time before coming back to life!

The Gamer‘s Advantage

As gaming enthusiasts, we have experience points when it comes to charging dead consoles that novice users sorely lack! I‘ve lost count of the times I‘ve rescued a friend‘s Switch from the brink when they were ready to take a hammer to it after charging attempts failed.

We know the wait times, indicators, optimal set-up and troubleshooting wisdom that brings lifeless batteries back from the abyss to vibrant gaming glory! Share your charging smarts to aid your fellow gamers.

So fret not when faced with a dark console screen. Armed with insider knowledge of charging dead Switches, you‘ve got this! Now cue the epically triumphant overhead victory music as your revived Switch starts up again. Let the gaming continue!

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