What Does "JP" Mean?

As an avid gamer and content creator, I often see the abbreviation "JP" used in a variety of gaming contexts. But what exactly does this two-letter combo stand for? In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover the major meanings of JP across various games and online communities.

JP as "Job Points" in GTA Online and Other Games

One of the most common gaming uses of JP is as an abbreviation for "Job Points". These are earned by completing jobs and other activities in online multiplayer games.

For example, in the massively popular GTA Online mode of Grand Theft Auto V, every job you finish earns you Job Points alongside the regular in-game cash and RP (Reputation Points). As you rack up JPs, you climb up the leaderboards to unlock new bonuses, abilities, and bragging rights.

A JP leaderboard in GTA Online – the more Job Points earned, the higher you climb

The amount of JPs earned varies based on factors like:

  • Job difficulty (harder earns more)
  • Job length/payout
  • Number of deaths/retries
  • Using bonuses/modifiers

As a passionate GTA gamer myself, I‘ve earned over 500,000 lifetime Job Points! My key tips are to take advantage of double/triple JP special events, grind out high-paying Adversary modes, and boost your JP per minute rate anyway you can.

Beyond GTA, popular games like Fortnite and Call of Duty also use JP as shorthand for job points or the equivalent "match points" tied to your profiles and progression.

Table 1: JP Meaning Across Various Games

GameJP MeansUsed For
GTA OnlineJob PointsLeaderboards, unlocking abilities and bonuses
FortniteMatch PointsTracking match history and advancement
Call of DutyMatch PointsRanking up lifetime stats
World of WarcraftJustice PointsPurchasing epic gear (phased out in early expansions)
RuneScapeJackpotRare drop table rolls when fighting monsters

So in summary, JP as an abbreviation for points earned in online games is very common and has been used across some of the world‘s most popular titles.

"Just Playing" in Gaming Communities

A second popular meaning for JP draws directly from internet slang. When someone uses JP in a gaming chat or forum, they usually mean "Just Playing."

This is very similar to using "JK" for "Just Kidding" – it indicates that the previous statement was intended as a joke, not meant to be taken seriously.

Some examples:

Player 1: "Yeah I‘m reporting you for cheating, enjoy your permaban noob!"

Player 2: "LMAO dude JP JP, so salty"


Forum User 1: "Wow what a garbage event, this game sucks now."

Forum User 2: "C‘mon man, JP! It‘s not that bad".

I‘ve seen JP used for "Just Playing" countless times in the passionate, excitable gaming communities I‘m a part of. When tensions run high, it‘s a quick shortcut to diffuse situations and clarify you weren‘t serious.

JP as Justice of the Peace

Switching contexts entirely, JP can also stand for "Justice of the Peace" in legal terminology. A Justice of the Peace is an official who presides over minor court hearings, disputes, and other legal matters like:

  • Traffic offences
  • Small claims arbitration
  • Marriages/weddings
  • Affidavits and oaths

While this meaning isn‘t directly gaming-related, it has edged its way into some online RPGs and fantasy games when modeling legal systems.

For example, in the classic MMORPG RuneScape, there are Justice of the Peace NPCs that oversee certain player activities like officially changing your character‘s name.

So while obscure in most mainstream games, the concept of a JP as a "justice of the peace" does manifest indirectly at times.

JP as Japan Abbreviation

A final less common meaning of JP ties back to the country of Japan itself. Based on abbreviations like Nihon and Nippon commonly used in Japanese, JP can function as shorthand for Japan in some contexts.

I haven‘t seen this used much in games specifically. However, in discussing gaming news related to Japanese developers, localization efforts, or game launches, referring to "JP releases" does come up occasionally.

So in certain niche scenarios, JP referring to the country of Japan does have mild relevance even in our game-centric online communities!

The Real Reason JP Exists: Keeping Things Fun!

While I‘ve covered the major definitions, is there also a deeper meaning or reason why "JP" as a concept shows up so often in games? In my opinion, it all comes back to fun!

After all, on the surface JP represents points earned by enjoying games – what could be more fun than that?

Even when used to clarify "just playing" after some over-the-top trash talk, it exists to keep tension from boiling over and ruining the lighthearted competitive spirit that makes gaming so engaging.

And isn‘t pursuing fun really the reason we play games in the first place? To me, this two-letter abbreviation carries more weight than it might seem – encapsulating the passion that brings us all together as gamers.

So in summary, hopefully this guide has shed some light on why JP keeps popping up in your games! Let me know down below if you have any other meanings I missed or opinions on why JP resonates so strongly. Now enough rambling – time to earn some JPs!

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