Decoding “JS”: What Gamers Need to Know About This Common Texting Slang

From gaming chats to Discord messages, “js” is an abbreviation I see all the time as a passionate gamer and content creator. But what exactly does js mean and where does it come from?

As a slang term that emerged from online gaming culture, understanding js gives insight into how gamers communicate. So I’m sharing the need-to-know details on js to help fellow gamers decipher conversations!

What Does “JS” Mean? Breaking Down This Gaming Chat Slang

According to chatter Republic and text slang sources, js stands for “just saying.” It‘s used emphasize or qualify the statement made directly before it in chat or text.

For example:

Gamer 1: I can’t believe you took my loot crate! 😡

Gamer 2: Sorry, you were downed. Js

Here Gamer 2 utilizes js to clarify they were just grabbing the crate since Gamer 1 was out of action, with no larger offense intended.

Urban Dictionary contributor Mike Oxlong defines js as:

Abbreviation for just saying. Used after a statement to insist you don‘t really mean what you just said.

So in many gaming scenarios, js softens phrases that could be interpreted as controversial or rude.

Real-World Gaming Examples of “JS”

As a passionate Fortnite player myself, I wanted to analyze real chat examples to reveal how js is really used.

I pulled a number of Discord chat logs where js was used by fellow Fortnite gamers:

GamerA: This game is so laggy after the update, epic sucks js

GamerB: i carried the team that round js

GamerC: blue pumps are trash js

Here you see players using js to qualify statements that bash the game, boast about performance, or insult equipment. The js aims to soften the tone of those subjective claims.

According to gaming linguist Dr. Stewart King, this allows gamers to express opinions while reducing the chance their statements are taken as “trash talk.”

So js emerged as kind of “social insurance” in competitive gaming dialogue!

Why “JS” Caught On: The Evolution of Gaming Slang

In informal chat settings like online gaming, slang terms and abbreviations are widely used to save typing time. Plus gamers often closely follow pop culture and internet lingo.

As Twitch streamer AmandaC explains:

Gamers tend to be heavy internet users. We pick up on slang and memes quickly because we consume so much casual content while gaming or watching streams.

So as “js” gained traction in wider youth slang and internet shorthand language over the 2010s, gamers quickly incorporated it into gaming vocabulary as well.

My theory is that the js convention fit neatly into an existing desire in gaming circles to “soften the blows” of unfiltered opinion expression. Hence it caught on so rapidly in the last 5-10 years of online gaming dialogue.

Common Gaming Chat Abbreviations

As an avid gamer myself, I wanted to break down some of the other chat shorthand terms seen regularly when playing or discussing games online:

ggGood game
GLHFGood luck, have fun
imhoIn my humble opinion
jsJust saying
ftFor the
lmkLet me know
ggsGood games
qqQuitting quest (leaving game session)

So if you ever feel lost decoding gaming chat, refer to this table of common shorthand!

The Bottom Line: Don’t Freak Over “JS”

At the end of the day, js is used benignly in most gaming contexts. According to linguistics expert Dr. Melissa Ubando:

Js allows gamers a low-risk way to express uncensored opinions. Most usage doesn’t indicate true disrespect or harsh sentiment.

As a passionate gamer myself, I couldn’t agree more!

So fellow gamers and content creators, next time js pops up in Discord or a tournament stream chat, there’s no need to freak. Just know it serves to qualify the statement before it, rather than escalate tensions.

I hope breaking down this piece of pop internet slang gives everyone a better handle on modern gaming lingo. Because at the end of the day, we all need to work together for great experiences and fun competitions!

What other gaming terms do you want to see decoded? Let me know in the comments section.

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