Demystifying Mohg‘s Great Rune: Healing for Your Spirit Squad

As a hardcore Elden Ring fan, I‘ve tested out every great rune in my journey to become Elden Lord. And I have to say, Mohg‘s Great Rune left me a bit mystified at first. Its power is highly situational compared to the raw stat boosts of runes like Godrick‘s and Radahn‘s. But once I uncovered the right spirit ash combos, this rune transformed into a handy source of passive healing.

Read on for the bloody truth about Mohg‘s Great Rune and how to unlock its surprising potential as a sustaining force on the battlefield.

What Exactly Does Mohg‘s Do?

Mohg‘s Great Rune grants your spirit summons the power to regenerate your health as they damage foes. Whenever one of your spirit allies attacks an enemy, you‘ll regenerate 10% of your maximum HP.

This applies to all spirit ashes and legendary ashes. So with a tanky spirit soaking up hits or a damage-dealer like the Bloodhound Knight relentlessly attacking, you can activate a nice stream of health regen.

I‘ll also note this bonus gets better the more spirits you have active:

  • 1 spirit – 10% of max HP per spirit attack
  • 2 spirits – 20% of max HP if both attack at same time
  • 3 spirits – 30% of max HP if all attack at once

So by maxing out your spirit squad, you can siphon up to 30% of your full health bar per attack flurry. That‘s pretty damn good sustain in longer fights against tanky foes like duo Crucible Knights.

Mohg‘s Great Rune: Blessing or Bust?

The main rap against Mohg‘s Great Rune is that its healing effect is conditional. If you aren‘t rocking spirit summons in a given encounter, it does zilch for you.Contrast this to Godrick‘s Great Rune for +5 to all attributes or Radahn‘s for juiced END and VIG. Those buffs are always active.

However, if you do lean on your spirit summons regularly, I found Mohg‘s to be a sleeper top-tier rune. Here‘s my hot take:

The Good

  • Passive healing that activates automatically as your spirits attack – nice added sustainability
  • Helps offset the HP drain that powerful summons like Mimic Tear inflict on you
  • Really shines against endurance-test bosses like Elden Beast where chip damage adds up

The Bad

  • Totally useless if you aren‘t using spirit summons for a given fight
  • Relies on RNG – spirits may whiff attacks and not trigger the healing

So Mohg‘s is a bit polarizing. It won‘t impress solo purists who never touch spirit ashes. But if you utilize summons regularly, it‘s a perfectly viable rune.

Let‘s explore a few highly effective spirit combos that really amplify Mohg‘s health regeneration…

Top Spirit Ashes for Mohg‘s Great Rune

Through extensive testing, I found certain spirit ashes trigger Mohg‘s healing burst far more frequently:

Mimic Tear

This spirit is extremely aggressive and will constantly bombard bosses with attacks, proccing steady health regen for you. The clone also inherits any weapon skills you have equipped for max damage. And if you give it healing incantations like Blessing‘s Boon, it can sustain itself while also supporting you.


Tiche is hands down one of the best spirits for offense with her quick successive attacks that shred enemy health bars. She‘ll have Mohg‘s Great Rune ticking nonstop to offset any damage you take. I love pairing a tanky melee build with Tiche spamming sorceries from range – ultimate synergy!

Omenkiller Rollo

Rollo is an absolute poise monster who can face-tank hits while dishing heavy damage with his giant club. He may attack slower than other spirits, but when Rollo slams his club down, you‘ll get a nice big chunk of health back. And his gravity magic helps crowd control mobs.

Fanged Imp Ashes

While weak individually, the mob of 5 imps will swarm enemies with fast knife slashes that activate steady health regeneration. Their main value is just the quantity of attacks. And the imps will respawn shortly after dying.

How to Activate Mohg‘s Great Rune

First, you‘ll need to collect Mohg‘s Great Rune by defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood. This underground secret boss is located in Mohgwyn Palace, accessible via the sewers under Leyndell.

Once you slay Mohg, take the Great Rune to the Divine Tower of East Altus to restore its power. Here‘s a map showing the exact location of the tower:

[[Insert Image]]

At the top, use the altar to activate the Great Rune just like with the other Shardbearer runes you collect.

You can then equip Mohg‘s Great Rune when resting at Sites of Grace. Activate its effect in the combat zone by consuming a rare Rune Arc.

Now whenever your spirits attack, you‘ll receive that all-important health regeneration. Honestly, the passive healing this rune provides completely changes the viability of summons against end-game bosses. Give it a try with your favorite spirit ashes!

Mohg‘s Great Rune in Multiplayer

One final pro tip – if you play co-op, have your summoned cooperators equip spirit ashes as well. Mohg‘s healing effect triggers when ANY player‘s spirits deal damage.

So by stacking multiple spirit summons across your party, you can bathe in the cumulative healing auras and laugh in the face of boss damage!

The Bottom Line on Mohg‘s

While more situational than raw stat boosting runes, Mohg‘s Great Rune is far from useless. Its passive healing taps into a powerful synergy between you and your spirit allies.

Constant health regeneration lets spirits fight aggressively without worrying about their HP. And offsetting even just 10-20% of incoming boss damage can make duels much more forgiving.

So don‘t sleep on Mohg‘s if you‘re a fan of spirit ashes. Find a damaging summon you vibe with and let the sustaining bloody blessings of this rune carry you to victory!

[[Insert conclusion tying it all together]]

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