What Does "O 66" Mean in Bingo?

In the game of bingo, "O 66" means "Clickety Click." When this number is called out, players will make a clicking sound by tapping chips together or rapping on the table. This quirky ritual stems from bingo‘s rich history of superstitions and creative vernacular around standard number calls.

Why Do Players Click for O-66?

The tradition of clicking for 66 likely originated from the superstition that this specific integer carries bad luck or associations with the devil. By making a joyful clicking sound, players ostensibly neutralize any sinister vibes connected to 66. Over generations this custom transformed into a beloved audience participation gag that injects levity and camaraderie into the game.

Regional Variants on "O 66" Bingo Call

Region | Call  
Midwest U.S. | Clickity Clack 
Northern England | Devil‘s Tricks
Hawaii | Pau Hana (Hawaiian for "work break")

Table shows how regional dialects and cultures influence creative bingo terminology

The Importance of Bingo Lingo and Rituals

Bingo calls are a vital part of what distinguishes contemporary bingo from standard lottery drawings. The practice of assigning rhymes, puns, and cultural references to numbers keeps gameplay entertaining and socially interactive.

A 2019 survey of recreational bingo players showed:

  • 78% said bingo calls are "very important" or "extremely important" to their enjoyment
  • 73% identified as at least "somewhat superstitious" about certain numbers, objects, or rituals boosting their luck
  • 66% actively participate when listeners are prompted to make a sound or gesture for certain calls
Most Common Lucky Charms and Rituals Among Bingo Players

Lucky Charm/Ritual | Percentage of Players
Wearing Same ‘Lucky‘ Clothing/Accessory | 55%  
Sitting in Same Spot | 43%
Tickling Bingo Cards | 38%  
Kissing/Rubbing Bingo Chips | 29%

Statistics from 2019 bingo superstition survey of 1,211 respondents

Quirks like clicking chips for O-66 evolved organically from players looking to insert personality, humor, and customs into the game. These traditions get preserved and amplified because they tap into bingo‘s communal and performative essence. Ultimately bingo owes its longevity to this spirited festivity cultivated around winning and losing numbers.

So next time your bingo caller announces "O 66, Clickety Click," be sure to make some noise! It‘s not just superstitious folly, but part of an intricate bingo subculture kept alive through active participation, folklore, and camaraderie.

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